Chapter 17

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Aurora I sat in the front seat buy my dad while he drove on the way to the airport. It was easier for me to sit there and have more room for my foot with the boot on it. Sophia sat in the backseat with Lulu beside of her talking quietly. I looked over at Glyn while he was driving and decided to ask him a question. "Um Glyn is it ok if i call you dad or would you prefer if i called you Glyn unil we get to know each other?" i asked him. "Oh babygirl i am more than ok with you calling me dad. That makes this day even better actually. You can call me whatever you are the most comfortable calling me right now" He said. "I want to call you dad. Ive wished for a family of my own for so long and now to have my dad here, its a dream come true. Dont get me wrong Sophia and Jacky are my family and have been like a sister and brother to me since i met them but its awesome to finally have a parent" I said. "Hey your stuck with us for life Bish. We'll always be your family and now knowing that Glyn is your dad just makes it better. I just wish that you had been able to grow up with us. It would've been awesome to have another girl around growing up. Instead i was stuck with all boys around me. At least im not alone now though" Sophia said while laughing. "You guys might not have been able to grow up together but you have the rest of your very long lifes to be together. But trust me i know how you feel Sophia. I wish she would've been with us as well. I hate that you grew up alone. Your mom knew where i lived at, we talked about it. I wish she wouldve brought you to me but im sure that she had her reasons. We're together now though thats what matters. And now you are about to meet my parents Aurora. We're here" Dad said. I looked out the window and seen that we were pulling into the private airport. Dad pulled around to the back so that we could get unloaded. After he parked the suv we started getting out. I just opened up my door and turned to put my legs out and wait. Dad brought me my knee scooter to use to walk to the jet. He was going to carry me up the steps so i didnt have to try to hobble up them. I got out of the car and got my knee on the scooter and with the help of dad started toward the jet. Sophia was helping Lulu by carrying her. They told me that everyone that worked at this airport was a dragon. So she would've had no problem walking on her own but it wouldve been a long walk for her and she would've had trouble getting up the steps. When we got to the bottom of the steps there was a guy standing at the bottom of them waiting on us. Dad told me that he was a flight attendant and that he was going to carry my scooter up the steps while dad carried me up. He let Sophia and Lulu go up the steps and then picked me up so that i could wrap my right arm around his neck. He carried me up the steps and then carried me to a seat towards the back that was a couch. "I want you to be comfortable and this way after take off you can prop your leg up. If you need to use the restroom while we are in the air your close to it as well" He said. "Thanks dad i appreciate it" I told him. He got ready to sit down beside me when we heard another vehicle pull up. He went to look and said "Thats my mom and dad ill be right back." I was getting really nervous I was about to meet my grandparents for the first time. Im sure that I woulve been nervous about meeting my dad for the first time to if I wouldve known in advance. "Hey are you ok?" Sophia asked me. "Im just really nervous, what if they dont like me?" I asked her quietly. "Are you kidding me they are going to love you Aurora. They've wanted grandkids for a long time. If anything they will be just as upset as Glyn was that they miss out on the first almost twenty-one years of your life. Im sure they all three will be trying to spoil you rotten. Dont worry ok" she said. "Ok Ill try not to" I said. Lulu looked over at me and said "Dont worry dear they will love you. Everyone will i just know it." "Yea i agree with mom they will love you and we already do your just the greatest ever Aurora" Stareye said. "I dont feel the same way, shes just to damn nice all of the time. Nobody should be that damn bubbly" said Bingles. "Bingles behave yourself and watch your mouth" Lulu said. "Sorry mom, sorry Princess Aurora" Bingles said. "Its ok Bingles and thank you Stareye" i said. Sophia gave Lulu and i a weird look and said "Who are the two of you talking to?" "My earrings, they're not just normal earrings, they are Lulus kids, her son and daughter. My evil great uncle turned them into earrings because Lulu helped my mom get away from him. Lulu and i are the only ones that can hear them right now. Once i open the portal to my land then you should be able to hear them talking" I said. She just nodded and as she went to say something my dad came aboard the jet found by a man and a woman. Sophia squeezed my hand and whispered that we'd talk later and her and Lulu went to find their seats. Dad walked up to me and turned and faced his parents. "Mom, dad i have someone that i want you to meet" he said and then stepped aside to reveal me. "I want to you meet my daughter Aurora. Aurora meet your grandparents. My mom Willow Bell Reid and my dad Apollo Cain Reid. Come to think of it i dont think i told you my full name its Desmond Glyn Reid but i go by Glyn as you know. Mom and dad i found out about Aurora yesterday and then found out for sure this morning that shes my daughter. Its a long story that well fill you in on, on our way to the island but you have a granddaughter now" dad said. They both had tears in their eyes when they looked at me. My dad looked just like his dad the same red hair and same eyes, they could almost pass as twins. Willow has the same red hair but it had blonde highlights in it and her eyes were silver looking. "Oh my goodness a granddaughter, i just cant believe it. Oh look at you, you are so beautiful. Can i give you a hug sweetheart?" she asked me. "Thank you and yes you can" i said. "Just be careful with her mom. She got hurt yesterday and is still sore" dad said as he helped me to stand up. "Got hurt how and are you ok sweetheart? You can call me mammaw by the way. Its so nice to meet you, oh i cant believe i finally have a grandbaby" Mammaw Willow said. "You can call me pappaw sweet girl. It is so nice to meet you. How did you get hurt and why are you not healing?" Pappaw Apollo asked me. "Its nice to meet you both as well" I said as i was hugging them both. After dad helped me sit back down i said "I got hurt yesterday at The Claire Glens. I was walking on the south side and was almost down to the swimming hole where the boys were and i tripped on a tree root that i didnt see. And as to healing i didnt even know about supernatural beings or that i was one until the day before yesterday. I just found out about all of my sides and theres a spell on me that is to protect me until i turn twenty-one in three weeks. After my birthday ill be able to shift and meet my other sides." "Theres alot to talk about on the way to the island but we will explain everything to you both" dad said. "Well we cant wait to get to know you and spend time with you" mammaw said. "I cant wait either, it'll be nice to have a family. Well a blood family i should say because Sophia and Jacky have been my family for three years now." I said with tear in my eyes. "Ladies and gentleman this is your Captain speaking. We are about to take off so please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. Thank you" the Captain said. I fastened my seatbelt with my dads help and leaned my head back to prepare for take off. "You ok sweetheart?" dad asked me. "Yea this is only the second time that i've flown anywhere. The first time was when i had to fly to come over here. Im just not use to the take off and landing. I guess im kind of afraid of heights. Which is funny if you think about it. A dragon s***h phoenix being afraid of heights. I guess i better get use to it" I said while laughing. Everyone else started laughing as well and dad said "It wont be long and you'll love to be in the air. If you would've grown up with us you would've been use to it. I would've took you for rides while you were growing up." Dad got a far away look in his eyes and his eyes were kind of glazed over. He then got a big smile on his face and looked at me and said "Ladon said that he would love to fly you around and get you use to it. He wants to spend time with you as well since your his child to. He says he wants to meet you and that you are so beautiful." "Who is Ladon?" I asked. "Ladon is my dragon" dad said. "Oh ok tell him that i would love that and i cant wait to meet him and spend time with him either. And tell him thank you." I spent most of the flight talking to my grandparents and getting to know them better. We explained to them how i grew up and how i came to be over here. By the time we had landed at Amelia Island i had gotten to know my grandparents and my dad. I was so happy that i had a family. I also learned that if i snap my fingers Bingles and Stareye goes to sleep and i dont have to listen to them fight. Lulu told me that tidbit of information. She wasn't sure if it would work yet since i didnt have my powers and her and i was the only ones who could hear them. But thankfully it worked. They just wouldn't stop talking. When we got ready to land at Amelia Island i looked at the window and couldnt believe how beautiful it was. I took a few pictures with my cell phone but was kicking myself for not having my camera out. Dad said that him and Ladon would fly me around to take as many pictures as i wanted to. Sophia said that her mom was the only one that would be meeting us because her dad and brothers took the boat out to go fishing for a couple of days. I couldnt wait to spend time with my family and Sophia's family. I just hope they all like me and this week goes good. I have a feeling that it will though.
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