Chapter 15

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Jacob When we got to the island we headed out to our mansion once the staff got our bags loaded up into our cars. Once we got to the mansion we all headed to our rooms to get settled in. The first few days was spent with us all together. We hung out as a family catching up and swimming and playing games together. My mom wanted to spend time with us before we went to do our own things. Monday and Tuesday was spent with my dad, brothers and Glyn out fishing and just having guy time. Glyn is my dads beta but is like an uncle to us kids. We were planning on taking our boat out tomorrow and spending the next two days at sea fishing and taking our dragons out to stretch our wings. When we got in on Tuesday from fishing we heard mom say something about a hospital so dad took off to find out what was going on. When we got into the livingroom we seen that Sophia was on the phone with someone and dad had his phone out talking to Dr Manny. I stood off to the side listening to see what was going on. Sophia whispered to Jacks and he started looking worried now to. Now i really wanted to know what the hell was going on. Sophia had her phone on speaker so i stood and listened to them. "Ok you guys, I have you on speaker phone on my side now. My mom and dad as well as dads friend are all here. Dads trying to get ahold of Dr Manny now" Sophia said. "Aurora sweetheart its Amelia, how are you feeling?" Mom asked. "Hi Amelia, Im ok, Im hurting but ill be ok. I hope that your having a nice trip" the girl said. Her voice sent shivers down my back and made my dragon stand at attention. "Dont worry a doctor will be there to see you soon, and we are having a wonderful time. I heard that you meet some of our other boys today. I hope their taking good care of you, you can trust them" mom said. "Yea I met them all this morning and they have all been a very big help especially the past few hours. I dont know what I would have done if they hadn't been at the swimming hole" she said. "Ok I got ahold of Dr Manny, he was working at one of the other hospitals today but he's going to leave from there to come to the one that your at. I did get ahold of Dr Linda first and she was supposed to work today but had an emergency come up. Dr Manny should be there in five minutes. I've got the chopper picking him up and bringing him there to see you and deal with the doctors and nurses that didn't want to help" dad said. "You didn't have to do all of that Mr O'Connor but i appreciate it alot, thank you" she said. "Your welcome Aurora, its no problem at all. Your family to Sophia and Jack so your family to us as well" dad said. "I told you Aurora that your family now and stuck with us. You may have grew up alone but your not alone now and never will be. Your stuck with us for life bich" Sophia said. "I know I am and I couldn't be happier about that. My life has been so much better since i moved over here and met you and Jackie" she said. "Hey I just got a text Dr Manny just landed on the roof and said that he'd be right down" Dunstan said. "Ok Im going to let you go Aurora call me and let me know what they said. I love ya bich" Sophia said. "Ill call ya when I get home I love you to and have fun on your vacation. Dont worry about me ill be fine" she said and then hung up. "Whats going on and who was that?" I asked. "That was mine and Jacks best friends Aurora. She ended up with the week off because she had to work all weekend. She spent yesterday and today both at The Claire Glens taking pictures for a school project. She was on the south side today by the swimming hole. I guess she met the boys this morning when she stopped to get ice for her cooler. They all had started out on the trail together and then split off. A couple of hours later when she was coming back down towards the swimming hole she tripped on a tree root that she didnt see. Her ankles swelled up really bad and hurting and she said that her left wrist and shoulder hurts. She also scrapped up her hands when she tried to catch herself from falling. Dunstan said that the first nurse that came in was really rude to Aurora. Said that she was waisting her time and the nurses and doctors times. He said that the nurse had to cut off her sock and shoe. They was really ruff with Aurora and didnt even give her anything for pain even after making her hurt worse. I hate that she was hurt and that im not there with her. The only thing that makes it better is knowing that the guys are with her" Sophia said. "She'll be ok sweetheart i got Dr Manny there to take care of her and i let him know that anything she needs to get ahold of Howard and he'll get it for her. I've already talked to him about it" dad said. "Dont worry Soph, Tiny Tot is tuff as hell. Look at all shes been through in life and shes still going strong. She dont let anything stop her. I bet ya anything she may take this weekend off work to rest but by next weekend shell be back behind the bar slinging drinks no matter what. You know how she is" Jacks said. "Why do you call her Tiny Tot Jacks?" Asked Glyn. "Because shes so damn tiny. Shes only four ft eleven. Hell i could put her in my pocket shes so small. I dont know how the hell she survived before she met us. Shes been alone her whole life, shes not got any family that she knows of" Jacks said. "Shes really beautiful to even though she doesn't think so. Shes got beautiful long red curly hair and she's got two different colored eyes one is aqua blue and the other is sea foam green. But because she's got these weird birthmarks on her she thinks she ugly" Sophia said. "What do you mean by weird birthmarks?" asked Glyn. "This doesn't leave us because she doesn't want anyone to know. But i seen her once changing when i spent the night with her. Shes got what looks like a dragon on her back, left arm, collarbone and right leg kinda like its hugging her from behind. Shes also got a phoenix on her chest, a snake on her left leg and three hummingbirds on her right arm" Sophia said. While we were talking dad got a call and walked away from us. My phone rang as well so i stepped away to answer it. It was Dunstan. "Hey man I just wanted to let you know that the hoard merry go round is starting trouble" he said. "Who the hell are you talking about?" I asked confused. "Ashley Fenton, she was at the swimming hole today with a bunch of other girls. To be honest i dont think she was even wanted there. The girls were all ignoring her and she was trying to boss us all around. The guys and i all ignored her and hung out with the other girls. She got really pissed and started mouthing off to Aurora when Igor and i ran up to check on her and then told the guys we had to leave" He said. "What the hell did she do. Im so f*****g sick of her s**t shes about to become a rouge" I said, "She started running her mouth to Aurora said, and i quote "Just who the hell do you think you are. These guys are ours, so if you wanna play a hurt victim go do it else where b***h and leave them alone" and growled at Aurora. Aurora then told her that she wasn't playing hurt and actually was hurt and that she knew us guys and didnt know Ashley and told her to leave her alone. Ashley didnt see me so she just kept running her mouth. She said "Ill tell you who the hell I am. My name is Ashley and I am the future queen. My mate will hear about this and put you in your place you filthy human. I will see that you are" and thats all that she got out when I stepped in. I went to yell for one of the other guys to grab her and take her to the cells like was ordered but she kicked me in the balls and took off. The guys all chased after her but couldnt find her. We took Aurora to the hospital because we were worried about her but we have people out looking for Ashley now. We got Aurora home and dad dropped off a shower chair and a knee scooter for her to use. Once we got them put together for her we left. We're heading out now to help look for Ashley" he said. "Ok keep me updated and let me know what's going on and ill talk to dad and see what he wants to do about her. Fill my grandpa in on your end please. What all ended up being wrong with Sophias friend?" I asked. " Shes got a sprained wrist and a dislocated shoulder. They put a wrap on the wrist and her arm in a sling she's gotta wear it for a week. Her hands were pretty scrapped up they've got her bandaging them up with triple antibiotic. And her ankle is fractured in three places and she's gotta wear a boot on it for six weeks. Dad got her a knee scooter to make it easier to get around because using crutches would be hard right now. I stopped on the way to take her to her apartment and picked up her meds for her and then we got her setted in and her stuff put away for her" he said. "Ok check in with her tomorrow and make sure shes ok. If i know Sophia then she'll either be going home or bringing the girl here so she can take care of her. I know that her and Jacks both are worried about her" I said. "Yea i got her number so i can check in tomorrow with her. Shes a pretty cool chick, tiny as hell though and so is her car. Man my legs and knees hurt from driving her to the hospital and then home. Hey my dads beeping in so im going to go. ill check in with you tomorrow" Dunstan said. "Ok man talk to you tomorrow, remember to touch base with grandpa regarding Ashley and if you need me call me. Bye" I said. "Ok man i will, later" and with that we hung up. I went to find dad but he was talking to mom and Glyn in his office and didnt want to be disturbed. I checked in with Sophia and then went to hang out in the games room with Jacks and James. I figured id spend some quality time with my brothers for awhile, just us. Tomorrow it'll be us and dad and a few guards on the boat for a couple of days to go fishing. When i got to the game room Jacks was showing James a picture on his phone of a girl with a waterfall in the background. She was so damn beautiful. "Whose that?" I asked him. "Thats Sophia and I's best friend, Aurora. Isnt she beautiful?" he asked. "Yea she is, are you in love with her or is she your mate?" I asked him. "No on both accounts. Do i love her, yea i do but its more of a brotherly love. Im protective of her and feel like shes important to me but shes not my mate. I dont know how to explain it" he said. "She could be the mate of someone close to you or something, who knows" said James. "How about a game of pool. Let me kick your asses for old times sake" I said. I took the talk away from mates and this Aurora girl because for some reason my dragon didnt like the thought of her with anyone or mated to anyone else. I didnt understand it and i decided that i wasn't going to think of it. After all of this time I've stopped hoping for my mate but my dragon hasn't. If only i wouldve realized that she was closer than i thought all this time.
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