Chapter 10

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Aurora Waking up the next day I still felt really tired. All night I had dreams about what the voice told me. It had me wondering, do I really have a dad out there that doesnt even know about me? I really wanted to talk to Sophia and Jacks about this but I didnt want them to think that I was crazy. At the same time, that voice also said that I could talk to them about this and trust them. Id love to send them a message about it all but I dont want to bother them while they are spending time with their family. I know that they are on Amelia Island and cell service can be spoty. I decide to wait to talk to them when they get back and order room service before I start on the other side of the trail. After calling in a order of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, orange juice and coffee I jump into the shower. While im showering I notice that my birthmarks are all darker than what they were and the hummingbirds are in color. They are still light but I can make out that they each have different colors. One is pink, one is purple and the last one is electric blue. The rest of my birthmarks look the same just a little darker. I wonder what all of them will look like when they get color to them. I bet that they will be very pretty then. The voice did say that I would start to be able to hear them and then on my birthday I would be able to shift into two of them. I didnt think that this was true to begin with and thought that I was dreaming. But after pinching myself and seeing that my hummingbirds are changing colors I think I believe it. Just a couple of more weeks and then ill be able to shift and have use of my hummingbirds and snake. I cant wait. To think that after almost twenty-one years of being alone I wont be anymore. I wasn't anyways because I have Sophia and Jacks, but just thinking that I have a dad, thats different. Its also kinda scary to think about. After my showers done I get dressed and sit on the bed to brush and braid my hair. Just as I get done there is a knock on the door. "Room service" the voice says. After peeking out of the door and seeing that it is room service I open up the door to get my food. "Good morning, and thank you" I say as I take the tray. "Good morning mam, here you go. If you need anything else please let us know" He says. "Thank you and I will" I say and then shut the door. I lock the door and then take the tray to the little table and sit down to eat breakfast. When I've got breakfast done I pack up all of my stuff and sit my bags on the bed so that I can double check that I have everything, Once I make sure that I got all of my stuff I gather up everything to go check out. I take the elevator down to the first floor and go to the reception area to check out. After I check out I head to my car, and get my stuff loaded up. Before I leave I check my cooler and see that I need more ice. So i decide that ill stop by the gas station before I head to a different part of The Claire Glens. I head to the closest gas station and go in and grab a few snacks and a small bag of ice. After checking out I grab the ice and go to my car. I restock my bookbag and pour the water out of my cooler and put the ice into it. It didnt take all of the ice and I didnt want to waist it or leave it in my car to melt everywhere. Thankfully I see a truck down from me that had a couple of coolers and a guy adding drinks and ice into them. He kinda looked familiar. I put my cooler back in my car and shut the trunk and locked my car. I took the ice over and said "Hi I seen you filling up youre coolers and wanted to see if you could use some extra ice. I just have a small cooler and even the small bag of ice was to much but I dont want to waist it. You can have it if you need it." "Hey, thanks, yea I can use the extra. Even with the big bags ive still got the room. You look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" He asked me. "I thought the same about you actually. Im not from here originally, im from the states. I go to college in Limerick" I said. "That's it, your friends with Sophia and Jacks, right?" "I am, Im Aurora Reid." "Its nice to officially meet you Aurora. Im Igor, I grew up with Sophia, and Jacks. Are families are all really close to each other" he said. "Its nice to officially meet you as well. Sophia and Jacks talk about you and your friends alot. I thought everyone was going to Amelia Island for the week?" I asked him. "Yea we were all going to go but me and a few of the guys decided to stay here. Our families that stayed back to work at the office wanted to be able to spend time with us. Dunstan, Duncan, Tyrone, Beau, and I didnt have anything to do today so we decided to go to The Claire Glens. Its a beautiful place to visit" Igor said. "That it is, I spent all day yesterday there. I got so many beautiful pictures. I stayed at a hotel last night and im getting ready to head back out today. I just stopped here to get ice and a few more snacks before I went." "Awesome, what side are you going in on. Were headed in on the South side. There's supposed to be a great spot to swim on that side so we are headed there." "Im headed the same way. Im going to circle up around to the Big Mamma waterfall that ive heard about and then come back down by the swimming hole. Im taking lots of pictures so that ive got plenty to choose from when I do my art project" I said. As we were talking he finished putting ice in the coolers. I wanted to get started on my way so I said "It was nice to talk to you and meet you. Im gonna head out I want to get started on the trails and get my pictures took. Im heading back home tonight so I wanna get it done. Maybe ill you later at the swimming hole if you guys are still there." "Well be there for awhile today, so im sure that well see you later. Give me you're number so that if you need anything or something happens you can get ahold of me. Sophia and Jacks would kick my ass if something happened to you and I was close and didnt do anything to help" Igor said while laughing. After we exchanged numbers we said goodbye and I headed back to my car. Once I was in my car I double checked that I had everything and then I headed out. When I drove past Igor his friends had joined him. I waved at them as I went by and took off to the south side of The Clare Glens. I couldn't wait to explore there today. I couldn't wait to see the Big Mamma waterfall that everyone talks about. Ive heard that its called that because its so big and in the center of the falls, the rocks look like a woman holding a baby. I knew that would be beautiful to see and it would be amazing to paint it for class. I know it would take about fifteen minutes to get to the trail head. From what i seen when i was looking it up, when you get to the trail head it spits off. One side goes left to the swimming hole and the other goes right to big momma waterfall. Im so excited to see it. If its as beautiful as what everyone says that it is then i cant wait to take pictures of it and then paint it. My fingers itch to paint. But first i need to take pictures of it. I planned to text Sophia when I got there, I know that shell be worried about me. Im surprised that shes not messaged me yet this morning. After i send her a message i then plan to set off I couldn't wait. I wonder if anything exciting will happen today like it did yesterday.
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