Chapter Eleven

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Three Years Later... "Are you going to be alright while we're gone?" Draco yelled from downstairs, I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see me. "Yes, dumbass! Now go!" I replied, hearing him grumbled under his breath and movement before the door opened then closed- indicating I'm alone. Draco is taking Claire to hangout with her friends, she made some human friends while he goes out with his friends. Me on the other hand, have no friends so I'm getting ready to go to the nightclub with Aaron. Aaron is the man I met at the party years ago, we've been going out together and doing couple things but I wouldn't call it official. A lot has happened since that party. Claire made friends with a few other girls she met there, Draco met some friends by getting jumped by them, and I only have those two morons along with Aaron. I'm meeting with him at the club, so as soon as I'm done with my clothes and makeup I'm heading out to go there. I'm currently working on my lipstick because I finished my hair and everything else, I'm all dressed up and I look ten times better than I did years ago. I worked out more and I've never felt better about myself, I'm truly happy where I'm at right now. "Done!" I grinned, placing my lipstick down and rushing out of my house in my heels. I wore a black lace cami top with black jean shorts, black heels, devil red lipstick, black makeup with white sparkles, and my hair was jet black with platinum blonde highlights. It reached down to my butt straightened but with it curled it only reaches mid back. It's straightened in an half up half down style, it's braided on the top and the colors mixed made it look gorgeous. Claire did it before she left. Walking down the street, I made a left turn and the nightclub was in view. I lived a five minute walk from one and I didn't know that until about half a year ago! Now I'm always there lighting up the room, the managers expect me there at least four times a month. I pushed open the doors with a grin, people turned their heads and cheered while Aaron was the first by my side. "You look so hot," he mumbled, pulling me along as I gave high-five's to people when I passed. We sat down at the bar and we downed four shots before I decided to bless everyone with my singing- as always. I created energy in this b***h, made it lively and got people laid! Everyone here loves me cause nobody has the guts to sing! I personally don't give a s**t what people say so I go for it... it can be a huge stress reliever too. I jumped on stage, grabbing the microphone and people stared which only made me smile. "Hello! I'm so excited to sing for you as I always am," I paused, scanning the crowd, "but tonight I'm going to spice it up! Someone from the crowd will be up here with me singing, a friend!" All the men looked around in confusion but the girls rolled their eyes at the excitement, Aaron came up on stage with me after I mentioned it and some guys groaned in sadness. "Don't be too upset fellas, you get to pick our song!" I shouted, they lightened up and murmurs were heard among the crowd. More people walked in and others informed them of what's happening, when the murmurs settled I asked, "any ideas?" Everyone shouted simultaneously, which took me by surprise, "Tonight by Enrique Iglesias!" I guess everyone's in a horny dancing mood, but that's fine with me! The music came on and the lights started changing colors, the beat was loud and I gave Aaron the extra microphone. We gave each other reassuring nods and people were already dancing to the beat, so he began, "I know you want me, I made it obvious that I want you too..." As he sang, the both of us danced together, he twirled me around and stopped me with his body while staring down at me in awe. Everyone else seemed to fade away with each lyric he sung, I've always felt so happy singing but now that he's up here with me I feel even happier. Although there seemed to be more emotion in his words than usual, like he meant it... but I didn't pay it mind. I turned my back to him and pushed myself against his body, looking over my shoulder at him and he was smirking at me while he sung, "-nobody's ever made me feel the way that you do..." He slid away from me, we used each other as the words said until the song was over. It was so fun! "We want to hear her sing now!" A group of men shouted, people agreed and Aaron put the microphone down then left the stage after jokingly calling me an attention stealer. "The next song that plays, I'll sing for you guys better than I ever have before," I said, everyone waited for the song until Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls came on. Just as my lyrics were about to come on, two men walked in but I couldn't see their faces. The lights in my face allowed me to only see their outlines, which seemed masculine but I had to focus and give these people the best show yet! "I'm telling you to loosen up my buttons, babe! But you keep fronting, oh, sayin' what you gon' to do to me- I ain't seen nothing..." I whipped my air, belly dancing as my hand caressed my body and I danced the most I've ever done before. I felt so powerful and sexy! People shook their asses off and I smiled through the lyrics, cat walking toward the edge and turning to the side- looking off into the crowd. People were loving this. "You been sayin' all the right things all night long, but I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off..." I pulled at my shorts, guys cat-called me and I winked before I turned back and finished the song in style. When the song ended, I was breathing heavy while everyone cheered. I set the microphone back on the holder and stepped off the stage, regular upbeat music coming over the speakers and I was looked up and down by several males. I made my way over to Aaron and he was staring at me in shock, "that was... holy s**t," he breathed, I laughed and we hugged. "What do you say we hit the dance floor?" He asked, my eyes nearly bugged out of my head and he pulled me to the floor. This man is going to give me a heart attack and I'm inhuman, I don't understand how humans can have more energy than supernatural creatures sometimes... I don't know how many songs we danced to but I finally convinced him to sit down with me for drinks, however, I went outside to get some fresh air before anything else. Unfortunately there was this girl who bumped into me on accident as I was near door and I tripped over myself, waiting to collapse but I hit the person behind me and their arms wrapped around my body. The worse part... I felt tingles. Regaining my composure, I stood up with panic and slowly turned to face him. Seeing his face took my breath away like it did three years ago and I gasped involuntarily, he looked so much hotter somehow but he seemed more closed off and distanced just by the look in his eyes. "I didn't mean to hit you, people are just drunk and not paying atten-" the look on his face made me shut up, he looked like a cold killer and it scared me- worse than ever even though we are in public where humans are. He never said a word, just stared at me and I saw Aaron make his way over. My worry grew cause he would get his head torn off so I shot him a look, taking Tiago's arm and using all my strength to drag him outside with me. The tingles were worse than ever and I couldn't get enough but I let him go when we got outside- this can't be happening to me, not again, I thought my hell was over. What do you want from me, moon goddess? "What are you doing here? You never come to town yet here you are! You can't come back into my life like that- you asshole! I'm doing just fine!" I screamed, my anger raised tears and he still looked so... gone. Something about him was off... he seemed so dead. He didn't answer my question, instead he pulled me closer to him, gently rubbing my cheek and staring down at me like he was on the verge of falling apart in my arms. His actions were pure love but the look he had was pained and almost confused. It genuinely shocked me to see a sad side to a cruel man... This was the very first time I've ever seen such a side of him, the broken- yearning for something to heal him. The pain he held within hurt me, just staring into his eyes I saw nothing but desperation. No anger, no happiness, no excitement, no adoration like before- there was only hopelessness, an emotion I've never seen him feel before. He was aching and I felt guilty. Why does he show me now? Why does he show me at all? "You look as breathtaking as before, but you're not for me anymore," he said, hardly disguising the hoarseness in his voice- he sounded so dry and my heart shattered, I had to pull away before I gave in to his guilt trip. He can't do this, not now. I can't let him trick me into believing his foreign hurt by using reverse psychology, I'm not that stupid. My life is finally okay! He can't come back to make me feel bad. "I have to tell you something, just hear me out-" I shot him a glare and cut him short. "I'm sorry but you have to leave me alone, I'm not falling for your tricks," I said, my voice wobbled and I went inside to grab Aaron- but he grabbed my arm. "Katerina, please, I need you to know I-" Ignoring him again, I ripped my arm away and went to get Aaron who was confused by the door, then we stormed right by Tiago and left before he could say anything else. Tiago was staring at Aaron, no anger displayed on his features but a deep frown, not even questioning who this guy was and why he was with me but he surprisingly respected my wish. He connected with my eyes for a brief second then looked down, defeat morphed onto his face, and Pj walked out to stand with him. He looked at me with a frown but Tiago didn't look at me again- leaving the opposite direction with Pj who kept looking at us in sadness. I looked back in front of me with a frown, feeling bad for hurting him. My heart was throbbing at his pain, no matter how much I wanted to hate him I just couldn't... I think my feelings for him grew in the weirdest way possible. That's what I hate about my kind, we trust easy and love easy. It's never to be taken lightly either... He's such a d**k but no matter how much I push him away, my feelings for him have never faltered. I like the bad boys apparently because he's all I want... after seeing him tonight, something changed and I want to run back to him. Funny how when I push him away he wants me, but when I want him he doesn't fight for me anymore... It pained me more for him to actually listen to me, that proves he's in serious misery because the Alpha I know would never listen to me- I was always below him. His wolf wouldn't let him obey, not once, so if he's obeying to me now... what happened to his wolf? Should I have listened to him? Am I being too harsh? "Who was that, Kate?" Aaron asked and I came back to reality, I didn't reply and he stopped, yanking me, "who the hell was that? Why did he look like he was flirting with you? Why aren't you answering me?" I turned to him and clenched my jaw, fighting the tears that threatened to spill, Aaron saw the look on my face and sighed. "Why do I have a feeling he's an ex-boyfriend?" He asked, sounding so disappointed and my heart fell to my stomach. He's clearly hurt by that thought... does he like me? Maybe we shouldn't have played couple for so long... "No, he's not an ex boyfriend, more like an old crush..." I admitted, blushing slightly and he stared at me with betrayal that stabbed my chest. "You led me on?" He asked, "you liked him but you made me believe you wanted more with me? How long have you liked this dude?" I frowned as his voice grew in anger but I just couldn't lie, "since I met him... but I was trying to forget about him because he's a d**k-" "You're disgusting," he frowned, turning away from me, "I'm not just a rebound- I have feelings too," with that, he left me standing alone in the street. What did I do? I'm hurting everyone! I have undeniable feelings for Tiago for whatever reason but I don't have any feelings for Aaron no matter how hard I try! He treats me better anyway... ugh! I'm so lost, I wish Joey were here to help me. I miss him so much. "If you continue this mental battle you might pop a vein," a voice broke me from my thoughts- it was Marco, another man who I haven't seen in years but that doesn't seem like it's affected him the way it did with Pj and Tiago. I looked at him, he looked the exact same as before- not a difference on his body unlike the other two, "oh- hey, nice to see you too Marco!" He raised a brow, smiling slightly at my sarcasm, "sorry, just happened to be more interested in your mental war between that dude and my Alpha- even though Tiago is a much better choice. He can definitely handle a girl like you better than a lousy human... even with his current issues. And yes, I know what you are so cut the bullshit about you being a human blah, blah, blah." I took a step back, confused why he said 'current issues' but he laughed and spoke up before I could ask, "you're kind of dumb like one, however. If I killed you, do you really think Tiago would be happy with me? That same logic is used about your brother. Come on now, use that reptilian head..." He moved closer, smirking in my face and I was frozen in my spot- shocked at his knowledge about me and my brother's life. Does this mean Joey is still alive? "We've all got secrets, Luna..." he said, looking to the side as if someone walked up so I checked but nobody was there. "What's your-" I started, stopping my sentence when I looked back to see he was no longer around. Strange... What's your secret, Marco? Could we have more in common than I thought?
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