Chapter Fifteen

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He was knocked against the jaw again, his smile finally faded and Marco seemed angrier than before. I cowered against my brother and Pj stepped into view so I couldn't see them, "while he's doing that, can we talk? Just us?" Joey tightened his grip on me and pulled me away from Pj, whispering in my ear, "you better not! Ever since we got involved with these damn wolves our lives have been hell. After everyone leaves we are moving from this city!" Pj cleared his throat awkwardly, "not to be that guy or anything but... I can hear you," he paused, the both of us looked over at him, "p.s- werewolf, intense hearing, remember?" Joey grumbled at him and he looked taken aback, even I was confused so I moved away from him and took Pj to my room before another fight broke out. I don't know what's been going on but there's a lot of tension in this house. I shut the door when we entered my room and Pj let out a loud sigh, it was certainly exaggerated. "You needed something?" I asked, he gave me a confused look and made me feel stupid before realization struck and he made an 'o' with his mouth. "Yes! I was trying to apologize for my behavior awhile back, I never should've done what I did," he frowned, "I just lost control, my instinct was to kill you instantly as revenge for what happened to my brother- thing is, nothing I do will make that pain go away and I didn't want to inflict that pain on Tiago... he's been through enough as is and I love him!" I'm not sure what it is about Pj but there's something about him that makes him so lovable, I care for his feelings as if he was my brother over Joey, "I don't understand, how can you care about someone who's so cold?" His frown managed to deepen, "you have it all wrong, Luna. He was the most loving child, everyone was excited for him to become Alpha! He cared for everyone, we knew there'd be peace with him in charge. I wish you knew that side of him," he smiled at the memory, "he went over the top for everyone, never once did he have a frown. That man was always walking with a smile! Until that day..." His smile dropped again, he seemed like he was about to cry and I felt the guilt of something I had no part in. "I'll always care for him, just because life hates us doesn't mean we have to hate each other. I fully understand he's just hurt and I know you will heal him!" He grinned but he started to think otherwise when he saw my face, "won't you?" "Not sure that's possible anymore..." I frowned, he saw that and made an angry face. "It is! You're going to make him love you because he chooses to, not because he's forced to by a dumb wolf! I'll play Cupid, should I wear only diapers like him too? I definitely should!" He jumped up, a smile on his face again and I felt a headache coming on with how bipolar he is. He sure is something. Before I could make a move, he grabbed me and squeezed the life from my body with a hug- spinning me around and I whacked him repeatedly to set me down. The door opened and that's all it took for him to release me like a toddler throwing his book-bag after a bad day of school. By saying that, I went into the corner of my bed and my tailbone hit the metal edge that caused a wince of pain to escape my mouth. I was in so much pain that I didn't notice who came in until I heard his voice, "Katerina needs to come with us, no objections. She's not safe without supervision until Garret and his pack are taken care of." The sentence made my pain worse but I was frozen with the jolts going through my spine, there was nothing I could say or do that would matter because that really hurt! Where did he learn to play with his toys as a child? A rabid dog? That was not cool! Finally my healing kicked in as I was being helped up and my ability to interact with people came back so I slapped the man holding me- it was Marco. He definitely deserved it! "You can't kidnap me! I can't be around Tiago, he hates me!" I exclaimed and he seemed angry as is so I felt bad for yelling at him right after. "I know, but I don't have a choice! Garret is set on having you, it's him or facing Tiago! Your choice," he snarled, I went quiet and he pushed me into Pj roughly, "that's what I thought. You have to leave now, your brother can't keep him distracted forever." I went to object even though he told me not to but Pj had me tripping behind him out my back door, he didn't care how I was feeling because his speed picked up and my body was pretty much being cut and poked the whole way there. The travel felt like hours but when my body wasn't moving anymore I looked ahead, we were standing in front of the dreaded pack house and I groaned, "I don't want to-" He yanked me again, halting my words and we waltzed through the door like we owned the place- many people stared and I felt so embarrassed. "Where is the Alpha?" Pj asked the wolves, my face went even more red and I panicked- struggling to pry my limbs from his dead grip but it was to no avail. "I'm right here," the deep, sexy, voice I've been missing announced, my whole world froze and I stiffened in place. No! "She is staying with us, the white wolves are out to get her," Pj said, not ask- but said! It made me nervous for him to be that ballsy. "If the white wolves come here because of her I swear to you, Pj, it won't be pretty," he narrowed his eyes, not looking at me once before walking away like he was in a rush. "Well... okay... anyway, we have a pool, you like water!" He exclaimed, smiling at me without a care in the world and I embraced myself for the aggressive pulling so it wasn't as bad- yet he didn't pull me, "do you have a swimsuit?" I shook my head, "I can't touch chlorine," I whispered, he looked confused before connecting it with my species and saying 'oh' really, really, loud. "You can still sunbathe in it just to look good, we'd have to wait until morning though," he winked, "you could make him wish to put his hands over your body- I have just the idea for YOU!" There it is, he pulled me behind him once more and I squeaked at the sudden movement- up the stairs we went and into a random room where a girl was sleeping in her bed. What the- "Wake up!" He hollered, grabbing a shoe from next to the dresser and chucking it full force at the poor girl. I flinched as I heard the impact, she shrieked and sat up to see us, "get the f**k out! What the f**k- Pj!" "Lighten up, Ziena," he grumbled, she growled at him, "I'm borrowing a swimsuit for the Luna- thank you very much!" I watched her flash out of bed, head bowed in my direction when this whole time I thought she just didn't see me. It made me feel uncomfortable seeing her bow at me so I let out a weird noise, Pj noticed my expression and told her to stop. She raised her head and looked at me with confusion, "you don't seem very comfortable... I'm sorry if I came off too strong, he can just really piss me off." "You're fine," I faked a smile, when she saw it she returned a real one then ran into her closet. A few seconds later she ran out with a bathing suit. "Here! Not sure how well it'll fit considering you're perfect but this one will definitely define your curves and make you feel like a goddess!" She grinned, handing me the bikini then slapping Pj. "That's for waking me up! It's very late, you should be going to bed soon instead of diddling around with the Luna, I can't believe you are thinking about swimming right now. You're definitely the crazy one!" She sighed, he rolled his eyes and pulled me out of the room while ignoring her words with a loud 'okay.' I laughed at their immaturity, who knew werewolves were so childish? It's very entertaining. For so long I thought they were these cold killers but in reality they're so emotion felt and goofy, it changes so much knowing the truth. "Siblings... you got to love them," He shook his head, smiling. I got a good look at his features and felt envy, he seemed so happy and it bothered me why I got the worst life of the group, living in constant fear. All I've wanted was happiness like his and I get stuck with the opposite. I didn't respond and he went quiet which was unlike him, just as I thought about the peacefulness of the moment he opened his mouth all over again. "Do you want me to take you to the room you'll be staying in? I'm exhausted!" He complained and I nodded, not able to understand how he's tired because he's still acting a spaz. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me along, I managed to keep up this time and we turned a bunch of corners- arriving in a room and he stopped, slowly moving his head to look at me. "This is your temporary room, right next to Tiago's," he smirked at my let down expression, "don't worry, he won't bother you!" With that, he took off down the hall and I had to force myself into the room. I closed the door behind me and set the bikini on the table, face planting on the bed and wrapping myself up in the blanket. "Why can't I be normal?" I sighed, looking over at the wall separating Tiago's room to mine then falling asleep instantly. •••••• I yawned, sitting up in the bed and jumping back when I saw Pj sitting at the end of the bed staring at me with a huge smile. My head slammed into the headboard and a pained noise left my lips, he chuckled evilly at me. "About time! I thought you died," he said, I furrowed my eyebrows at him but he ignored it and threw the bikini at me, "get changed! It's time to make an Alpha fall in love!" Then he zoomed out of the room and I just sat there, still trying to comprehend what just happened. Why and how is that man so hyper? I feel like I'm being tormented, he's never leaving me alone! Does he not have friends? I stood up and put the bikini on, checking it out in the mirror and I was pleasantly surprised with the look. She was right, it does make me look great! It sits on my hips comfortably and it holds my breasts perfectly. Smiling, I left my room and ran into Pj who was standing right outside the door already in swimming trunks. "Took you long enough!" He grinned, Ziena walked up to us in her bathing suit and leaned an arm on him with a smile at me. "You look amazing! I'm glad I'm the first to meet you," she whispered, "the Alpha's been acting quite strange lately, do you know why?" "Uh..." I drawled, Pj changed the topic knowing I had no clue of his whereabouts and behavior. "Never-mind about that- let's go!" Pj jumped, pulling the both of us and I scowled- here we go again! Ziena laughed at my expression and we were released from his grip, arriving at this room with no roof and a huge pool- it even had walls. Families were already playing in it and I couldn't help but smile. They were having so much fun! If only I could enjoy it too... "Let's go!" She cheered, trying to pull me in the water with her and Pj but I stopped her. Pj shook his head at his sister. "She can't get in the water, chlorine makes her itch," he lied, she looked confused for a moment but accepted it when they shared a look. I became skeptical before she pushed him in. He quickly grabbed her leg, pulling her in seconds after. I sadly smiled at the siblings, finding a lounge chair and laying out on that. The sun felt absolutely amazing on my skin though, the warmth on my cold veins was so relieving. Then I thought about my brother, what ever happened to him and Marco? Just as my thoughts were read, the sun was blocked from my body and I opened my eyes- the both of them standing above me looking at my face and I felt awkward. "Stop!" I squeaked, sitting up and they shared a look before speaking. "Your brother is staying too, there should be no problems unless you bother the Alpha. Do your own thing and there'll be no issues," Marco shrugged, getting ready to leave but I stopped him. "Does Pj have friends?" I whispered, glancing over at him and his sister who looked like they were drowning each other. Marco looked at them also then we looked back at each other. "No," he sighed, "he only has his sister. I'm sorry if he bothers you, he gets lonely and all he really does is bother her." His words made me feel shitty, no wonder he's up my ass... he just wants a friend! I gave a nod and Marco gave a pitiful smile, leaving the room and my gaze landed on Joey who looked annoyed. I went to ask him but he beat me to it, "I just wanted to leave! Now we're back to square one- trapped in a wolf den!" I watched him steal my chair and push me on the floor, earning a low hiss from me and I stood up to wipe my behind off from tiny pebbles. This is stupid! Tiago isn't even in here- how am I supposed to impress him? Then my ankle was grabbed, my body froze and I looked at Ziena- she pulled me in and I shrieked as loud as I could thinking all my skin was going to melt off when I hit the water. Thing is, I went under and came back up without any problems- no pain at all! The siblings were laughing at me and everyone in the room was staring at me, that's when I realized I was pranked. This water isn't chlorinated! They tricked me! "What a little girl!" A group of teens laughed, they looked about nineteen and I scowled, "big baby!"
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