795 Words

HUDSON "I need to speak with you after dinner" I say as we are having our meal. This is our code for 'I want you to come sleep with me in my room' "I'm sorry Sir, but I want to sleep with Benny today and we are going to bed early, it's been long since we had sleep over, right Benny" she ask. "Yesh" he answers with food stuffed in his mouth. "But it's really important" I insists, sounding as professional as I can. She looks away from me and this made me suspect that she might be hiding something from me.  What could it possibly be?. "But Benny is more important, I am here for him, remember, Sir?" she frowns slightly, trying to be professional as well. "I..." "Please Sir, I promise I would meet up with you tomorrow, and as it is, it's already past Benny's bed time and he hasn't ta

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