Chapter 4

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Amelia The kids are all on spring break next week so we have planned a family vacation. It's not often that we all get to go away together. Having three out of four of our kids in college and our oldest always busy with work makes it hard to get away. Being the Alpha King and Queen also makes it's hard to get away. Thankfully Charlie and Lily, Oliver's parents, agreed to keep an eye on things so that we could get the kids away for a vacation. Our Gamma Howard and Delta Niall will also be there to keep and eye on the kingdom. It will be nice to spend time with all of our kids together for a change. It's not often that we are all able to get together. Our oldest Jacob is always working. He never wants to take a break and when he's not working he's looking for his mate. Being supernatural creatures we look young but we are actually over a hundred years old. My Oliver is 158 and I'm 130. Our oldest Jacob is 100, with the twins being 24 and my only girl Sophia being 22. There is a big age gap between Jacob and the other three. After having Jacob things were always busy and it was never the right time to have more kids. Everytime we thought about having more kids something happened and we'd end up having to wait. I'm glade that we waited though. I wouldn't trade my boys or Sophia for anything. Now that they are grown up I can't wait for them to start finding their mates. I'd love to have some grandbabies running around. I figured that Jacob would have found his mate already but he hasn't yet. I think that he's starting to lose hope that he ever will. But I know that she's out there and hell find her soon I can feel it. Oliver got called out to Limerick to deal with an issue before our trip so I decided to go with him. It will be nice to surprise Jack and Sophia. Maybe I'll even get a chance to meet their friend that their always talking about. After we get to Limerick Oliver and his Beta Glyn go deal with the issue and I head to the college with my guards. When I get there I look around for Sophia and Jack but don't see them yet. I know that they are doing exams and should be done soon so I decide to wait. As we were pulling in I look around a see a beautiful little girl come out of one of the buildings and walk to a tree and sit down. I can't see to much of her face but she's got beautiful, long bright red hair that reminds me of Glyn's. She looks like a little pixie, she's so tiny. She doesn't sit there long and then I see Jack walk up and sit down with her and hug her. As their talking Sophia also walks up to them and starts talking. I wonder if that is the girl they are always telling me about. As I was walking up I was amazed when she pulled out a painting that she did of my two kids. It was just phenomenal. She is an amazing artist and I can see her work being worth lots of money one day. If I didn't know any better I would've thought it was a picture that someone took of them and not a painting. After walking up and talking to the kids, I found out that she is their friend Aurora Bell Reid. Shes the girl that they are always talking about. I asked about her family and was surprised and saddened to hear that she grew up in foster care. I would swear that she belongs to Glyn, she looks just like him and has the same last name. Thinking back on it, there may be a chance that she is Glyn's. He was in the states taking care of a problem for us about 21 or 22 years ago. He found his mate then just to have her disappear the next day and he was never able to find her again. He didn't know very much about her, so we didn't know where to look for her. He's not been the same since then. He was so happy when he'd found her just to have her disappear on him the next day. I have to find out if she is his and If she is it will break his heart to know that his only child grew up the way she did. He would've wanted to raise her and if her mom didn't want her I know he would've raised her alone. He would've had all of us there to help but he would've been glade to do it I know he would've. I know he will also be happy to have a daughter. I know his parents would love to have a grandkid to spoil as well. Even if he didn't get to raise her, I know if Aurora is his daughter he will be thrilled to have her in his life now. Who's to know if she is or not and why things happened the way they did if she is his. What I do know is that everything happens for a reason, and maybe she wasn't supposed to be with us untill now. Everything will turn out the way it's supposed to and I have a feeling it will be amazing. After leaving the kids I head back to the condo to make dinner for Oliver, Glyn and I. After getting dinner started I send a message to a few of the boys that go to school with Jack and Sophia and tell them to keep an eye on Aurora while we're gone. I don't like her being alone and exploring The Clare Glens by herself. At least this way I know that someone will be looking out for her while we're all gone. It hurts my heart that the poor child has had to go through like alone without any family. I will find out if she's Glyns daughter and if she is she won't be alone ever again. Even if she's not his she won't be alone ever again. She'll just become my second daughter. When Oliver and Glyn get back i dont say anything about Aurora possibly being Glyns. I show them the painting that she did and brag about her being a fantastic artist. By the time Jack and Sophia get home we are all still sitting up drinking coffee and talking. "Did you guys have fun with Aurora?" I asked them. "Yea we had dinner with her and then followed her to make sure she made it home ok. We wont get to see her tomorrow. Shes got two exams and I've only got one in the morning. By the time shes done we'll all be gone. Im going to miss her like crazy" Sophia said. "Yea I am to, I hate leaving her here alone. I wish she was going with us but shes got to work" Jack said. "I've asked some of the boys that will be staying here while were gone to keep and eye out on here. Especially when she goes to The Clare Glens. I want to make sure that nothing happens to her" I said. "Thanks mom I appreciate it. Shes our best friend and it sucks that shes alone with no family, but shes got us now. Im going to head to my room to finish packing and then i need to study some more before i go to bed. I love you" Sophia said. "Love you to sweetheart see you in the morning" I said. "Good night baby girl I love you" Oliver said. Not long after Sophia went to her room Jack headed to his to pack and get ready for bed. I left Oliver and Glyn to talk and went to take a shower and get in bed. When Oliver finally came to bed I told him about Aurora and that i thought she might be Glyns daughter. We decided to wait until after spring break to figure out if she belongs to him or not. The next morning Sophia went to school to take her last exam. while she was there we got our over night bags loaded up as well as Jacks bags. When Sophia got back home she finished getting her stuff together and loaded up. We got loaded up in the cars to head back to the castle. After having lunch with the family we would be heading to the airport to load up in our private jet to go to our private island. I couldn't wait to spend the week with my family. Being on Amelia Island in the middle of the ocean ment that we were free to be ourselves. My dragon needed to stretch her wings and spend time with her whelps. I have a feeling its going to be a really good week.
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