Chapter 18

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Aurora After the plane landed and came to a stop the pilot finally told us that we could disembark. One of the staff grabbed my knee scooter and carried it down the steps for me. Dad waited for everyone else to get off the plane before he picked me up and carried me off. Pappaw carried Lulu off of the plane so that it was easier for her. Him and mammaw both just loved Lulu. When we get to the bottom of the steps dad set me down and kept ahold of me until i get my knee settled onto the scooter. He then keeps right with me as i make my way to where everyone else is by the vehicles with Amelia. When we made it to Amelia she came to me and hugged me tight to her. "Aurora it is so good to see you again. How are you feeling sweetheart? Are these guys taking good care of you?" She asked me. "Its good to see you again as well and yes dad and the others are taking very good care of me" I said. She looked shocked by my words so im guessing that noone told her. "Dad what do you mean dad?" she asked us. Dad put his arm around me with a huge smile on his face and proudly said "Queen Amelia id like to introduce you to my daughter Aurora. When you showed me that picture last night i had a feeling that she was mine. She looks so much like me. The main reason for going back home was to get my parents for a few days to spend time with them. But after seeing that picture i had to know if Aurora was my child. When Sophia and i got to her apartment this morning it was confirmed to me by Lulu that she is my daughter. Shes also a future queen of her people." "Wow Im speechless" She said. "I know that first time that i meet her i remember thinking how much she looked like you and she has the same last name. I should've said something then but i wasn't sure. I am so glade that you found each other and our family has gotten bigger." You could tell that Amelia felt bad for not saying something sooner. So Lulu looked at her and said "Dont worry dear it had to be this way. She had to be woke up before she met him. Now she has most of her family with her." Amelia looked around until she seen Lulu and that she was the one talking to her. Lulu was still being carried by pappaw. Amelia had a look of shock and awe on her face as she said "Oh wow your a gnome, a talking gnome." Dad just chuckled and said "Yes she is, this is Lulu she was my Lulus nanny and protector. Lets get to the house and settled in and then we'll explain everything to you." We all loaded up in the suvs and headed to the house. I watched out of the window on the way and was in awe. The island was so beautiful. As we were driving up to the house i was amazed at how beautiful it was. I figured it wouldve been a big mansion but it was just a three story house with a wrap around porch. It kind of had a farm house vibe to it. In front of it on each side of the driveway, there was fountains that were shaped like dragons with the water coming out of the mouths. It was just beautiful. When we stepped out of the cars i just stared at the house and the ocean in awe. It was all so beautiful. This was the first time that i had been to the ocean and it sucks that im injured and cant even go swimming. My dad picked me up and carried me so that i didnt have to use my scooter to make it to the steps and then have to have help up them. "Wow this place is so beautiful" i said. "Thank you sweetheart, this is one of my favorite places to be. Especially when i am with my family" Amelia said. We headed into the house while the few servants grabbed out luggage out of the cars. Dad and Sophia didnt have any bags so all they had to get was my stuff and my grandparents' bags. When we stepped into the house my breath was took away. The inside was just as beautiful as the outside. When you first come into the house you step in to a foyer with stairs up to the second floor in front and to the left of the door. There were door ways on the left and right and a hallway on the right by the stairs. "Come on ill take you on the tour and then take you up to your room to unpack your stuff and when your ready ill bring you back down" dad said. He started on the left of the door and took me into the living room first. It was huge with big sectional couches and a huge fireplace and a big screen tv mounted on the wall above it. It was beautiful and had big windows all though it. We came back out of the living room and straight across to the room on the right of the foyer. It was a big dinning room with two huge tables that looked like it sat twenty-five people. Dad said that there was a couple more houses on the island. One was for the staff that lived and worked on the island and the other was for when more of the extended family came for big gatherings. He then headed to a doorway on the leftside in the dining room. When we stepped inside it was a huge kitchen. Amelia was in there seeing to lunch and talking to someone about dinner. The kitchen, like the other rooms so far, had big windows and a beautiful view of the ocean. On the right side of the doorway was the fridge, stove an a counter that ran the rest of that wall and up the other side where the sink sat in the middle. There was a big island with stools up to it and across from where dad and i stood there was a round table and chairs and a sliding glass door. On the left of us there was a big deep freezer, a doorway and a china cabinet. We went through that door and was in the hallway. Across from the kitchen door was another door and to the right was another sliding glass door. The door to the right leads to outside which dad said hed show me in a little bit. The doorway in front of us is Olivers office. "Id show you the office but Oliver keeps it locked up. Maybe when he gets back ill show it to ya" Dad said. "Thats ok i understand dad. What else is there to see down here?" I asked. We started down the hallway and then went down another hallway on the right. There was a big game room back here. Dad said that it was for Sophia and her brothers and their friends. There was a foosball table when you first went in and an air hockey table on the other side of it by the far wall. On the right when we first came in is a pool table. In the back right hand corner of the room was a big flat screen tv with a bunch of game consoles in the tv stand below it. And a couch in front of that. There was also a table and chairs between the couch and air hockey table. There was a big cabinet when we first came in the room that dad said was full of games and puzzles. We left that room and went back down the short hallway and then to the right in the long hallway. Dad stopped at a door on the right side of the hall and showed me a bathroom. That will make things easier, i wont have to have help going up the stairs and back down everytime i have to use the bathroom. We then went back down the hall and headed up the stairs. Before we headed up i asked dad "Do you need to take a break and put me down first? I gotta be heavy. I never thought i could've used my scooter around the first floor so that you didnt have to carry me." "Im fine babygirl, you dont weigh that much. I could carry you all day and not be tired" dad said. "I weigh alot but ok." When we got to the second floor it was all bedrooms. Dad said that the room straight across from the stairs would be my grandparents room. The rooms on the right belonged to Charlie and Lily on the left and George and Olivia on the right. They are Oliver and Amelia's parents. The rooms on the left are Oliver and Amelia's room on the right and dads room on the left. We went left towards dads room down a hallway and then turned left and went up another set of stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs we turned left and came in to a small living room. Dad said that its another place for the kids to hang out and watch tv without the adults or older people. The room on my right was Sophia's bedroom with Jacks right beside it in the corner. The middle bedroom was James' and the bedroom on the back left hand corner is Jacobs. The bedroom on the other side of it on the left hand side would be mine while we were here. So facing the left side of the house Jacobs room was on the right and mine on the left. Down past where my room is there is a small hallway that has a refrigerator and a counter with cupboards above it. There a microwave and a few other things on the counter. Dad said its all manly for snacks and drinks. He took me to my room and the doorway for it, Jacob and James rooms were all in square room. It was like you walk into a room that is just doors to other bedrooms. Dad took me in and sat me down on the bed. My scooter was in there so i could use it to get around with. When you came into the room the bed was on the right and straight across from the doorway was the door for the closet and down from it was the bathroom doorway. "I think Sophia's going to come help you put your stuff away. When your ready to come downstairs just yell and ill come and get you. Once your setted in downstairs with Sophia Im going to fly out to check on Oliver. I wont be gone long though because i want to spend time with you" dad said. "Ok dad, it shouldn't take to long to get my stuff put away and then i wanna go down and check out the beach. Or what i can of it anyways" I said with a laugh. "Ok babygirl just yell" dad leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and then headed out of my room. Just that little action brought tears to my eyes. I hadn't had time to process the fact that i had a dad yet and i think it just hit me that im not alone anymore. When Sophia came into the room a few minutes later i was still on sitting on the bed crying "Oh Aurora whats wrong?" she asked me. "Nothing im ok, it just really hit me when dad kissed me forehead before he left that ive really got a family now. I wont ever be alone again. I spent so much time alone and wishing that i had a family that loved me while i was growing up that it seem unreal that i have a dad and grandparents now. Not to mention you and Jacky and your family and Lulu, Bingles and Stareye. Ill never be alone again and i couldnt be happier about it" I said. "Trust me we are all pretty happy about it as well. You're now family to all of us and well make sure that your never alone again. Ill even share all of my brothers with you. Im sure youll want to get rid of them just like i do though. Come on lets get your stuff put away, put out bikinis on and go lay out but the pool for now" Sophia said while laughing. All of my bags were sitting in the closet so we went in and started putting it away. Sophia explained that while the bags get carried to the bedrooms or took downstairs when they leave they all prefer to put their own stuff away. I understand that because i do to. We got all of my clothes (old and new) put up and my toiletries put away in the bathroom. There was a dest in my room and my laptop bag, camera bag and bookbag were all sitting there. Sophia went to her room to change so i changed into a bikini and put shorts and a tshirt over it. I grabbed my bookbag so that i could sketch while laying by the pool. Once i was ready i wheeled out to the living room to get ready to head downstairs. This place was amazing and i was so happy that i get to spend time her with my family and friends.
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