Chapter 13

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Aurora After finally getting discharged and getting to leave the hospital, Dunstan drove me home. On the way to my apartment we stopped and got my prescriptions filled. The rest of the guys had been at a fast food place eating and were gonna grabbed some burgers for dinner for Dunstan and I. They were going to meet us back at my apartment when we were all done. It didnt take long for my medicine to be filled and then we were heading to my apartment. The guys wanted me to go stay with them but I told them I would be ok at home. I still had to get ahold of Sophia and Amelia and let them know whats wrong. I would do that when I get home and get settled. When we pulled in Igor and the rest of the guys were already there, as well as another guy that I didn't know. Dunstan helped me out of the car and carried me and between the rest of the guys they all carried the food and my stuff all up to my apartment. It took two trips up in the elevator to get us all up stairs. When we got to my apartment I got settled on my couch and the guys put what food I had left over away for me and emptied my cooler out. I thought that I could hear talking coming from my bedroom but Igor went in to check and couldn't find anything. I figured it was just the medicine that I was on. The guys introduced Mr Vaughn to me. He was Dunstan's dad. "Thank you for bringing me a scooter and a shower chair I really appreciate it Mr Vaughn. Do I owe anything to you for them?" I asked him. "You are very welcome Miss Reid and no you don't. Mr O'Connor told me to get anything that you need and bring it to you and that he was covering the price for it. He said that since you are his kids' best friend then your family. He also took care of your hospital bills and said to tell you not to worry about it. Here is my card and if you need anything else before they return you call me and I'll see that it's takin care of. Do you need any groceries from the store or anything?" Mr Vaughn asked me. "Thank you Mr Vaughn and please thank Mr O'Connor for me as well. You guys didn't have to pay for this stuff or my hospital bill but i appreciate it more than you know. Thank you for raising an amazing son as well. Dunstan has been by my side all day helping me. I don't know what i wouldve done if i hadn't met these guys this morning. If it wasn't for them im not sure how i wouldve managed today. And as far as groceries I just went to the store Thursday after class and stocked up on food and stuff but if i need anything ill let you know" I said. "You are very welcome and I cant take the credit the way my kids turned out, that was all thanks to their mother. Ill take my leave now i have a few more things to take care of before i head home. Dunstan this stuff will need put together but its pretty easy to do and there is directions with it. Please put it together for Miss Reid before you leave. Ill stop back by in a few days to check on you have a good evening everyone" said Mr Vaughn. After he left the guys handed Dunstan and I our food and then sat down wherever they could find a place and started putting together the shower chair and the knee scooter. As I was eating there was a knock on my door. Beau was the closest to the door so he got up to answer it. When the door opened up I seen that it was Darcy. "Hey sweet girl, I seen you pull in and get out of the car and get carried in. I just wanted to make sure that you're ok. What happened?" She asked me. "Hey Miss Darcy, Im ok I just had a bit of an accident this afternoon. When I came down around the south side towards the swimming hole I tripped on a tree root that I didnt see. Dunstan took me to the hospital. I've got a slight sprain in my left wrist, I dislocated my left shoulder and ive got 3 small fractures in my left ankle. I have to take it easy for the first week and use a knee scooter for a few weeks. I gotta get ahold of Sam to let him know that im not going to be able to work this weekend. The doctor doesnt want me walking to much since itll put extra pressure on my wrist and could make my sprain worse if i was to use crutches. Thankfully though i was brought a knee scooter by Dunstans dad and a shower chair. My best friends, Sophia and Jacks' dad had him pick them up and bring to me to make it easier on me" I told her. "Oh deer, well im sure Sam can get someone else to fill in for him. Your health is whats important to us. You just take it easy and if you need me just call me." "I will, thank you for checking up on me." "Your welcome dear, Ill leave you be now. Ill check in with you tomorrow, good night sweet girl" she said. "Good night Miss Darcy" and with that she left. After she left I explained to the guys who she was. It wasn't long after she left that the guys got done putting the chair and scooter together and then all took their leave. They put the chair in the shower for me and made sure that the scooter was close to me to use. They made sure that I had their phone numbers and that they had mine so that they could check on me. After they were all out the door I decided to just text Sophia instead of calling her. Me - Hey bish, im finally home tired as heck though so heading to bed. I just wanted to let you know what the doctor said. I have a slight sprain in my left wrist and have to wear a brace on it for a week. I dislocated my shoulder so my arms in a sling as well. My ankle on the other hand has three small fractures and I have to wear a boot for six weeks, until it heals. Mr Vaughn brought me a shower chair and a scooter to use. Please thank your dad for me, Mr Vaughn said that he told him to get them and bring to me and that your dad also paid my hospital bill. He didn't have to do all of that but i appreciate it more than any of you know. The guys wanted me to stay with them but I politely declined. Id rather be at home. Im not allowed to walk much because the doctor wants me to rest he also said that it would put to much pressure on my wrist but with the scooter i don't have to worry about that. So this gives me a chance to go through all of the pictures that I took the past two days. I can also get a start on my painting. Please dont come home early, I know you want to but I would feel bad if you did. Stay there and have fun with your family, ill be ok. The guys promised to check in with me and so did Miss Darcy. Mr Vaughn also said hed stop by in a couple of days to check on me. Have fun and ill see you this weekend, I love ya. PS, Please tell Amelia and your dad that I said thank you for getting a dr to see me so fast. I appreciate it alot. After I sent the text to her I got up and locked my door. I then went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and my medicine. I slowly made my way to my bedroom. Using crutches wouldve been a pain in the but. Thankfully i have the scooter it makes it easier. It has a basket on it front of it so i was able to put my bottle of water and medicine in it and didnt have to worry about carrying it. I keep hearing someone talking but I couldnt figure out where its coming from. Igor looked clear through my room and didnt see anyone or anything. I finally make it to my room and set my stuff down on my nightstand. I go to my dresser and get out a nightgown so that I can change and go to bed. As im getting my nightgown out I hear "Oh no poor dear is hurt, I wish that we could help her." Now im freaking out "Who said that, who is here?" I yell out. "Oh, she can hear us now. Bingles, Stareye behave yourselves. Do you understand me?" the voice said. "Yes mom" I hear two other voices say. "You princess are hearing us talk. I am Lulu and these trouble makers are my kids Bingles Demi and Stareye Bellpeper. I am so glade that you can finally hear us. But how is it possible?" As she was talking one of my cute little gnomes came walking towards me. "Your alive, you can move and talk but how?" I asked. "Yes we are alive but we couldn't talk in the presence of others until a certain phoenix came around. A spell was put on us to protect us until the daughter of Princess Lucinda came unto her powers." "So you know my mother then? And to answer your earlier question. I found out who I really was yesterday and lastnight one of my hummingbirds started talking to me. Let me go change and settle down in bed and then we can continue to talk" I said. I went into the bathroom and washed up and changed into my nightgown. After I brushed my teeth and then my hair I headed back out to bed. Once I was settled into bed I explained to Lulu what happened yesterday when I went into The Claire Glens and what happened today. She explained to me that when my mom found out that she was pregnant with me she decided to use Lulu as an extra protection to me. Lulu said that she was with my mom from the time that she was born. She use to work in the castle back in Hela Karabryn. When my grandma found out she was pregnant Lulu was there to help her. Once the baby was born she was the babys nanny. Over there shes about four foot tall where as here shes only about two feet tall. So it was easy to take care of my mom. Her kids, which are earrings that i have and wear alot because i love them, use to be like her. She said that when my great uncle turned evil he turned Bingles and Stareye into earrings because she protected my mom. She managed to get away with them and escape and my mom found her and they ran to the human realm. She stayed with my mom up until she had me and then she put a spell on them so that only I could find them. She wanted her to be with me and to help me. I remember when i found them. I was in an antique store and thought that they were these cute little gnomes. They didnt have a price on them and when I asked about them the lady that ran the place said that I could have them. She'd had them for years and they were just collecting dust. I wanted to pay for them but she insisted that I take them. The next time I came to the shop it was closed down. When I moved over here I brought them with me. I have collected more since i moved here. I love gnomes. Lulu said that mom couldnt be with me, that it was to protect me. If my great uncle found me before I come into my powers that he would kill me so he can takeover. So she wanted Lulu to help me and explain my powers and my world to me. I also have a protector that will find me within the next few days or so. My protector will be by my side for the rest of my life. He will have a special bond with me that cannot be broken. This bond is more sacred then a mate bond because mate bonds can be broke. It will be like a brother and sister bond that we will share. There will not be anything romantic about it. She said that there was more to tell me but shed let me get some rest. I told her she was more than welcome to sleep on the other side of the bed or on the couch whichever she preferred. I know standing up all that time had to be hard. She made a little bed on the dresser for her kids and tucked them in and then got on the other side of the bed so shed be close if i needed anything during the night. You would think that she would be stone but she actually wasn't. She said that she can turn to stone but most of the time she was a normal person just short like me. Her kids, although they could talk and move were now little stone earrings and couldn't be changed back. She was so motherly to me and it was nice. She also told me right before I drifted off that she had met my dad and knew who he was so when i meet him shell know for sure who he is. It was nice that I would have confirmation on who my dad was when we finally meet. I was worried that I wouldn't know who he was when i finally get to meet him. As I drifted off to sleep I thought about how much my life has changed the past two days and how much more it will change. I cant wait.
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