661 Words

NATHALIE "Nat, what's there on your neck?" Benjamin asks, looking over at my neck. "Oh! Did someone bit you, when did you get in a fight?" the boy gasps, pointing at my wound. I place my hand on the wound.  It's the hickeys that Mr Hudson decided to give me this morning.  I almost forgot about them otherwise I wouldn't have pulled my hair up.  What am I going to say to the boy now?. "It looks like their are many of them around your neck" he observes. "Who fought with you and hurt you like this, tell me and I'll go and tell him not to hurt you ever again" he says in a defense mood. "No, I already dealt with the person and I promise they won't fight with me anytime soon" I stop him. He sits down besides me again and his mind averts to the spider man film we are just watching. My m

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