Chapter Nine

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Tiago's POV "I don't know! She came to me and tried to help but there was no possible way I was leaving untouched. Not after all these years! I told her to go and that was it!" He screamed, the blood spewing from his mouth and down his chin- tears mixing with the thick red liquid. The sweat stinging his eyes as well as his hair soaking in blood and sweat, "she never told me where she was going! I swear! Just finish what you started, we both know that's why I'm still here!" I stood stiffly at his words, punching him straight in the jaw and he started laughing as more blood drained from his mouth. His laughter made my blood boil and my wolf was growling for me to end him. "Wow! You aren't going to kill me," he laughed, wheezing for air between his chuckles, "you want her to accept you, which is why you're trying to find her but it's too late! She's already gone so you might as well kill me! I wouldn't tell you if I knew, I'd rather her die than be mated to you." I growled, picking him up by his neck and he strained to breathe, "speak like that again and I'll burn your tongue off! And if you refuse to tell me her whereabouts... then tell me this: why can I feel our bond again? Stronger than before? Why did it suddenly change?" I snarled, he was choking on his answer but I wasn't releasing the pressure. "It me-means she fin-ished the process!" He struggled, I dropped him to the floor and he grunted- holding his throat and looking sincerely surprised. "What the f**k does that mean?" I felt my wolf itching to come out, our anger combining was making it hard to remain calm. I wanted to tear his heart out and make him watch the final beat before he dies. He looked up at me, spitting some blood on the floor before answering bluntly, "it means she found another male to fuck." I clenched my jaw, glaring down at the man who ruined everything for me as I kicked him in the ribs and left the room before I tore him apart. The amount of disrespect I received only angered me more, how dare he say that about my mate? She belongs to me and only me. Her existence is what kept me from killing that disgrace. Just the way her beautiful green eyes wore long, thick, black eyelashes spoke out to me in so many ways. They were always filled with so much fear, every time she'd look at me she was always so scared. Worried of what I would do to her- of what I could do to her, she flinched the slightest whenever I advanced toward her, she might've not even noticed at the delicacy in her motions- they were soothing to my wolf, sometimes I agreed with him. Although we never wanted her to fear us, even now- my wolf wants her to love us but I just can't let that happen, she's a serpent. She's everything I love but hate at the same time... I can't help but admire everything about her, however, knowing she has that side to her brings out so much anger and hatred- so many horrible memories I want to forget. She's been stuck in my head since I met her, the length of her shiny black hair, the green strips giving emphasis to those bright eyes that always left me astounded. The way her perfect nose would flare a little whenever she was startled, and her lips would quiver when she was afraid- or cold. She had the bitchiest resting face I've ever seen but it was the most adorable thing... She grew drastically from the young girl I met years ago, I knew there was a reason my wolf backed down from killing her- he must've known she was ours before I was old enough to sense my mate. I didn't even realize Katerina was that little girl until she admitted to being a serpent, that's when I really looked into her and saw the resemblance. I try to forget that day... How could I be so blind? I guess her and her brother have changed so much... we all have. "Alpha," A voice said, I turned my head over and saw Marco bowing- waiting for me to dismiss his bow so I cleared my throat, that being enough for him to stand straight once more, "Draco is with the Luna, he's putting her in danger and he's just so touchy-" "Enough," I silenced him, inhaling and exhaling calmly to keep my anger down. I knew Draco would run into her eventually, it's just the thought of another male being with her that leaves me unsettled and furious- especially since he's just like her, "Katerina is not in danger, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with them hanging out. Draco's venom has no effect on her- she's more similar to him than either of us would like to believe." He furrowed his eyebrows, I refused to say the words aloud because I wasn't ready to hear it- to hear the truth I've been struggling with inside my head for awhile. "The Luna is a serpent!" He realized, yelling the words and my body went rigid instantly. There goes the truth, right out his big mouth. The reality of the whole situation caving in on me, my stress seemed to multiply at the words that left his mouth and I clenched my jaw. Why does the love of my life have to be the very thing I hate the most? She could've been a vampire and I'd settle with it... but this? "Sir, the pack won't ever bow down to a serpent! Are you willing to risk everything you have for her? This place would never stay in one piece with her by your side- is that what you want?" He questioned but my wolf didn't like it because it felt like we were being questioned of our authority- you never question an Alpha's status! Not ever. Our wolves might snap and kill someone to maintain our rank and assert our dominance. "I don't know what I'm going to do yet," I snapped, he regretted what he said immediately and lowered his head, "the moon goddess has a sick sense of humor, sticking us together." He looked at me like I was stupid and received a growl that straightened him up real quick, "sorry... but don't you think- even slightly- that maybe you two are mates because you're so powerful, stronger than any wolf out there, and you're the only one who can handle her? Keep her from getting out of line? Recreating our peace, by chance..." "There is no peace," my voice was cold, he flinched at me but I didn't care. He was starting to piss me off, talking about creating peace- surrendering- to those reptilian demons! It started with them, it's ending with them. My own mate's presence makes me want to slaughter the life from her but it also makes me feel so relaxed... something I haven't been able to feel in what seems like forever. I sometimes even catch myself reminiscing the way her tiny arms felt around my torso, the way she made her cute eyes look glassy- the innocence behind those green pools almost made me give in. Any second longer and I would have, so I had to back away- the only time I'll ever back away. The amount of control that woman has over me is unbelievable. Leaving her to defend herself out there worries me greatly, not only for my wolf's sanity but for her safety. It'll always be her safety before anything... always. "What do you want me to do about Draco?" He broke my thoughts, I saw him waiting for me to snap again but I pushed down my irritation. "Kill him," I shrugged, averting my eyes to the window, "keep him away from my girl- just don't lay a single finger on her, not ever again." He frowned at me, awkwardly coughing, "she threw herself on me, I was startled-" "Go," I interrupted, he scrambled out of the room due to my tone and that left me alone with my thoughts. Rubbing my hand down my face, I tried to clear every part of her out of my head but she kept coming back. Her heavenly face was all I saw when I closed my eyes and resisting her was becoming more impossible by the day. I never would've guessed I'd be using every ounce of my strength to stay away from her- to be so cruel to the love of my life, the very girl I'd spend every single day trying to make smile. It's getting impossible to hurt her like this. I need her. My wolf cried without her, it's harder to focus because of it and I'm growing weak. It's only a matter of time before someone sees I'm not myself and they try to make a move. I can't believe a girl has got me feeling like this, so weak and emotional. "Tiago!" My door flew open, I looked up at the girl and felt let down- I wished it were her, "I need you, it's urgent..." I growled at the preppy b***h and narrowed my eyes at her for not showing respect, "knowing you, it's nothing urgent, Claire." She frowned, making her way to me and sitting her annoying ass directly on my desk so I moved back, "but Alpha... we're mates, when will you realize we have to have s*x?" She put her hand on my arm but I stopped any further movement, squeezing it tightly and she winced, "I am not your mate so do not touch me." "But you haven't found her yet... which means it has to be me! Don't you feel that?" She asked, rubbing her other hand on my bicep and I snapped it broken. "Don't touch me," I repeated, she was holding her broken hand and tears ran down her face- ruining all the makeup she worked so hard on but I couldn't give any less f***s about her pain. She is the only one of my pack members I don't like very much, but when push comes to shove I will save her from danger. She still is part of my family but I will not put up with this slutty behavior from her, especially trying to seduce me. "But I put this on for you!" She cried, indicating her outfit that I haven't once looked at. Her eyes were the only thing I saw on her, everything else was vile to me. I'll only look at my mate that way, not her, "But you won't even look at it! This is my favorite lingerie!" My eyes drifted off her and I shook my head, hearing her storm out of the room which made me scowl. She's always been trying to get with me but I've never looked at her longer than two seconds, when will she get the hint? She's meaningless to me. The only girl I want to look at for the rest of my life is something I can hardly look at. Why does this have to be so difficult? My wolf begs me to accept her but it's harder than you'd think, so I struggle between my head and my heart... This decision will affect everything. "Alpha-" my door opened for the third time and I snapped, not being able to just sit by myself for five minutes. "If someone else comes in here I'm going to break their legs!" I snapped, interrupting the person and I saw it was Pj standing there looking horrified. The silence between us became deadly so I sighed, running my fingers down my face, "what now?" He cleared his throat, "I just wanted to tell you that Claire is telling everyone you two are mates-" I'm not one to say this but... that w***e. I got up and left my office, Pj following behind me like a lost pup and everyone I walked by bowed with a 'congratulations.' Growling, people kept their heads down and avoided my stare. When I found Claire I turned her around harshly, people watched but she had pushed my last nerve. "Why are you telling everyone we are mates?" I snarled, she laughed loudly and threw her arms around me- which I stiffened from. "Silly babe! Just because our ceremony is tomorrow doesn't mean you can push me away!" She looked at everyone around her, "he's just nervous you guys, we are mates. I'm your Luna." Breaking her wrist wasn't enough I see. She tried to lean in for a kiss but I blocked her with my hand, shoving her off me and trying to remain calm. She's done enough by having zero respect and boundaries for my real mate, she shouldn't be touching her alpha this way, "leave, Claire! Right now! I'm sick of your s**t. I'm not your mate and I'm done dealing with you acting like a horny teenager- you are no longer welcome here." People gasped, she let me go and her smile faltered slightly but it stayed there. I narrowed my eyes at her as an indication I wasn't playing and she began to quiver, taking off out the door without another second to waste. Unbothered by her exit, I exhaled exaggeratedly and looked back at Pj- who was standing awkwardly behind me. "Can I be alone now?" I asked through clenched teeth, my jaw tightening and it was hard not snapping at him. He nodded, everyone scattering with one look and I went back to my office silently. I am desperate for the least bit of relaxation...
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