
1507 Words
My phone has not stopped going off. Leo is bordering on obsession with his messages. If it was any other man, I would have sent one of Julio's lieutenants to handle him, but there was something about Leo. Maybe it was the way my heart jumped in my chest every time I saw his name pop across my phone, or how I couldn't stop thinking about him. Just seeing his name made my body react. I missed his touch, his smell. One night and I was a simpering wimp. Entering the strip club locker room my co-workers hustle about. All of them are women. Some have their stripper costumes on while others wear waitress outfits. Waitresses are allowed to give lap dances for extra tips, so the outfits are very skimpy. I open my locker to take out my waitress uniform, sliding into a dressing room to change. The red strap across the bust of the quarter vest pulls my ample t**s even tighter and the flare of the micro skirt pleats barely cover my ass. Opening the door to the changing room, I see one of the other waitresses, Nancy, frantically waving around looking for me. "Oh good you are here Layce, there are two guys over in the back corner yelling in Spanish. The bouncers ignored me as per usual. Can you go talk to them?" Nancy is one of those women who flirts her way into every man she can's life, hoping that one of them will whisk her away. She has no backbone and will use tears as a form of manipulation. She will snipe your tables if she thinks the men have money. I don't like her. Rolling my eyes I throw on the six-inch high heels before heading to the floor. The strip club floor is covered with silver chairs and booths. Some are in front of the dancing stage, while others are strategically placed around the floor. The lights are low except for the spotlight on the dancing poles. The whole place has a slight smell of s*x and stale beer. In the VIP sections are some tables with poles sticking out of them. These are for special VIP dances. A few VIP tables are just booths with curtains surrounding them. Most of those are used for underhanded business deals. In one of the regular booths, three Latino men argue. I walk up to them, leaning on the nearby pillar. Listening in I eavesdrop on their conversation. No one suspects the Caucasian woman to be fluent in Spanish. Their conversation is about some drugs they stole, from the Suarez cartel. Idiots. The penalty for stealing from the cartel is death. Stepping away quietly I make my way back to my locker. I text Julio telling him to send a few lieutenants to pick up his falcons. Heading back out I can hear the men screaming at one another now. The loudest of the three starts shoving the other two. I clear my throat, directing their attention to me. One of the cartel members yells at me, "Unless you are here to dance for us this is none of your business." I walk closer to them, before casually saying "If you are going to fight get out of my club." The men quiet down. A few minutes later two lieutenants stroll in. They both have guns on their hips and they can hear the conversation happening regarding the stolen drugs. I nod in the direction of the table and the Latino men are dragged out of the club. All of Julio's lieutenants know who I am. My nod holds the same power as Julio's. Death. My assignment was on the other side of the club from the VIP section. No doubt changed by Nancy. For some reason, she saw me as a threat. I have no idea why. Unlike her, I don't give lap dances. No matter how much money is offered. I look over at the VIP section and see a tall, well-built man hiding his face in the shadows. Something about him is familiar, but I can't place what it is. Nancy walks up to the man and I go back to my work assignment. A few minutes later Nancy rushes up to me a dark red mark on her wrist. I assume she just pissed off one of the patrons. She is shaking with fear. I am holding a tray of drinks which she promptly takes from me. f**k this, she already has the VIP section she is not taking my tables too. Nancy's voice is shaky as she stumbles out her words "There is a man in the VIP section requesting you dance for him. I told him you don't dance for no one. I tried dancing for him and he pulled a gun. I'd just do it Layce." What the hell? Why does this man want me so badly? I tell Nancy what table the drinks go to and march my way over. I smell him before I see his face. Leo. Suddenly a wave of calm washes over me. I am no longer on high alert. He is wearing a button-down dress shirt in all-white and black dress pants. The buttons of his shirt stretch under the movement of his muscles. My mind wanders to the thought of ripping through the buttons and dragging my fingers over his perfect muscles. As I make my way to him I can feel my core tighten and start to feel myself getting wet. I shake my head and steel myself for the conversation. These thoughts and feelings cannot win. "You pulled a gun on one of the girls, Leo," I say staying far enough away from him that he can't touch me. Leo smiles at me, the lust in his eye evident "That outfit, now I am hard" I stare him down, trying not to react to his member pushing against his pants. He crosses his arms over his chest and says "I told her I want you to dance for me and she had the gall to try to hump me. Stupid slut is lucky I didn't shoot her. " I position myself on the side of the table, closer to Leo. I don't want my co-workers to overhear our conversation. I roll my eyes at him not impressed before I say "I don't dance. For anyone, Leo" A huge smile plasters across Leo's face. He reaches over, pulling me closer to him by my hips. His touch is soft and gentle. "You don't know how incredibly happy that makes me baby. I will kill any man who puts his hands on you." His voice sends chills down my spine. He pulls me closer to him so I am straddling his lap. My heart starts beating faster and faster as my body reacts to his touch. The room behind us blurs and in this moment it feels like just the two of us. I can feel his breath on my neck as chills run down my spine. The pressure and wetness builds in my core as my folds feel his hard c**k. There is no doubt in my mind that I want him. Suddenly he places a soft kiss on my neck. Still straddling him I push his body away with my hands. "Leo stop," I utter, there is no sincerity in my voice. If I let him continue I will lose all my self-control. "Just touching you makes me so f*****g hard." He whispers to me, his voice has so much longing in it that it is almost a plea. I stand up and step back, his hands stay on my waist drawing little circles. My want stains his pants. "Are you still engaged?" I ask. Leo removes his hands from my waist and looks away. I sigh and step away. He rubs the back of his head sheepishly, making his pec muscles look even better. "Then why don't you go f**k her!" I retort as I turn away. This was more to remind myself why I cannot have the man I crave. He softly grabs my wrist. I turn around to face him, keeping some distance between us. Both of us have hitches in our breath. "I told you Layce, I won't let another woman touch me ever again. Not even my fiancée. Only you, only ever you. Well, you and my hand." He pleads. Pulling me softly onto his lap again his arms wrap around my waist. I could have resisted, but I didn't. He pushes my hair back behind my ear and leans down, sniffing my neck. The wetness between my legs heightens the more time I spend with him, staining his pants. It is clear that I want him. Gathering what little strength I have left I stand up saying "It was one night, Leo, and if I had known you were engaged it never would have happened." before walking away. My heart falling into my stomach at my own words.
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