Chapter 14

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Aurora Trying to get any sleep was hard to do. When i first fell asleep i managed to get a few hours before i woke up. I had rolled over onto my left side in my sleep and when i did pain from my shoulder and my wrist went through me. It hurt so bad that i woke up and then had a hard time going back to sleep. I was due to take the pain meds because i didn't take any before i went to bed but i didn't like the thought of taking them. I had a bottle of motrin on my nightstand so i took a couple of them. Thankfully i didn't wake up Lulu. When i checked on her she was still asleep. I got up and used the bathroom and then laid back down on my right side. The scooter is definitely quieter than what crutches wouldve been. After i laid back down and got comfortable I decided to check my phone. I had a few different messages. I had new ones from Sophia and Jackie and from their mom Amelia. I decided to check the messages before trying to go back to sleep. Sophia - Hey Bish you did a number on yourself didn't you. Dad talked to Dr Manny and told him that anything that you needed we would get to make things easier on you and to get ahold of Mr Vaughn. Mr Vaughn then got ahold of dad and said that he got you a scooter and a shower chair to make things easier on you and that you kept thanking him and even offered to pay him back. You are my family Aurora and family takes care of each other. Mr Vaughn is available if you need anything before we get back, just call him. Once im back home ill be there to help you out if you need it. I want to come home now but i know that you'd get pissed if i did. Im tempted to get on the jet and come pack your ass up and bring you out here with us for the week. I know that you've had a long day so call me when you get up in the morning. Love you Bish. Jackie - Hey Tiny Tot, Sophia told me what all was wrong with you. Shes ready to either come home to take care of you or to bring you here. You're so tiny that i think she forgets that you are an adult and can take care of yourself. lol. Dont get me wrong, Id love to be home so that i could help you as well but i know how you are and it would probably just be us arguing with you to let us help and you not giving in. You're as stubborn as a mule, isnt that the saying. I think it is. Anyways if you need me ill come home in a heartbeat you know i will. Take it easy and if you need anything, and i mean anything at all either call Mr Vaughn or get ahold of Soph or I and we'll get it sent to you. Take it easy and ill see you in a few days. I love ya Tiny Tot. Me - Hey Jackie, im ok and as much as i appreciate the fact that both you and Sophia want to come home and help me id rather you didnt. You guys dont get to spend much time with your family because you are all busy. So have fun catch a big fish for me because Soph said you guys were fishing and spend time with your family. Ill be ok and ill see you when you get back. I love you to. Amelia - Hey sweetheart, Dr Manny said that you gave him permission to tell us what all was wrong. Oliver had Howard, or Mr Vaughn as you know him, go and pick up the scooter and the shower chair to make things easier on you. We took care of the payment on them and your hospital bill so you dont have to worry about it and you dont have to pay us back. You are my childrens' best friend and they love you and said that you are family. In our family, family takes care of family. I know that Sophia is worried and wants to come home, she said you told her not to though. I cant promise to keep her here but i will say to pack a bag because i foresee her leaving to come and get you and bring you here to finish up your vacation and so that your not alone. Dont worry about crashing our family vacation if she comes after you, after all your family now and you are more than welcome to join us. If you decide not to then take care and rest and we will see you when we get home. As i laid there trying to decide if i wanted to go join Sophia and Jacks and their family for the rest of vacation i heard a voice that wasn't Trixie's. "We need to go, I dont know why but i have a feeling that something is gonna happen there and we need to go. I think that we are going to meet someone that is special to us" the voice said. "Um hello, who are you?" I asked the voice. "Oh im sorry, i forgot to introduce myself, haha silly me im Sprinkles. Im the second of your hummingbirds to join you. Once you come into your powers i will be able to give you the power to teleport and to control the earth. I cant wait to be able to meet you face to face" Sprinkles said. "Its nice to meet you Sprinkles and i cant wait to meet you Trixie or the rest either. Do we really need to go to Amelia Island. I dont know if im up to traveling anywhere right now." "Oh im sure, us hummingbirds can speak to each other because we are connected together. Your last hummingbird that you have to meet told me that we need to go and that's all she said. I cant say why just that we need to be there for some reason." "Ok then if your sure then i guess ill get ahold of Sophia and well go" I said. I laid there for a few more minutes just thinking when my phone went off with a text from Sophia. She mustve knew that i was thinking of her. Sophia - Hey my dad and brothers are going out for a couple of days on the boat to fish. My dads friend has to go back home to see to something and then hes coming back its a quick trip and im coming with him to check on you. Id love it if you came back with me. Well be there in the morning and anything that you need we can always get for you before we leave. Just let me know we leave in a few minutes and we'll be there for a few hours at least before heading back. Love ya Bish. Me - Hey I've been thinking about it since you messaged me earlier and id love to come back to the island with you. You're mom even said it was ok when she texted earlier and told me that i wouldn't be interrupting the family vacation because i was family. I dont have very many bathing suits but i cant go swimming anyways. Ill pack up shorts and stuff and try to be ready when you get here. I have to get ahold of my boss still about not being able to work next weekend but it shouldnt be a problem. What time will you be here so i can try to be ready. Love you to Bish. Me to Sam - Hey Sam Im sorry for texting so late i ment to call earlier but i had a long day and fell asleep. I told Darcy but i dont know if she told you or not. Im not going to be able to work this weekend. I tripped on a tree root when i was at the Clare Glens and i fractured my ankle in three places and sprained my wrist and dislocated my shoulder. My hands are scraped up pretty good also from trying to catch myself. I have to use a scooter to get around for the next six weeks. Im not sure when ill be able to get back to work. I hope its soon but not being able to walk theres not much that ill be able to do at the bar. Im sorry to leave you short handed right now. Sam to me - Hey its ok and mom told me, take all of the time that you need and you can come back to work when your all healed up. Your job will be here. You are one of my best workers and you never take time off. Hell you always work everyone's shifts when they need time off and usually put in extra hours. Enjoy the vacation and rest, relax and heal up. If you need anything call me and ill be there for ya. Me to Sam - Thank you Sam i appreciate it so much. Ill be back as soon as im able to. Im leaving in the morning to go with my friend to her family island. Shes coming to get me because she thinks i cant take care of myself lol. Ill see you soon and ill be back to work as soon as i can thank you again. Sophi - Hey its like three o'clock here and were leaving in a few minutes. It takes two hours to get back home so i should be at your apartment by six. Just pack the essentials and well go and get you a few bikinis and anything else that you'll need while your here. You may not be able to swim but you can lay out and tan. LEAVE YOUR PANTS AND LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS AT HOME. You dont have to hide here. Make sure that you bring your camera so you can get a bunch of beautiful pictures here. Moms already getting a room set up for you and ready. She cant wait until your here either. Ill see you soon love ya. Me - See you soon be careful love you to. As much as i didn't want to interrupt their family vacation i couldn't wait to join them. I didn't know what it was like to have a family and for this week i would know. Hopefully one day soon id know what its like to have my own family. I couldn't wait to find my dad and i really hope that my mom is still alive as well somewhere. For now i will take what i can get though. After i set my alarm and plugged my phone in i laid down to go back to sleep. In just a few hours my best friend would be here and before the day was out i would be laying on the beach. I couldn't wait.
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