Chapter Ten

2266 Words
Katerina's POV "Are you okay?" He asked, the silence broke and I recollected myself. I have been laying with Draco for awhile now, just trying to get everything together and figure out my own life. Things are so different because of our own people, they changed everything. A glass breaking startled me off him, it was followed by a hiss and I ran into the kitchen- but nobody was there and everything was as it was. Not even a broken glass on the floor. "That's strange..." I mumbled, Draco coming up behind me and very nonchalantly answering my unasked questions. "Guess we got a vampire on our hands," he sighed, "he's probably scavenging for food or something, don't worry about it, they can't harm us- we will poison them." "I mean, they can still hurt us," I pointed out, he blew me off as I reminded him of our near extinction. He couldn't say more because a flash zipped by me and before we knew it, Draco was now shirtless and confused standing a little farther back due to stumbling. His toned body made me blush, on the other hand he was getting angry. "This person couldn't be anymore subtle about wanting in my pants if they tried," he scowled, finding his shirt on the floor by the balcony. As he went to grab it, a girl picked it up and handed it to him, she had red puffy eyes and lines where tears were. "This is yours I take it..." she said, her voice was raspy and I felt awful for her. I was the same way when Tiago hurt me and I'd never wish that upon anyone. He gently took the shirt from her, "you're the vampire that-" I rushed over, smacking the back of his head before he had the chance to finish his sentence. It clearly wasn't her, she was heartbroken... in lingerie. "Don't listen to him, would you feel comfortable explaining why you came here?" I asked, she wiped her tears and I took Draco's shirt from him, earning a grumble. I ignored him, giving it to her to put on and she did. "Thank you," she sniffled, I helped her to the couch and ran to get her a water. I snatched the water from my fridge, made sure nobody else was in my house, then went back to her and Draco. "I was following a friend, he was here but it seems he's not anymore. I was kicked out," she said, it clicked instantly that she was a werewolf- she's too flawless and pretty. "Your pack banished you," I said, her eyes widened at me but I stopped her panic, "I'm just human! I'm... different. I have wild imagination, besides- I've met a few werewolves." She slowly nodded, pulling me in for a hug which took me by surprise. Poor girl, banished from her pack. I wonder why Tiago would do such a thing? I just know it was his doing... but why? She didn't deserve this, even if she showed up inside my house with lingerie on claiming to be after a friend. But that stands the next question, is she friends with a vampire? There's no way a wolf can be that quick. I ended the hug and smiled at her, "do you think you can fit in my clothes? We can go shopping later if you'd like." "You have money? I like high class," she grinned, it made my heart flutter to see her smile- I hated her frown. "Not exactly, my shopping is a little different," I replied, "on another note... how do you feel about breaking the law?" Her eyes bugged out of her head at my words, that's when I knew we were going to be great friends. I looked over at Draco, he was smiling at us and we connected gazes. We knew we were going to stay here, now we have a wolf to join us... we need the space. I wish Joey were here too... "How about we throw a party! Are your parents going to be back soon?" She questioned, I squirmed over the subject and Draco had to answer. "That's a soft subject for her," he whispered to the girl, she gasped and put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," her features dropped but I let her know it's fine, she then changed the subject. "Do you have any cute clothes?" She chirped, getting up and taking my hand- waiting for me to take her to my room. Comfortable already? Sheesh... And they say serpents are trusting. I took her to my room and she went straight to my clothes, "you can wear whatever you want," I said, she smiled ear to ear and grabbed a red, lace crop top with black shorts. Next, she grabbed a fishnet, distressed jeans, and a black see through top with a built in black bra. "That's yours!" She squealed excitedly, I raised a brow at her strange behavior but ignored it and grabbed the clothes to change. I went into my bathroom and stopped when I opened the door, inhaling so I wouldn't cry. Everything was exactly the way I was forced to leave it, things were on the floor and the cloth he used to knock me out was laying there. Shaking my head, I closed the door and changed. I actually looked hot, so I wasn't complaining about her being here but at the same time I was about to blow up into tears. I can't believe I thought they were the bad ones this whole time- I thought they were bad for so many years but it was reversed... then we lied about it. But here I am, throwing a party with this wolf girl who just walked into my house... which I may or may not regret. Sighing, I opened the door and went into the living room where Draco was with the girl. She was touching him in very inappropriate places and I cleared my throat to break it up, they jumped and Draco looked extremely relieved. "So how is this going to work... girl?" I said, she laughed in my face and I got slightly aggravated. Nobody laughs in my face like I'm a child. But I let it slide. "Anyone! Those handsome human boys... you know, I'm sure you two know people. I mean look at him... he's exactly what I mean!" She paused, looking Draco up and down and we avoided her eyes, "but my name is Claire, and you two?" "Draco," he beat me to it, signaling at me, "and this is Katerina but Kate for short, I call her Kate cause she's so short tempered-" I slapped him with a glare, he rolled his eyes and Claire giggled at him. "Well? Let's put up signs!" With that, she ran and grabbed paper, quickly writing very bright letters that said 'PARTY! Everyone's welcome!' When she finished she bolted outside, coming back in seconds later and smiling, "let's get this party started!" Draco and I shared a look, he got up and turned on music. He hooked it up to the speakers and I just stood there allowing these guys to just rummage my house in front of me. "I'll go get some alcohol," Draco announced, getting ready to walk out the door but I stopped him. "My brother kept some in his room," I frowned slightly, he nodded yet didn't go look. "You're okay with using it? You don't want to keep them as mem-" "No, take them!" I said, wanting to forget it. We don't mourn! Never... After I snapped at him, he went to search the room and I turned around just for Claire to grab me, pulling me up and dancing with me. I slowly got into grove and we danced with each other, it was to the point I didn't notice teenagers walk inside. Soon enough there were about twelve teens, I got lost in the tiny crowd so I just went in the kitchen where all the alcohol was and a couple making out. I wish Tiago were here. This sucks! Parties clearly aren't my thing, I just got insanely jealous of this couple so I grabbed a bottle of lightning and chugged it. A full bottle down in thirty seconds, it had fifty percent alcohol but it did nothing to take me away from my mental state. Then my lights turned off and multicolored ones lit up my house, I was confused but I saw Draco quickly hanging up LED lights. He was quite fast. I grabbed another after watching him finish, chugging the whole bottle again but my stomach had no change. I sighed but a man approached me in awe, I watched him warily. "You sure can handle your alcohol... that's hot as s**t," he smiled, putting his hand on my thigh and I stared at it like it was covered in spikes, "what do you say we hangout upstairs?" My eyes shot from his hand to his face, he was cute- I give him that- but he wasn't cute enough to have s*x with. I grimaced at him, "no." He frowned, sliding his hand further up my thigh and I glared at him. His hand was inches from my lower area and I grabbed it, squeezing tightly and he ripped it away after wincing. "You crazy b***h!" He said, backing off and some of the couples were laughing at him because they watched the whole scene play out. At this point I couldn't care less. I just want that damn Alpha. "What was that?" Claire came in, looking at me weirdly but I shrugged, "you really are wild, I love you already girl!" She grabbed my hand again, pulling me into the living room and holding my hands as she danced- almost like she was trying to teach me. The alcohol rolled off her in waves and I could only smile at her, I'm so glad I was able to help her feel better. "Dance! Let loose!" She yelled, putting her arms up in the air to make an 'O' shape as she looked down and swayed her hips lowly to the beat then back up- her body smoothly accomplishing the dance yet her moves made me dizzy. I'm definitely getting buzzed. She noticed me staring and gave me a toothy smile, spinning around as she put her hand on my face and danced closely to me, I danced right back at her. Everything felt so warm and my body had weird shocks all over. I spun her around and we laughed, I ran to grab more drinks and brought them back to her. We cheered and downed a shot, handing the empty cups to some random guy next to us. We danced closely, our body heat mixed together and her face lit up as we danced to the music in a crowd of people. "Hey ladies, would you maybe want to dance?" This attractive man broke our system, eyeing us up and down and Claire jumped his bones. She wrapped her body around him and got very s****l with her moves, it began to even make me uncomfortable. I slowly moved away and let them pretty much hook up in the middle of my living room, finding some dude standing alone in the kitchen drinking shot after shot so I approached him. "Who hurt you?" I asked, he downed the one he was holding and looked at me, his piercing eyes were harsh and I felt paralyzed with one look. "This concerns you, how?" He asked rhetorically, his tone hit me in the gut but I ignored it. Rude as hell. "Just trying to see how you're doing, you're at a party for the drinks. Something tells me you wouldn't walk into a strangers party just for drinks if you were fine," I replied, a slight smirk appeared on his face as he slid over a full shot glass he had lined up. "Maybe I wanted free alcohol, that s**t is expensive," he leaned on the counter, waiting for me to take the shot so I did. I placed the cup back on the counter and looked back at him, "true, but a party can also get your mind off the issue- as I proved by approaching you. There are drunk girls at parties that'll throw themselves on you." His smirk grew, "you're pretty smart for a drunken party girl trying to throw herself on me." "This drunken party girl actually has standards plus a few secrets of her own," I winked, moving closer to him and he watched me closely- his eyes flickered to my chest but returned to my eyes. "Does she now? Seems to me you're trying to seduce my poor soul," He said lowly, facing me as I smiled up at him, "the admission price is a secret." He wrapped his arms around my waist and held my butt, I walked my fingers up his chest and he leaned down but stopped. "I break rules, sorry..." I answered, grabbing his face and kissing him. His grip on my butt tightened and I felt him squeeze it, my arms held his face as the music faded out in the background. We ended the kiss and he smiled down at me, it made my heart flutter as we grabbed more alcohol and drank the night away. I think I'm going to be just fine. My life is finally working out for me. It's finally alright.
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