Chapter 16

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Aurora My alarm went off at five thirty. That gave me a half an hour to get woke up and get my bag packed. I sat up and stretched and about screamed when i heard Lulu talking to me. "Why are you up so early dear do you have somewhere to go?" she asked me. "Oh you scared me haha i guess im so tired an hurting so much that i forgot that you were in bed beside me. And to answer your question my best friend Sophia is on her way to get me. Shes on vacation with her family on their island and she wants me close to take care of me. Shell be here at six so i got up early to pack my bags up. You'll go with me wont you? Will they be able to hear you talk?" I asked her. "Yes dear we will go with you and they will be able to hear me talk but not my kids. Only you can hear them other than myself that is. Once the portals opened up again then other people will be able to hear them. I dont have much and its all still packed up. I didnt start to move or talk until you came into the apartment yesterday. I had to be close to you for the spell to come off. Ill just get washed up and ready" Lulu said. "Ok Im going to run to the bathroom before you go in and then start packing up. I think ill wear Bingles and Stareye that way they are with us and not in a bag or something. Ill be right back" I said. I got up and used my scooter to go to the bathroom. After doing my business I washed my hands and then brushed my teeth. I figured id shower when i was done packing my bags. I left the bathroom and went to my closet to pack. I got my big roller suitcase out and put it on my bed that was already made. Lulu must have done that while i was in the bedroom. Once i had my suitcase opened up i started getting my clothes out. I got bras and panties for the week plus a few extra just in case. I then got my pajamas out and looked through my shirts and got out the couple of short sleeve shirts and spaghetti strapped shits that i had. Which isn't many because i dont like to wear them. I only had one bikini and i got it out and the 2 pair of jean shorts that i had. I packed a couple pair of blue jeans and leggings also. I made sure to leave out a pair of leggings and a shirt and a bra and underwear to put on after i shower. I packed my bag up with what clothes that i had. I just had to add in my makeup and bathroom stuff. When i was done with that i went into the living room and got my camera, tablet and laptop ready to go. I made sure that i had my cords for everything including my phone and extra batteries and my battery charger and packed up. After they were in their respective bags and i had everything i needed for them I sat them in the chair by the door. I also got my bookbag that i used for my art stuff and made sure that it had drawing pads in it. I also made sure that i had my stuff for drawing. My pens, colored pencils, regular pencils, markers, crayons, paint pens, oil pastels and anything else that i used to draw with. I sat it by the door also. As i was headed into the kitchen to check the food in the fridge there was a knock on my door. "Just a minute" I yelled. I wheeled my scooter over to the door and peaked out of the peep hole. I could see Sophia on the other side of the door. I unlocked the door and backed up a little bit to open the door. As soon as the door was opened up Sophia was on top of me squishing me. "Oh im so glade that i am finally here. Are you ok? How are you feeling? Did you get any sleep? Can i do anything for you?" Sophia just kept asking questions. "Soph breath" I yelled at her. " I am fine, i feel ok, I got a little bit of sleep and yes you can come in so that i can shut the door" I said while laughing. As i was ready to move out of the way and shut the door i heard someone say "Sophia are you going to let me in and introduce me to Miss Aurora?" "Oh yea i totally forgot, sorry Glyn. Aurora this is my dads second in command and best friend Glyn, Glyn this is my best friend Aurora" Sophia said as she stepped aside to let him in. I looked from her to the guy at the door and it was almost like looking in a mirror. He had the same color of hair as mine, it was a bright red. The only difference was that his was short and mine really long. His eyes were Aqua blue like my one eye. Hes also really tall where as im short. "Hello, its nice to meet you Mr um Glyn. Sorry Sophia didnt say your last name. Im Aurora Reid" I said. "Its nice to meet you sweetheart and my last name is Reid as well" he said. "Um please come in both of you. im trying to finish packing up and then i have to get a shower real quick. Im sorry im not moving to fast this morning" I said. They both came in and shut the door and Sophia said " Thats ok Aurora what all do you have left to do?" " I have to check the food in the fridge and make sure whats in there wont go bad, and anything that i can put in the freezer i will. And then i just have to finish packing up my bathroom stuff once i shower. I already packed what clothes that i could" I said. As we were talking i could hear Lulu talking to Bingles and Stareye in the other room. Sprinkles decided to speak up at that moment. "This is it, hes who weve been waiting on hes important to us" she said. "What do you mean?" i asked. "Just wait a minute and youll find out" she said. "Ill check the fridge for you Aurora and you can go shower. I know you have a shower chair but if you need any help just yell and ill come help you" Sophia said. "I may need help unwrapping my hands and then rewrapping them after i shower. I have to keep my wrist wrapped up also. Other than that i should be good, thank you" I said. "Your welcome, Ill help with your hands before you get into the shower" Sophia said. As we were getting ready to head back to my room I told Mr Reid that he could make himself comfortable and id try to hurry. As he went to answer me back Sophia yelled and jumped onto the couch. "What the hell is that?" She yelled. Before i got the chance to answer her Mr Reid said " Lulu is that you? I thought you were with my Lulu what happened why are you here?" he asked her as he bent down to her. "Oh Mr Reid I have a letter for you from your Lulu. She didnt want to leave you but she was trying to protect you and then she was trying to protect another. Her Uncle went crazy and was trying to take over their family. She didnt tell you but she was of royal blood. She was a phoenix princess from the land of Hela Karabryn. Her parents were the king and queen. She sent me off to protect someone special to her. I dont even know if our Lulu is even alive anymore. But i do know that you have a special gift from her that you have to protect with your life" Lulu said to him. Mr. Reid with tears in his eyes asked her "What is the gift?" "Shes behind you Glyn, Aurora is your daughter. Lulu gave her up to protect her because she knew if her uncle found her and she had Aurora with her hed kill her. She also put a spell on her to protect her. She wont get her dragon or her phoenix until her twenty-first birthday. And thats in three weeks. Her going to The Claire Glens was a start to unlocking her powers. It woke me up and she has started to hear some of her beings i guess you'd call them. She wont be able to shift or use the others until her birthday though. She will start to meet them and be able to talk to them though. Now we will talk about this while shes showering. Glyn stand up, turn around and meet your daughter" Lulu said. He stood up and turned around and I was already crying. I have been told that id meet my dad but to have him in front of me just didnt seem real. He came close to me and asked me "Can i hug you sweetheart?" I just shook my head yes. He pulled me into a big hug while being careful of my injuries. "Im so sorry that ive not been there for you and that you had to grow up alone babygirl. Had i known that i had a daughter out there alone I wouldve brought you to live with me. Youll never be alone again" He said. "I cant believe that i have a dad, that i have family. Do you want to do a dna test just to be sure?" I asked him. "I dont need a dna test to tell me that you are my daughter. I knew as soon as i seen a picture of you. Thats part of why were here to get you, Sophia just didnt know that thats why i was coming here. Theres more that we need to talk about but we'll talk when we get to the island. When Amelia showed me the picture of you by the waterfall I had to come see you i person. You look just like me the only difference is that you have two different color eyes and your really short. You having Lulu here confirms it as well, she was with your mom when i met her. My momma and dad will be so happy. Your about to be one spoilt girl. They are going to meet us at the jet and go back to the island. They just dont know why" He said. I stayed in my dads arms for a little bit before i went into my room to get ready to go shower. Sophia came in and helped me take my bandages off. Before she left the room she squeezed me and said "Im so happy for you Aurora. You've finally got a blood family. Your still my family though" She said. "Thank you Sophia and your still my family also" I said. After she left the room I went into the bathroom and got a shower. It took me a little bit to get my shower but once i was done i got dried off and got dressed. I put my boot on and rewrapped my wrist and put my sling on. I figured id get Sophia to help me with my hair. After i gathered up all of my bathroom stuff like shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, makeup and anything else i needed i was done in the bathroom. I finished packing and double checking my clothes and stuff. I made sure that i grabbed my medicine and my bag of gauze and triple antibiotics and made sure that i had everything. As i was about to go out of my bedroom Stareye yelled and said "Hey dont forget us we dont want to stay home alone." Bingles said "Hey speak for yourself, id rather be alone. Then i wouldn't have to put up with you and your annoying self." "Be nice you to and be glade that you have a family and that your not alone. Trust me it sucks" I said. I put the earrings in and then headed for the bedroom door. My dad heard me trying to maneuver my scooter and pull my suitcase with one hand so he came and helped me. After Sophia helped me to brush my hair and rewrap my hands we were ready to go. Before I left I sent a message to Miss Darcy to let her that that i would be gone with Sophia for the rest of the week. We double checked that i had everything and that everything that needed to be unplugged or shut off was. Dad carried my bags and helped me to the car. Sophia carried Lulu so that noone asked questions about her. After we all got loaded up and on our way we stopped by Mc Donalds and got breakfast and coffee. We made a stop at the store to grab me some more clothes and bikinis and then headed to the airport. I was both nervous and excited. I was about to meet my grandparents for the first time. I woke up this morning not having any family at all and now i've meet my dad and im about to meet his parents, my grandparents. Can life get any better that this?
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