Chapter 11

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Aurora It seemed like no time at all and I was pulling into the start of the trail head. It looked just like the other one. It had a bunch of parking spots, restrooms, and picnic benches. I pulled into a spot and got out and locked up my car. I went to use the bathroom before I started out. I didnt want to start out and then have go to. After doing my business, I headed back to the car and got my phone out. I needed to send Sophia and Jacky texts. ME - Hey just wanted to let you know that I miss you. Im starting out on the south side of the trail today. I met a friend of yours Igor. He said that him and his friends were going to the swimming hole and if I needed anything to get ahold of him. He gave me his number so that if something happens I can get ahold of him. Im sorry I didnt message you both last night but something happened yesterday that I need to talk to you about. It can wait until you get back though. I miss and love ya. Hope that your having fun. After I sent the text I got my bookbag out and put my purse into in and put it on my back. I then got my camera bag out and then shut the door. As I was opening up my trunk to get my cooler out, I seen the truck that Igor was in pull in. They parked beside me and got out. I pulled my cooler out and shut my trunk and locked my car up. "Hey, we meet again" Igor said laughing. "Haha we do, Im just about to set off. Just double checking that I got everything" I said. "Whose this?" asked a tall guy with blonde hair and brown eyes. "This is Aurora, I just met her back at the gas station. She is Sophia and Jacks friend that they are in college with. Aurora this is Dunstan, Duncan, Tyrone, and Beau" Igor told me. "Its nice to meet you all" I said. "Nice to meet you to" they all said at once. I giggled because it was funny. "Hey give us a few minutes and we'll start out on the trail with you. It goes for a little ways before it splits off into the different directions. One way goes to Big mamma and the other to the swimming hole. Of course its just a big circle so really both goes to each place" Igor said. "Ok I can do that, but be warned I stop alot to take pictures." While the guys all got their stuff out. I put my camera strap over my head so that it was across my body. I then got my camera out and changed batteries so that I had new ones in it and ready to go. The guys had three big coolers all on wheels plus they each had a bookbag on their backs. Once they were ready i grabbed my cooler handle and we started towards the trial. Dunstan wasn't pulling a cooler so he took the handle of mine and said hed pull it for me, and I thanked him. We walked with me occasionally stopping to take pictures. The guys didnt seem to mind and would even jump in the pictures sometime. I was having fun with them and was sad to see the split in the walkway but I knew that Id see them again in a little bit. After promising to stop by the swimming hole on my way out, we went our separate ways. I got my cooler back from Dunstan and was again pulling it. I walked for about fifteen minutes when I came up to the first waterfall. Each waterfall on these trails was different in someway. And they all seemed to get more beautiful. After taking a lot of pictures I grabbed a gatorade. I took a much needed drink of it and then put it back and set off again. I spent most of the morning seeing different waterfalls and taking pictures. It was about lunchtime when I came upon the Big Momma waterfall. I was speechless when I seen it. It was so breathtakingly beautiful. The rocks in the center looked like a woman holding her child in her arms. It amazed me that it stayed like that and didnt change any. It was almost like it had a spell cast on it to stay that way. As I was staring at it I heard a voice say "Its just beautiful isn't it. I just love the water." I looked around because the voice sounded really close to me but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I was the only person there. I must be going crazy. "Haha" the voice laughed. "Your not going crazy. Its me Trixie, I am one of your hummingbirds. I am a messenger but i also give you the power to heal and control water. Of course we wont be able to do any of that until after you shift but you can talk to me now. The others will wake up soon and then you will have us all to talk to" Trixie said. "So it was true, everything that voice said was true?" I asked out loud. "You dont have to talk out loud, you can just think what you want to say at me and ill hear it. If you talk out loud people might think that your crazy when you talk to us. And yes everything that you was told is true. You really have a dad out there that didnt know anything about you. You are a supernatural creature or creatures, with the power and protection of four others. You are special and you've also never been alone you just didnt know that we were here. We all wanted to reach out and let you know that we were with you and that we all love you but it wasn't possible. But we are here now, well almost. Oh yea and you can talk to your friends about what's going on they are all dragons as well. Even those guys you met today are, they are from the same hoard" Trixie said. Wow I thought, it was alot to process but so cool as well. While I was talking to Trixie I started taking pictures. I took so many pictures from as many angles as I could get so that I had different ones to choose from to paint. Once I was done I sat down at a picnic table and pulled a couple of sandwiches, and a bag of chips out and started eating. When I ate enough to be full, I cleaned up my trash and trew it away. I sat and drank my juice and watched the waterfall for awhile just thinking about everything. When I was done I used the port a potty that was off to the side and then headed down around to the swimming hole. I couldn't believe that Sophia and Jacky, as well as those guys that I met, were all dragons. How crazy is that? Its no wonder I felt so safe with them. As I was walking towards the swimming hole I happened to think of something that the voice said and I decided to ask Trixie about it. "Hey Trixie, the voice yesterday said something about having a guardian. Why do I need a guardian? Im an adult now but something tells me thats not what it ment" I said. "Your right its not what it ment. This type of guardian is someone that will be a protector to you. He will have a bond to you that is stronger than a mate bond. Where a mate bond can be broke if you are rejected, a guardian bond cant be broken. They will be with you until death, and if they die a new one will present itself to you as a guardian. Most guardians will be with you all of your life. Its very rare that a guardian dies and if they do its because of a battle they fought in. A guardian will be youre best friend and some even say they are like big brothers." "Thank you for telling me Trixie. Do you know when I will meet my guardian?" I asked her. "All I know is that he will show up soon. From what I know, when the first sign that your phoenix is showing up, somehow youre guardian can tell and will start looking for you. Since you have a dragon and phoenix that you shift in to plus my sisters and the snake that can come to life its different. The first sign that you would show is my sisters and I showing up. Since I was the first one to show up so to speak the guardian will be able to find you in the next day or so. Im not sure quite yet what species that he will be but ill know its him when he is close to us. I think he will find us by the weekend but im not sure yet, soon is all I know" Trixie said. "Thanks Trix, you've been a big help already. Im glade that your here it makes things so much easier." "Your welcome, and ohh I gotta nickname thats so cool" Trix squealed. I just laughed and kept walking. It didnt take long to find the swimming hole and the guys were all swimming and surrounded by a bunch a girls. I looked around at the picnic tables and found the one that had their coolers and bookbags at it. I hobbled over to it and sat down to rest for a few. I had almost made it down here when I tripped on a tree root that I didnt see. I dont think that I broke anything but my left ankle is swelled up and hurts really bad. It was all I could do to walk the rest of the way. As I was bending over to take off my sock and shoe so that I could see how bad it was Igor and Dunstan came running up to me. "Hey are you ok? We seen you hobbling over here. What happened?" Igor asked me. "Hey, I think that I sprained my ankle. As I was walking down here I tripped over a tree root. I didnt see it and it was only on one side of the walkway. As I fell I let go of the cooler to catch myself and scrapped up my hands. Thankfully Id put my camera away and it was attached to my cooler" I said. "Let me look at your ankle while Igor checks out your hands" Dunstan said. He took off my sock and shoe to check out my ankle and Igor looked at my hands and starting cleaning them up with a first aid kit that they had with them. "I dont think that anything is broke but it may be fractured. I think our best bet is to get you to the er and get it check out. Ill drive you in your car and the guys can follow us. Once we are done at the er Ill drive you home. You dont need to be driving" Dunstan said. "You guys dont have to do that. I dont wanna ruin your day, and take you away from your plans. Ill be fine on my own I just need to make it back to my car" I said. "Your not ruining our day, we dont mind helping you. Besides if we leave you alone in the shape that your in Sophia and Jacks will both hand our asses to us. Let me get the guys together and gather our stuff and well head out" Igor said. He took off to get the other three guys and Dunstan started getting their stuff together. He excused himself to go change clothes and when the other guys came over they did the same thing. I tried to apologize for stopping their day but they wouldn't hear anything about it. While they were changing, the girls that they had been swimming with were giving me dirty looks. I just turned my head and ignored them. Trix said that they were just jealous because we got the attention of all five guys on us. I could see one of the girls making their way over here and she had a mean look on her face. I turned around to ignore her when I herd her say "Just who the hell do you think you are. These guys are ours, so if you wanna play a hurt victim go do it else where b***h and leave them alone" She growled at me. "Excuse me, but im not playing at anything. I am hurt and I know these guys. I dont know who the hell you are and I dont care but back off and leave me alone" I said to her. I could see Dunstan heading this way but she didnt see him. She just kept running her mouth. "Ill tell you who the hell I am. My name is Ashley and I am the future queen. My mate will hear about this and put you in your place you filthy human. I will see that you are" and thats all that she got out when Dunstan said "Thats enough Ashley. You are nobody's future queen. You are not his mate, so STOP telling people that you are. All that you are is the hoard slut. You know that you are in big trouble now for exposing us to a human. You will be delt with by the former king until the king returns" Dunstan said. As he turned to get one of the other guys to help him with her, she kicked him in the balls and ran off. The guys took off after her but when they came back they said that they couldn't find her. They guys gathered up all of the stuff with one of them taking my little cooler and strapping it on to the top of theirs as well as my camera bag and book bag. I had managed to put my sock and shoe back on but it was tight. Instead of me waking though Dunstan picked me up and carried me. Soon they guys and I and all of our stuff was heading back to the vehicles. It had started off as a great day but had turned to bad. I just hope it doesnt get any worse.
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