Chapter 12

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Aurora It didnt take us to long to make it back to the vehicles. Once we got their I unlocked my car and Dunstan sat me in the passenger seat. They put my stuff in the trunk of my car and then loaded up their stuff into their truck. Dunstan talked to them for a minute and then opened up the drivers side door of my car. "You may have to pull the seat back before you get in. Your way taller than I am" I said before he could try to get it. "Thats true I dont think I could fit in the car if I dont move it back first and even then it'll be iffy" He said. I laughed because it was true. He was so huge and my car was a small one. After pulling the seat back and adjusting the back part of the seat he managed to get in. It was a tight fit for him though. "You need a new car, something bigger than this tonka toy" He said. "Hey now dont make fun of my car. Besides this is all I can afford at the moment. Im saving up what money that I do have so that after I graduate I can buy me a small house somewhere" I said. "Hey listen about what Ashley said, dont pay any attention to her crazy ramblings. Shes obsessed with my best friend, with Sophia and Jacks older brother. Shes also part crazy so dont pay any attention to what she said about future queens and mates, and whatever else she said to you. She cant be trusted" Dunstan said. I thought about what he said for a minute and wondered if I should say anything about knowing what they are. "You can trust him, he will protect you with his life. You are important to him but I cant say why yet and he doesnt know why, just that you are" Trixie said. "Ok" I said to Trixie and to Dunstan I said "So you mean to tell me that your not supernatural creatures, your not a dragon?" I asked him. We had just pulled into the er and parked when I asked him that. He looked at me with a shocked look on his face and asked me "How did you know that. Did Sophia and Jacks tell you what we are?" He demanded from me. "No they didnt tell me what you are. Its hard to explain and Id rather not do it sitting here. All that ill tell you right now is that I just found out that I am supernatural. Lets get into the er and figure our what's doing on with my ankle and then go somewhere thats safe and talk." I said. Dunstan agreed with me even though I knew that he wanted to know what was going on. He got out of the car and came around to the passenger side and helped me out and then picked me up. He carried me into the er and explained to the nurse what happened. After getting signed in they had him put me in a wheelchair and then told us to go wait in the waiting room to wait to be took back. It seemed to take forever for us to get taken back to a room. I know we waited for over an hour. When we finally got taken to the room we sat in there for another hour before a nurse came in. The nurse asked me some questions and then took my blood pressure. She checked my hands, left wrist and shoulder and when she was done she went down to the end of the bed to look at my ankle. She was being really bitchy about it the whole time and Im not one to cuss or say that about someone. "Im sure that your just fine, youre probably just waisting your time and mine" she said really snobbish like. It was swelling so bad that my shoe and sock were both tight and you couldn't even tell that I had an ankle. She ended up having to cut my shoe and sock both off of my foot. "Not exactly faking it was she?" Dunstan asked her. He was mad at her and giving her really dirty looks. When the doctor came in he poked and prodded at my foot and I was ready to hit him because it hurt so badly. Dunstan seen this and told him to be careful. After he checked my ankled he checked out my hands and said that they needed to be cleaned and I needed an x-ray on my left hand, wrist and shoulder. He thinks I may have just sprained my wrist though. I didnt even realize it since my ankle hurts so bad but my hand clear up to my shoulder hurts from trying to catch myself. "For your ankle, I dont think its just a sprain, but I dont think its broke either. It may be fractured, so im going to send you down to have an x-ray done of it. Someone will be in to get you shortly, it may be awhile though were pretty busy. And in the mean time ill have the nurse bring you in something for the pain. Just sit tight" he said and walked out with the nurse following him. "You know as well as I do that shes not going to bring me anything for pain. She was being a snobbish cow" I said. Dunstan laughed and said "Yes she was and I cant stand bitchy girls like that. Let me make a call and see what I can do to get this moving faster and get you out of here. We have connections at every hospital." While he made his call I got my phone out and checked my messages. I had a new one from both Sophia and Jacky. Sophia - Hey bish I miss you to so much. Igor and his friends are good people so you are safe with them. We grew up around them so they are family. If you need them dont hesitate to message them. Have fun on the trails and be careful. We are having a blast with the family, but miss you like crazy. I wish you where here with us. What happened yesterday is it anything that I should be concerned about. I can come home if you need me. Call me when you can, Love ya. Jacky - Hey Tiny Tot, I miss you to. I hope that your having fun taking pictures at The Claire Glens. I cant wait to see them when we get back. The one that you sent us of you with the waterfall in the background was beautiful. Like Soph said you can trust Igor and the rest of the guys. Their good people. We are having a blast with the family, its beautiful here. I think that you'd like it. What happened yesterday do we need to come back early, are you ok? If you need us we are here, Love you Tiny Tot. Instead of texting them back I decided to just call them. I dialed Sophia's number and it rang a few times before she answered. "Hey bish, I miss you so much. How is your spring break going? What are you doing? Are you still at The Claire Glens?" Sophia kept asking questions and I wasn't able to get a work in. "SOPHIA" I yelled at her "take a breath. Wow, do you not have anyone to talk to there. It seems like you have been holding that all in. I miss you to, so much. My spring break is going ok. I worked over the weekend and have most of the week off before I go back to work on Friday. If I can work that is. And no im not there now" I said. "Im sorry ive just missed you so much, and the only girl that I have to talk to is my mom. Ive been spending most of my time with her. My dad and brothers have all been out fishing. I thought you had to work all week?" She asked me. "No, I was supposed to but one of the girls wanted the weekend off so I traded with her. I worked all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I ended up having all week off since I was supposed to work nights only and have the weekend off. And fishing is fun you should've went with them" I said. "Eww, no way thats gross, you know know I hate to touch them. If I would've known that you would end up with the week off I wouldve brought you out here. You could get lots of beautiful pictures here. I loved the one that you sent, the selfie of you with the waterfall in the background. It was beautiful." "Thank you, and I know you would have but I was ment to go to The Claire Glens. I cant talk about it on the phone but something happened that I need to speak to you about when you get home" I said. "This place is slow as f**k and I cant get ahold of the doctor that I know that works here. Im trying to get ahold of someone else that should be able to help you" Dunstan said when he walked back in. "Ok, and they are slow as heck. We've been here over two hours already" I said. "What are you talking about and was that Dunstan that I heard. Why do you need a doctor and where are you?" asked Sophia. "Who needs a doctor?" I could hear someone ask her in the background. "Yes, that was Dunstan that you heard talking. I had a bit of an accident on the trail. As I was walking the last little bit of the trail to the swimming hole I tripped and fell. There was a tree root that I didnt see and my left foot got caught in it. I managed to hobble my way to the swimming hole. When I got there the guys were all in the water and I seen the picnic table where all of their stuff was so I went and sat down. Dunstan and Igor seen me hobbling and came over right away. When they heard what happened Dunstan checked my ankle and Igor cleaned up my hands. They decided to bring me to the er. They got the rest of the guys gathered up and after they all changed and got their stuff together we left. Dunstan brought me to the hospital" I said. "Ok so what are they saying, are you ok? Do you know anything yet and why did Dunstan say that they were being slow. Why is he trying to find someone to help, where is the doctor at?" She asked me. "He said that because this place is being slow as heck. We sat in the waiting room for an hour. They finally brought us back to a room and we were in here for an hour before a rude nurse came in. Then the doctor finally came in. He said he wanted to do x-rays on my hand, wrist, shoulder and my ankle. He also told the nurse to bring me something for pain but thats been what a half hour or so ago, and we've not seen anyone since." "Yea it was about a half hour forty-five minutes ago now" Dunstan said. "Put me on speaker phone" Sophia said. I pulled the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker phone. "Ok we can both hear you now" I said. "Ok, hey Dunstan did you try to get ahold of Dr Manny. He usually goes back and forth between the hospitals in that area" Sophia said. "No I didnt think to try him ive been trying to get ahold of Dr Linda. This is usually the hospital that she works at but I cant get ahold of her at all. Ive tried everyway that I could and no answer" Dunstan said. "Hold on a minute" she said. we could hear talking in the background but it was muffled. We just sat there and waited until she came back on the phone. "Ok you guys, I have you on speaker phone on my side now. My mom and dad as well as dads friend are all here. Dads trying to get ahold of Dr Manny now" Sophia said. "Aurora sweetheart its Amelia, how are you feeling?" Amelia asked me. "Hi Amelia, Im ok, Im hurting but ill be ok. I hope that your having a nice trip" I said. "Dont worry a doctor will be there to see you soon, and we are having a wonderful time. I heard that you meet some of our other boys today. I hope their taking good care of you, you can trust them" Amelia said. "Yea I met them all this morning and they have all been a very big help especially the past few hours. I dont know what I would have done if they hadn't been at the swimming hole" I said. "Ok I got ahold of Dr Manny, he was working at one of the other hospitals today but hes going to leave from there to come to the one that your at. I did get ahold of Dr Linda first and she was supposed to work today but had an emergency come up. Dr Manny should be there in five minutes. Ive got the chopper picking him up and bringing him there to see you and deal with the doctors and nurses that didnt want to help" Oliver said. "You didnt have to do all of that Mr O'Connor but i appreciate it alot, thank you" I said. "Your welcome Aurora, its no problem at all. Your family to Sophia and Jack so your family to us as well" Oliver said. "I told you Aurora that your family now and stuck with us. You may have grew up alone but your not alone now and never will be. Your stuck with us for life bich" Sophia said. "I know I am and I couldn't be happier about that. My life has been so much better since i moved over here and met you and Jackie" I said. "Hey I just got a text Dr Manny just landed on the roof and said that hed be right down" Dunstan said. "Ok Im going to let you go Aurora call me and let me know what they said. I love ya bich" Sophia said. "Ill call ya when I get home I love you to and have fun on your vacation. Dont worry about me ill be fine" I said and then hung up. A few minutes later Dr Manny walked into the room. "Good afternoon Miss Aurora, I am Dr Manny. His mag.. Mhm sorry i mean Mr O'Connor got ahold of me and said that you have been here for a few hours and that the nurse was rude and the doctor never got the x-rays done. Did he say anything at all to you?" He asked me. "Our whole time here has been waiting. We sat in the waiting room for an hour. They finally brought us back to a room and we were in here for an hour before a rude nurse came in. Then the doctor finally came in. He said he wanted to do an x-ray on her hand, wrist, shoulder and ankle. He also told the nurse to bring her something for pain but thats been over an hour ago now, and we've not seen anyone since. The nurse was being a b***h the whole time she was in here. She said that Aurora was fine that she was probably just waisting her time and the nurses and she was being snobbish about it. The swelling in her ankle and foot was so bad that the nurse had to cut the sock and shoe off of it. The doctor that came in poked and prodded around at her foot and was being really ruff with her. After he checked her ankle he looked at her hands and left shoulder. Said that her hands needed to be cleaned and she needed x-rays on her hand, wrist, shoulder and the ankle and leg. He thinks that she just sprained her left hand and shoulder. He also said that he thinks that her foot and ankle may be fractured. He told the nurse to bring her in pain medication and we haven't seen her since then" Dunstan said. "I didnt realize that my hand and shoulder hurt because of how bad my ankle hurts. It had to have been from where I tried to catch myself" I said. "Im not gonna go poking around on it. I am going to get you some medicine and then get you down to x-ray. Ill be right back in a few minutes" Dr Manny said. It didnt take long for him to come back with pain medicine and take me to x-ray. When we were done getting x-rays they took me back to my room. Dunstan said that the guys were going to a fast food place to eat and hang out while they waited for us. I was starving and just wanted to go home. It was about a half an hour later when they came back in and said that my left ankle was fractured and I'd need to wear a boot on it for six weeks. I also dislocated my left shoulder and sprained my hand. They wrapped up my hand and put my arm in a sling that id have to wear for at least a week. They also bandaged up both hands from where they were scratched up. After they got done, Dr Manny wrote a script for pain meds and antibiotics. The antibiotics were a precaution from where I got the scratches. He also gave me the stuff to keep my hands wrapped up for a couple of days until the scratches heal up, gauze pads and triple antibiotic and wraps to help. "Ok your ready to go will take you out in the wheelchair. Gamm mhm sorry Mr Vaughn will meet you at Miss Aurora's apartment. Sophia gave him the address. He picked up a knee scooter for you to use the next few weeks. You need to keep pressure off of your ankle. Hes also going to drop off a shower chair to make it easier when you take a shower. Here is a card with my number if you need anything or have questions just call me. Take care of yourself and Dunstan ill see you soon" Dr Manny said. It didnt take long for me to get discharged. A different nurse came in and Dunstan picked me up and put me in a wheelchair. When we got outside he pulled the car around and then got me loaded up into the car. He got ahold of the guys to let them know whats going on. They said they would get us food and meet us at my apartment. We stopped and got my scripts filled and then headed for home. I was ready to eat and curl up for the night. It had been a long day and I was exhausted.
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