Chapter 1

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Aurora Bell The past 3 and a half years that I have been in Limerick have been the best ever. I made two really amazing friends and I don't know what I would do without them. I meet Sophia and Jack O'Conner on my first day of school my freshman year. They were both starting as freshman also. Sophia was 18 and Jack was 20. Jack said he'd had an accident that had made it to where he wasn't able to start college at 18. I dont know what happened but from what i understand it was pretty bad. He said he had no problem with starting at 20 though because at least he'll be there to keep an eye out on his little sister and keep the boys away. He's kept with that promise to. He's kept them away from both of us because he says he see's me as a sister also and feels really protective of me for some reason. I have no problem's with it because I'm not worried about boys I'm worried about work and school. Sophia however hates it because she wants to go out and date and have fun and she not only has to put up with his bossiness at school but at home also since they share a condo together. He told her that she would thank him one day and she knew why. I was confused but she apparently knew what he was talking about. Sophia and Jack have a pretty big family. There is their mom Amelia and dad Oliver and two older brothers Jacob and James. I've only ever met James and that's because he's Jack's twin brother. He comes here to visit Sophia and Jack once a month and more if he's able to. Their other brother Jacob is alway busy with running their family's company. Sophia is always mad because she doesn't get to see him very often. They are also always surrounded by their friends to. They even have four that goes to school with us. I've seen them around but never really talked to them. Sophia says their all like family and their all really close and tend to keep to themselves. I've never talked to any of them or even been close to them but i've seen them around school. Sophia has offered to help me find my birth family many times, but I'm not sure that I want to find them. If they gave me away right after I was born then they must not have wanted me. And I don't want to be around people that don't want me. It's one of the reason I've always stayed to myself. Untill I met Sophia and Jack that is. Sophia always says she took me in because she new we was gonna be best friends and because no one should be alone. I also think it's because family means the world to her and she hates that I don't have any family. It doesn't bother me though, and besides I've got her and Jack now. Their family live in Galway and James goes to school there so he can help with their family business. They don't talk about their family much but I do know that they are all close. Sophia said that her and Jack are going to go visit with their family for spring break. She wanted me to go with them but I've planned a trip by myself. And to be honest being around family's is something that I'm not comfortable with. I guess it's because I've never had a family, and the foster family's that I were with could be very mean and abusive. It's part of the reason that Id rather be alone. I'm going to go to The Clare Glens to take pictures for a class project and an art project that I've got to do. I also have to paint a picture so these pictures will help me be able to do that. All of the pictures that I have to do are to revolve around water, and when I was looking up places to go get the pictures that I needed to The Clare Glens seemed to call out to me. The Clare Glens is a wooded area along the banks of the Clare River and it separates the counties Limerick and Tipperary. I've looked it up and it says that there is breathtaking scenery and dense Forrest's with calm crystal clear waters. There's also numerous waterfalls and loopwalks. I can't wait to go and explore it and take in all of the beautiful sights. They say that their is a lot of beautiful sights to be seen off of the loopwalks but it can be dangerous to go to those places. I don't plane on going off the trail though. I'm going to stick to the trail and get the pictures I need. I plan to stick close to home for our spring break but I do plan to go site seeing to some places I've not been to yet and even ones that I have. I also have to work at the pub in the evenings for most of the week. Sophia hates that I work in a pub, especially when I have to work at night. She's begged me before to either move in with her or find a different job. I love working at the pub though. The boss is awesome, my costumers are nice and the tips I get are unbelievable. I can't wait to go site seeing. But before that can happen I've got to finish out this last week of school before spring break. Which means studying for exams, and working. I can't wait for spring break to have a bit of a break from school but I'm also going to miss my best friends. Spring break is in April and then at the end of April is my birthday. It use to be a day that I hated because I was always alone. But now I have my best friends so it's not so bad anymore. This site seeing trip I'm taking is kind of a birthday present to myself. I wanted to do something alone before hand because I know on my birthday I'll be with Sophia and Jack to celebrate my 21st birthday. Every year since we first met, we've always done something together for our birthdays. Its usually aways before or after the actual birthday and depending on when their family has something planned. They already have it planned out and I can't say that I don't want to do anything because they never listen. But I don't mind because for the first time in forever I finally have a family. For the first time in a long time im finally not alone.
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