Chapter6-Something stupid

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Layce's Point of View. So I did something stupid. I looked at the message Leo sent. I waited until the next morning when I was lying in bed. For some reason, I felt like the urge to answer, him would go away after sleeping. It didn't. Ignoring it would have been the right thing, but for some reason, I was drawn to open it. I had this need to hear from him. Layce, baby. I know you are mad and you have every right to be. Please give me a chance to explain. I can't live without you in my life. I beg you Please. I am still furious with him. I refuse to be his other woman. If I am going to be with a man then I will be with him and only him. It sounds stupid to say cheating is my line, considering the fact that I murdered people as a job for four years. Being cheated on is the worst thing a partner can do. It is lying, and I won't tolerate it. My line is cheating Leo. That is what you did. You used me to cheat on your fiancee. I will not be made a fool of and I will not be the other woman. Find someone else to f**k when you are bored with what you already have. I read the message three times and hit send. Turning my phone onto silent I dress for work. I have a shift training at the gym today. Before heading out the door Wyatt flags me down. "Sis, I have a debate competition next week on Tuesday at 2. You coming?" He asks. "Of course," I say as I lean in to ruffle his hair. He dodges me as he texts on his phone, leaving for school Jason kisses me on the cheek before following his brother. Making my way to the gym I check my phone. Another message from Leo. I can't leave her yet but I promise I will. No other women, ever again. I meant it when I said that. What do I have to do to prove to you that you are the only one? Does he think I am an i***t? One of those stupid bimbos that will fall for his sweet words? I won't push aside rationality for this bond we have. No matter how sweet he is, or how much I crave him. Do you think I am an i***t Leo? Every married man says to his mistress that he will leave his wife. They never bloody do. The only thing you can do to fix this is leave her. If you aren't willing to do that then we are through. Arriving at the gym I throw my phone on the desk. I need a good fight today, something to take my mind off the burning ache that has been left by Leo. He royally f****d up my head. Carrie walks in wearing a low-cut tank top that sticks to her curvy body. Her jeans are painted on and her fire-red nails match her red lipstick. The long red curls she usually wears down are in a braid over her left shoulder today. The training area is a large open-planned design. Two fighting rings for sparring, and several workout mats for training and stretching. Weight benches and free weights are all along one side. To the left are the various punching bags and a cardio training area. The walls are a bright yellow color. At the front entrance is a check-in desk manned by Carrie. Carrie waves me over with her perfectly manicured hand. "How are you doing with everything?" She asks enveloping me in a big hug. Her Bronx accent is strong. Up until this moment, I was feeling angry and determined but her hug has made me feel sad. A tear falls down my eye "I really like him, Carrie." I say. She tightens her hug around me before wiping away my tears. "He is an asshole." I step back from her a little "I don't know why I am acting like this. It was one night. It's not like we were dating. He just felt, right." She smiles her big toothy smile at me, the one that always makes everyone feel better "Sometimes you just connect with someone instantly. I know what that is like and I know how pissed I would have been if I had found out Julio was engaged." I wipe my tears away, taking a big breath. If I am upset Julio will ask why and I really don't want to watch my brother kill Leo. Carrie rubs my shoulder affectionately as two younger college-looking boys walk into the gym. They are wearing polo shirts, with collars and golf shorts. Standing at the front desk they tap their fingers. Carrie walks over and greets them. She waves me and Carl over. Looking up and down at the college boys, obviously judging them with her eyes Carrie says. "These are your trainers. Layce you will be training..."She pauses as she looks down at the paper in front of her. "Micah, and Carl you will be training Liam." Micah looks me up and down crossing his arms and scoffing "I thought this gym was the best money could buy, and you give me this girl for my boxing lessons. I intend on winning my frat house boxing tournament." I look at this kid who showed up in golf shorts with gel in his hair to train for boxing. What was he thinking? Unfortunately, this is something I deal with all the time. Guys think that because I am a woman I can't train them to box. The best way to handle them is to show them I can. "How about we make a deal? Three minutes in the ring, just you and me. If you win, Carl here will train you. If I win you will tell everyone in your frat house that you were trained by a woman." I pull the word woman out of my mouth. He reaches over to shake my hand. I hand him a boxing helmet and a pair of boxing gloves, gearing up myself. Carl casually goes and sits in my corner chair. His friend Liam sits in his corner. Crawling under the ropes, I cue up to fight the frat boy. A crowd gathers around the ring. Jessie, one of our regular patrons jumps in the ring to play MC. I stand diagonally across from him. Shaking my hands out I take my stance. Jessie bellows "Weighing in at too much money and not enough brains we have, frat boy." He holds the frat boy's hand up to the crowd. There are a few murmurs but no one cheers. He continues, "Weighing in at everyone's favorite trainer we have Layce." The crowd erupts at my name being called. Jessie yells, "FIGHT". Micah comes at me with wild, frantic punches. I dodge them with ease. Throwing a light punch on his ribs, I say "When you throw frantic punches like that it makes it difficult to regain your block." Stepping back, he holds his ribs for a minute before regaining his stance. "Tighten your core when you get hit. It will ease the winded feeling." I tell him before walking around the ring. He tries to hit me with a jab to the face, but I block it and return another punch to his stomach. This time I hit him harder, but I was still pulling my punches. He tightened his core and was able to regain his composure much quicker. Pulling his block back in he repositions himself stepping to me. He throws a few fake punches before trying another jab at my face. "Stop posturing, all the fake-outs make your incoming punches too easy to read. I throw a punch to his face, causing him to stumble backward holding his jaw. "To no one's surprise, the winner by technical knockout is Layce" Jessie holds my hand up and the crowd goes wild. I offer my hand to Micah but he swats it away, ripping off his helmet and throwing it across the ring. Before he storms out I say "The biggest mistake you can make in boxing is to underestimate your opponent". Carrie yells from her desk, as she files her nails, "No refunds after the training session begins." as the two college boys storm out. I am already geared up and really need to fight to distract myself from Leo so I look over the crowd. "I have 45 minutes paid for by that kid. Who's next?" A tall, very strong man enters the ring all geared up as well. I look over at him and say "Muay Thai right?" He nods and we spar. My phone keeps going off on the desk and Carrie notices it. She picks it up to see three missed calls and some text messages from Leo. Unlocking my phone she reads the messages. You are not an i***t. You are one of the smartest people I know. I am sorry I made you feel that way. Please answer, I just want to talk. I can't stop thinking of you. Not just how f*****g magical your tongue is on my c**k or how tight your p***y felt surrounding me. I can't stop thinking of all the times you teased me. Our banter on how you would kill a stranger, or how funny you are. The way you laugh and squeal when I tickle you. How amazing it felt to wake up with you in my arms. All my thoughts are consumed with you. I want to get to know you, not just f**k you. Carries face turns to a scowl. She angrily types a message while I am still in the ring. You made my best friend cry you asshole. She finally finds someone who might be able to understand her, someone she likes, and you go and lead her on. I can't believe you think she would ever go anywhere near you. Over my dead body Jerk! There are a few minutes between the messages when Leo finally responds with only a few words. How do I fix this? Carrie holds my phone in her hand humming and hawing. She is trying to be discreet but what she is doing is obvious. A part of me is relieved. At least Carrie is handling this. I don't have to read any of the messages now. I can move on. Her shift at the strip club starts at 9 pm. Talk to her. Try to get to know her.
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