Chapter 9

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Jacob Waking up the next morning I got up and used the bathroom and then got another shower. I need it to be able to wake up. After my shower I double checked my bags to make sure that I had everything that I would need the next week. Once I seen that I had everything with the exceptions of what I would need to stop and get I headed out of my bedroom. Instead of fixing my breakfast I would just swing by McDonalds and grab food and coffee. I sat my bags by the door and went back to get my briefcase and make sure that everything was in it that i needed. I got ahold of my housekeeper Maria and told her that I would be gone for the next week. I also told her that she could get any of the food that was in the fridge and use it so it doesnt go bad. Shes use to me giving her food when I go out of town so this isn't anything new to her. She also picks up my mail and puts it on the desk in my home office for me. When I get everything done that I needed to I grab my bags and leave the my condo. When its locked up I get in the elevator and head down to the underground parking garage. I load up my bags in the back seat of my truck and then off I go. On my way I stop at McDonald's and get a large caramel iced frappe, six double bacon egg and cheese mcmuffins and six hash browns. Dragons can really put the food away, and it wont be long and ill be hungry again. Once I get my frappe and food I head to the office. I have half of my food done by the time that I get there. When I get to the office I grab my briefcase, my coffee and food and lock up my truck and head to the elevator. Like always I am the first one here when I make it upstairs. I go into my office and start going thru the meetings and stuff for today. I double check the notes that I left for Howard and Niall and make sure that I dont have anything major to take care of. While I was taking care of that I finished off my breakfast and my frappe. When Miss Elizabeth gets here she brings me in a cup of hot coffee. "Good morning Miss Elizabeth. How are you this morning? I hope you had a good evening." "Good morning Jacob, I am good this morning. I had a wonderful evening. Tonight will be even better. Its book club night tonight, of course we'll be down one with your mom gone. Which reminds me I have our new book that we will be starting can you give it to her for me?" she asked me. "Of course I can, and I know that she will miss it as well. She loves the book club. If she had it her way shed try to have it every week instead of every two weeks. And oh here look at this picture she sent me last night. I guess one of Jack and Sophia's friends painted it for class and gave it to mom. Its really good, I first thought that it was a picture of the two of them." "Oh my, that is just beautiful whoever did it did a wonderful job on it. I hope she got a good grade on it because thats just amazing. Im gonna go get to work ill be back in when Gamma Howard and Beta Niall get here. Do you need anything right now?" "No im good for now thank you Miss Elizabeth." She left out of the office and I got back to work. A half an hour later Gamma Howard and Delta Niall came into my office and was soon followed in by Miss Elizabeth. She had two coffees in her hands and a book under her arm. "Good morning Gamma Howard and Delta Niall" I said. "Good morning Jacob" they said at the same time. "I tried to get as much as I could done yesterday and this morning. I will show you what all there is to do next week and today. There is no real important meetings, I think there is only a couple of meetings but its nothing major. I know you both helped dad run the company when he ran it but ive changed alot of stuff since then. So if you need any help at all just ask Miss Elizabeth. She is a wise one and I think that she could run this whole place alone. As I told her if anything major comes up then you can call me and ill try to get back here asap. Now let me show you what all there is to do." I sat down with Howard and Niall and showed them what all needed done today and next week and explained how to do everything. When i had showed them everything and made sure they had the passwords for my office computer and keys for the office, I got ready to leave. As I was leaving from my office I stopped and turned back. "By the way Miss Elizabeth knows and ill tell you so that you know. Ashley Fenton is NOT allowed on the premises. I had to have her thrown off the property again last night. She was in the garage when I went to leave. She acts like shes my girlfriend and soon to be wife and queen. I had to tell her again that only my mate will be my wife and queen" I said. Howard snorted and said "That doesn't surprise me at all. Her father is just as delusional. He tried to get your dad to make an arranged marriage between you and her. He said it would be for the good of the kingdom since you haven't found your mate and probably dont have one. He even went as far as to say that she is part of a prominent family and her dragon is a rainbow dragon. Of course when King Oliver told him to prove it he refused to. Said that he would only prove it when there was an agreement between them. Your dad of course refused and said it wouldn't happen." "Rainbow dragon my ass" said Niall. "Ive seen her dragon before shes a pale yellow just like Arnold and shes got brass brown from her mom. Shes also got white on her and im not sure but I think its from Arnold also. I think he had white on him and it started turning to black. Shes also starting to get spots of black on her." "I dont trust either of them, so please keep an eye out for them ill also let grandpa and grandma know when I see them in a little bit. Im gonna head to the palace now if you need anything just ask Miss Elizabeth and if for some reason she cant answer you, call me" I said. "Will do, have fun on your trip and dont worry we got things handled here" Howard said. "I will see you guys when I get back" and with that I left the office. On my way to my car I got a text from my grandma telling me that we were gonna have lunch at the palace before we left. I was going to stop and eat but since there would be food at the palace I figured that I would just wait and eat there. The palace chiefs are some of the best around and I love to eat their food. Thankfully I didnt have any trouble getting in my car and leaving today. I stopped by a store on the way and picked up a few things that I needed to take with me. After I was done at the store I took off for the castle. It didnt take any time at all to get to the palace. And soon I was pulling into the gates and up the driveway that lead to it. Its a site that I never get sick of seeing. Its just so beautiful. I pulled up right in front and got out. I was going to leave my car sit there so that I could drive to the airport when we leave. One of the guards came over to get the keys to move it but I told him that I would be taking it to the airport so it could stay there. When I walked in I could hear my Grandpa Charlie arguing with someone. I followed the sound to my dads office on the first floor. He has two offices, one on the top floor and one on the bottom. The one upstairs he uses when hes just working on paper work and anything extremely important and secretive. The one on the bottom floor is for his meetings and talking to the people of the kingdom. The door was open when I got to it and I could see Grandpa Charlie standing there arguing with Arnold. I walked right in an asked "What seems to be the problem here? I can hear you two arguing clear out by the front door." "You this is about you, you egotistical piece of s**t. You put your hands on my daughter and now shes got a black eye and a busted lip and she said that you did it at your office last night. When you threw her out. Thats no way to treat your girlfriend and future wife and queen. You need to learn how to show her the respect that she deserves" He yelled at me. Not only was I pissed off but my dragon Drake was as well. I grabbed him by the throat and held him up against the wall, his feet wasn't even touching the ground. "Now you listen here you piece of s**t. I didnt touch your daughter. I had my security guys throw her ass out of my office building and told them shes not allowed back there. My security team at my condo already know that shes not allowed to come into my building there. She isn't my girlfriend and never was I wouldn't touch that nasty w***e with someone elses d**k. Im gonna tell you like I told her. She is NOT my girlfriend, my future wife or my queen. That position is only ever going to be filled by my MATE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" I roared. I roared so loud that it shook the entire palace. Drake wanted to come out so badly. I had to hold him in. Before he could answer me I heard someone say. "Just what the hell is going on here." When I looked behind me I seen my dad, mom and Beta Glyn standing there. "This piece of s**t and his w***e of a daughter are trying to say that I blacked her eye and busted her lip last night at my office. Ive never touched that b***h ever. Id be to afraid of my d**k and other body parts falling off. She spreads her legs for every Tom, d**k and Harry. She showed up at my office with food that she probably had spiked. Said that she wanted to see me and that she missed me. I had to explain to her once again that there wasnt anything between us and that there never would be. She then told me that we would be married and she would be my wife and queen because her dad talked to you about an arranged marriage. I told her that the only person that would EVER be my wife and queen would be my MATE. I wont ever be with anyone else. I then had my security remove her from the building and I went and got food then went home alone. Ive not seen her since then. There are cameras in the garage where i ran into her that will prove my side of the story." I dropped this jackass onto the floor and went to dads computer and logged into my security system. It didnt take long for me to pull up the feed for last night. Dad turned on the tv that is connected to the computer so everyone could watch and see what happened. "I believe you son but lets see what was said and done last night so that everyone else can see" dad said. I hit play and everyone watched and heard what happened last night. When it was done my dad looked at Arnold and said "You see what actually happened last night. If your daughter actually has a black eye and a busted lip then she lied to you about how she got them. Because you both have been told repeatedly to stop harassing my son and neither have listened. You are both banded from the palace for a month. You know what that means. No parties, no meetings, and no coming to the cafe to eat. If you need food let Delta Niall know and he will send someone to bring you plates. If after this first ofence you still keep it up then you will both be made rouges. Do you understand me?" Dad asked him. "Yes Your Majesty" Arnold said threw gritted teeth. "Good now leave. Beta Glyn will show you out" dad said. After they left the room dad looked at me and said "Dont worry about him. We'll take care of it when we get back home." "Im not worried about that jackass. I was planning on talking to grandpa when I got here about Arnold and Ashely after that s**t she pulled last night. I told Howard and Niall both to be on the lookout for them. And if they was starting s**t to let grandpa know. I guess I dont have to fill gramps in now" I said laughing. "No you dont Jake, Ive actually been watching them for awhile now, secretly. I feel so sorry for Lesley, shes such a sweet lady and got stuck with such an asshole for a mate. Then there's the daughter thats a little b***h. But dont worry we will keep an eye on them while your all gone. Now lets go eat lunch so that you can all be off on your vacation. I wanna see my other grandson and my granddaughter as well. I dont get to see them that often, I get to see you and James' ugly faces all the time" Grandpa said while laughing. "Gee thanks gramps" I said. "Come on you guys its lunch time and I want to show everyone the picture that Aurora did. And you mister you need to go and change out of your suit and into some shorts. We are going to the island after all" Mom said. "Who is Aurora and what painting are you taking about my dear?" Grandpa asked mom as they started out of the room. Mom started talking about this girl on the way to the dining room. I let dad know that I was going to change and headed up to my room. After changing I headed back down to the dining room to have lunch with the family. Once there my sister and brother both gave me a hug and then we sat down to eat. As I hugged them I cought a delicious sent and figured it must've been something that they ate. After a delicious lunch we all said goodbye to everyone that was staying back here and then loaded up to head to the airport. I ended up with Sophia, Jack, and James all in my truck with me. My dad, mom and Glyn all took an suv and our guards that were going with us were in a couple more suvs. I was actually excited to get to spend time with my siblings. Its been to long since ive spent more than an hour or two with them. When we got to the airport the staff all grabbed our bags and loaded them into our private jet. We all got loaded up and into our seats and ready to go. Mom and Sophia sat together, and Jacks and James sat together to catch up. I sat with my dad and Glyn so that I could catch up on stuff about the kingdom and then catch them up on stuff for the office. It didnt take long for us to take off and get in the air. Goodbye Ireland and hello Amelia Island. I cant wait to spend time on the water. My dragon couldn't either. Lets get this vacation started.
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