Chapter 2

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Aurora Bell This week has been a long one. It's currently Thursday and I just got done with my last exam for the day and it's only 2 o'clock. The exam I just did was for my art class. Our professor had us do a painting at home to bring in today as well as a written exam in the classroom. Our painting had to be of a member of our family. Since I grew up in foster care and don't have a family she let me do mine of my best friends who are the closest people that I have to family. While we were doing the written exams she walked around to where our paintings were and graded them. They will be counted as half of our grade. After we finished with our written exams we were allowed to leave for the day and if our paintings were graded we could take them with us. Of course she had all of the paintings graded by the time we started finishing up the exams. Once I was done I took my exam up to her and turned it in. I got painting and headed out to the courtyard to wait for Sophia and Jack. I know both of their exams will take awhile to finish up. While I was waiting on them I sat under a tree to study for my photography class that I've got tomorrow. After class we're supposed to go to dinner because tomorrow Sophia only has one exam and Jack doesn't have any so they will be leaving after their exams. I've got two to take tomorrow so I won't see them before they leave. I know that their both excited because their taking a trip with all of their family out of town for a few day but I'm gonna miss them like crazy. As I'm sitting under the tree studying I see a few vehicles that pulled into the parking lot on the other side and park. It looks like it's someone important with the way the security guys are protecting whoever it is. I decide to just ignore it because it has nothing to do with me and I go back to studying. After studying for awhile the next time I look up its to see Jack walking towards me just whistling away with a big smile on his face. "What's got you so happy Jackie?" I asked him. "For one I'm happy because my exams are done and for two I can't wait to go on break. I feel like my brain is about fried. I need some down time" he said as he flipped down beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Aww Jackie that's cute. You think you have a brain. Didn't Soph say that you lost it along with your marbles a few years ago?" I asked him while laughing. "Haha your so funny. I'm also happy because I get a break from you and..... Damn it I don't get a break from Sophia. Maybe I should leave her here with you" he said. "Bahahaha go ahead you know that she'd love that, because you wouldn't be up in her ass all the time like she says. And you know that you'll miss me their Mr. protector" I said while laughing evilly. " Your right, I will miss you and I don't like leaving you here alone what If something happens to you while we're gone? What will you do then?" He asks me. "Listen I love that you play the big brother role with me also even though you don't have to. But I am use to taking care of myself. You gotta remember that I've been alone since the day I was born, so I'm use to taking care of me. And besides if I have any troubles I have all of the numbers that I need on my phone. I've got yours and Sophia's plus Mrs. O'Brien's and Sam's numbers, and all of the emergency numbers that I need. Go have fun with your family I'll be fine I promise" I said. "Hey as much as I hate to say this I agree with my brother. I hate that you're gonna be here alone as well. Yes yes I know that you can take care of yourself but I still don't like it. Especially with that pub that you work in, anything can happen at that place" Sophia said. "I promise I'll be fine, and besides I've got Darcy and her son Sam to look out for me and they always do. You know Darcy she's my landlord and Sam is her son he owns the pub. They watch over me as well, so I'll be ok. So topic change" I said with an evil eye to the both of them. They just laughed at me. "How was your exams today Sophia?" I asked. "They were good and I'm pretty sure that I aced them. What about you guys?" she asked. "I did good in mine also and now I am done and can relax tomorrow morning and finish packing up for our vacation" Jack said. "All of mine went really well today and I'm sure that I aced them. I already got my painting that I did back. You guys know that we were supposed to do one of a family member, I told you about it. Well I talked to the professor and since I don't have any family but you two are like my family I asked if I could paint you two and she agreed to it. So I painted the two of you and got an A+ on it. Do you wanna see it?" I asked. "Hell yeah we wanna see it" they both said at the same time. I got the painting that I did out of the canvas carrying case that I had it in and held it up to show them. Without them saying anything I could tell by their faces that they loved it. Sophia went to say something when a voice spoke over hers. "That is amazing! You did such a wonder job on it. If I didn't know any better then I'd say that It was a picture and not a painting. Sophia and Jack you didn't tell me that your friend was so talented" a beautiful woman exclaimed. "Mom what are you doing here" she said as she jumped up to hug her, "and yes she is very talented. That picture is just amazing Aurora. I love it" Sophia said. "It is very amazing Aurora. I mean it's incredible. You did fantastic on it and deserved that A+ you got. And yes mom what are you doing here I thought we were meeting you tomorrow afternoon" Jack said as he got up to hug her as well. "That was the plan but your father got called out here about work so I figured that I'd surprise you two. I've been here for awhile and didn't want to interrupt you three but when I seen that picture I had to. Its just amazing. And I have to say I am so proud of the two of you for looking out for your friend. I didn't mean to ease drop but I heard you talking about being worried about her while your gone and it shows how much you care about your friend. The two of you are turning into such amazing people" she said. "Thanks mom and we do worry about Aurora she's our best friend. And sorry Aurora I've forgotten my manners Aurora this is our mom Amelia, and mom this is our Aurora Bell Reid. Our bestest best friend" Sophia said. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. O'Connor. I don't need this picture for class anymore if you want it your more than welcome to take it" I said. "Oh that is just so nice of you, thank you and please call me Amelia. It will look fabulous in my living room. You said her last name is Reid, who is your family, where are they from if you don't mind me asking?" Amelia asked me. "I don't have any family Amelia. I was put into foster care when I was born and no one knows who my family was. I was left outside of a fire department. The only thing in the box with me was a pink blanket with the initials ABR and a note with my name and the date and time that I was born. The only other thing the note said was that I was born at home and there was no birth certificate for me. I know I was born in the United States but not sure where. I was takin to the four corners fire department so I could've been born in one of those four states. The cops tried to find out where I came from but with no luck. I've always been on my own until I moved over here from the states. Aftering coming here I met your kids and they became my family" I said. "Oh dear, I am so sorry, I had no idea. I just asked because you look like someone I know and even share a name with them but it could be a coincidence. You may have grown up alone but your not alone now. Now you are apart of our family. I would tell you to come with us on vacation but I do remember that Sophia said you had plans of your own. Of course the invitation is open if you want to come your more than welcome to" Amelia said. "Thank you, that's very nice of you but I have a big project for my art and photography classes that's due at the end of the year and will take awhile to get done so I'm going to work on that. I am going to go out this week to The Clare Glens and walk the looped walks and take pictures. And I already promised to stay on the path and be careful while I did it. I know that there some dangerous places around there" I said. "Ok just be careful while your there and keep your phone close to you. Now I know you all had dinner plans so I'll let you get to it and I'll meet you to back at the condo ok kids. And make sure that you give Aurora my number so she's got it if she needs it. You can contact me anytime dear day or night, I'm always available anytime for my kids. I will see you all later". Amelia said and then left back to her car. After Amelia left Sophia Jack and I all went out to dinner at a nice steakhouse that also sold a variety of pastas. We ate our fill of dinner and then hugged and promised to stay in touch all week and they said they'd see me as soon as they got back. We went our separate ways with them going to their huge condo and me heading back to my little apartment. Next weekend can't come fast enough.
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