Chapter 5

1559 Words
Aurora Bell The weekend went by pretty fast and now it's Monday. During the days on the weekend I went to different places around here to site see and take pictures and then I worked at night. Now that it's Monday and I'm finally taking my trip to The Clare Glens. I can't wait to get there. I've got everything packed up and ready and even told Darcy and Sam where I was going. I even let them know that I may stay there the night and go exploring more tomorrow. I wanted them to know so that if I wasn't back by Wednesday then they could send someone to come find me. And if I decided to stay longer I'd let them know. I get up Monday morning around 8 a.m. I got a quick shower and got ready to go. I packed up my cooler with sandwiches and drinks. Then I pack up my book bag and an extra bag with snacks to take that way I've got extras if I need them. I already had my duffle bag fixed with a few days worth of clothes and toiletries in it. My camera bag was all packed up with everything that I'd need in it. I had my big tripod and all of my batteries were charged up plus I had extra ones also. After sitting everything by the door and double checking that I had everything I locked up my apartment and headed to my car. Thankfully my cooler was on wheels with a handle to pull it so I put my duffle bag and extra book bag on it and carried the rest of my bags and purse. Thankfully I was able to get everything down to my car in one trip. After loading up the car and making sure I didn't forget anything I got into my car. After waving to Darcy I pulled out and headed to a fast food place to get breakfast to go. I decided to just grab McDonald's and pull into the one closest to where I'm at. I go through the drive thru and look at the menu. It's so different from the food back home. Back at home we had a mcgriddle that I really loved and they don't have them here. But i needed food and coffee to wake me up so im not picky. After looking at the menu I pull up and order three double bacon and egg McMuffins with cheese and three double sausage and egg McMuffins with cheese plus 3 hash browns. I also order a large caramel iced frappe. I pull up to the first window to pay and then go up to the second to wait for my food. I know it's a lot but what I don't eat now I'll eat later. I'm sure there won't be much left though. For some reason lately I've been eating more than normal and I'm hungry alot more throughout the day now. After I get my food and frappe I pull into an empty parking spot for a minute. I get my straw in my frappe and then put my hash browns in a cup holder to make it easier to grab and then open up a sandwich. Once I'm good to go I back out and take off. I can't wait to get to The Clare Glens. It should only take about an hour to get to it from where I'm at. From all of the research that I've done of it and the pictures online that I've seen it is such a beautiful place. There is supposed to be all kinds of beautiful waterfalls on the national looped walks. I've also heard that there is a magical waterfall off the trail. But that noone has seen it in centuries. They say that the legend of the mystic waterfall only shows itself to certain people. That you have to be a chosen one in order for the mystic waterfall to call you to it. Legend says that the chosen girl will be blessed with the power to shift into a couple of different animals as well as have use of a few different ones. Noone really knows what that means. Sophia and Jack said that they have herd the legend many times growing up. The same as alot of other kids around here. But they said that there is a prophecy that goes with it, but most don't hear it. And some have just heard versions of it. It goes: When the moon is full and the moon is blue. A lost Kingdom will be reunited with a lost princess. Having no idea who or what she is. She will find the other sides of her that she didn't even know existed - under the Mystic Waterfall. These sides will show themselves when she least expects it but when she needs them. She will be reunited with a father that didn't know she existed. And she will find her mate that has looked for her for so long that he's ready to give up because he doesn't believe she exists. Together they will fight evil and reunite the kingdoms as one. From the ashes they will rise and make the world a better place. When Sophia first told me the "prophecy" she said that it's supposed to revolve around the supernatural. I just laughed at her because come on supernatural creatures don't exist. They are make believe characters in story books and romance books. Don't get me wrong I read those kinds of books and I think it would be kinda cool if some of them existed. Can you imagine how cool it would be to turn into another animal or how powers or some kind? It would be awesome. I even like the idea of mates. Could you imagine if mates existed. To know that there is one man out there that was made to love and cherish you forever. It would be awesome. Well as long as you ended up with a good guy it would be. But to know that you had one guy that was meant to be yours and that you didnt have to kiss a bunch of frogs until you find mr right would be awesome. I thought about the mystic waterfall and the legend and prophecy all the way to The Clare Glens. It would be kind of cool. But at the same time kind of scary. Can you imagine being the girl who didnt know anything about the supernatural and the suddenly finding out that shes a supernatural being? Not only that but learning that you've got a dad and a mate out there. It would be a lot to take in. I pulled up at The Clare Glens parking and picnic area at around 9:45. I made good time getting up here. I check my phone and send Sophia a text letting her know I made it and I even texted Darcy and Sam. After texting everyone that I made it and that I'll be careful, I pack up what's left of my breakfast into my cooler and finish off my frappe. I get out of the car and stretch my arms and legs out. I decide to use the bathroom before getting everything out of my car so I lock it up and go to the bathrooms that they have here at the start of the trail. I also grabbed my trash to throw away first. Once done I head back to the car and get my cooler and book bag out. I put my purse into a secret spot on the back of my bookbag because it's just a small one. The spot is up against my back and you have to know that it's there to find it. I put my bookbag on my back and fix all of the straps on it. There's even one that latches in front of my stomach. I put my camera bag over my head so that it crosses my body and grab my cooler. I make sure that my phone is in my pocket and that my car is all locked up. After double checking that i have everything I set off to the trails. I can't wait to see all of the beautiful waterfalls. Its nice to get out and explore that beauty that is Ireland. I love this place and im so glade that i decided to move here. It would be nice to have someone with me but im use to being alone. As I start up the trail i keep thinking about the "prophecy". I know i should forget about it and move on. But for some reason its sticking with me. What if it was actually real and supernatural creatures actually existed? I know its just wishful thinking on my part because i keep thinking how amazing it would be if that were me. I think all it is though is my hope that i actually have a dad out there somewhere that doesn't know about me and would love to have me be apart of his life. But its just stuff you hear about in storys or movies and not in real life. I need to forget about it and move on with my life. Right?
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