Dragon Color Meanings

221 Words
This is not a chapter it is a guide to tell you what the color meanings is for the dragons. Every dragon will be different colors so this will help you know what they stand for. It also tells you what powers that they have. Some may have all of the powers of the color that they have and some may only get one power with that color. It depends on where they are in the rank. This is my first time publishing a story on here so please leave comments and positive feedback to let me know what you think. I really hope that you like this story I have worked hard on it and it took a lot of courage for me to post this on here. Thank you for reading. Rainbow - Myth, Has the powers of every color. Purple - Wealth & Royalty Dark Yellow - Wealth & Prosperity Grey - Great age, Older than 500 Red - Passion & Fire Warriors Blue - Freedom & Trackers Green - Earth, Cunning , Poison Breath White - Ice, Snow, Cowards. Brass Brown - Talkative Bronze - Powerful, Justice, Protectors Copper - Pranksters, Jokesters Gold - Good, Champions against evil & foul play Silver - Healing Abilities, doctors Black - Evil, Rogues Pale Yellow - Ill Omen, Cowards, Weakness
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