Chapter Fourteen

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"That's a bad idea," Joey stated, the two wolves in the room shared a look and returned their gazes to us with disagreeing expressions. "Good or bad, that would definitely work to spike interest in him," Pj shrugged, Marco nodded silently in agreement which annoyed Joey. Honestly, I'm with the wolves on this one, they know their Alpha better than anyone and it helps that they're his two right hand men. Also... they're wolves! Takes one to know one! "Or don't listen to the sane one," he grumbled, I rolled my eyes at him and signaled the other two to Draco's body. My plan is to do what Tiago would do, be cruel and merciless! He wronged me so it can't be that hard... until it comes down to it, then I'll probably struggle. I wanted to give him to Tiago and let him do whatever he pleases, I'm sure he'd be happy killing him. My problem is getting myself to leave him there knowing he would be killed, his blood would be on my hands and I'm not sure how well I can handle that. Tiago's been doing it his whole life without a care in the world, if a teenager can kill- why can't I? He was sixteen, I'm twenty-one! "You don't have to do this, we can find another way," Marco said, scanning my features and noticing my tension as well as my uncomforted expression. "Yes, please! Another way!" Joey butted in, his eyes bouncing between me and the two guys in desperation but they kept their eyes on me. I started to fidget as my eyes darted from Draco to my brother to the muscular dogs in front of me. How did I even manage to get into this situation? "I don't think I can..." I confessed, Marco gave a sharp nod then signaled to Draco with his head and Pj walked over to throw him over his shoulder. I knew exactly what they were doing and I could hardly look. "That's fine, we can find another way- just stay here until we get back and we will work on something," he said, with that they left the room and Joey was on the verge of throwing a temper tantrum. He had this childish angry face and crossed arms, judging by his current state he was about to start stomping and screaming like a toddler. "We shouldn't of let them leave with him! We are the only survivors of our kind!" He stomped, I couldn't help but laugh slightly because he looked like he was seven and it only angered him more, "this isn't funny!" I cleared my throat to get rid of my laugh, "sorry dude, but I don't see why you care that much because if he was still here that wouldn't change anything. I'm not going to carry his babies." He grumbled but didn't reply, we then left the room and went into the living room to wait for them to return. "So... I'm kind of glad they took him," Joey said calmly, I gave him a raised brow because not even five minutes ago he was complaining about it so he continued, "he took advantage of you, if they wouldn't have taken him I surely would've killed him myself. Nobody touches my sister like that! He got the easy way out with those guys." "Maybe, but he's still one of us so I guess you had a point before, we shouldn't be finishing off our own kind," I realized, he blew it off and shook his head. "I changed my mind, he deserves everything coming to him!" He said, sinking further into the couch and the door swung opened- Claire rushed in and fell into Joey's lap covered in blood and water. He was petrified at the stranger in his arms and I jumped up, scanning her for injuries but she was hardly responsive- she was pretty much convulsing on Joey and he was frozen. I went to move her hair so I could see her face but a wolf walked through the door, it looked exactly like the white wolf that attacked me in the woods years ago- it must know of me because we locked eyes and he stopped in his tracks. It can't be the same one because the other was killed... so who are they? I had high hopes that the wolf was nice but it was immediately let down because he lunged then I ducked, hearing him hit my table so I picked up Claire bridal style and took off with Joey following close behind. She was surprisingly light, shaking in my arms but I refused to let her die because of stupid competition with a man- she's my only friend. It was hard to see in the dark though, Joey came up next to me and looked like he was going to take her from me until he spoke, "you dumb as hell for carrying her! I'd leave her, my petty ass would still be pissed from her insult!" I scowled at him- of course he'd do that, he holds grudges on people for the rest of their lives! "Well I'm not you!" I shot back, hearing the patter of his paws behind us gaining and low snarls but I couldn't go any faster. Joey looked at the wolf behind us then at me with worry, "you need to drop her," he panicked, the look on his face made me push myself harder but everything was hurting and I felt my body giving out. "I can't," my voice strained, "take her, keep her safe," I begged, his expression fell and he knew what was happening but I didn't give him time to object- I used the rest of my strength then threw her to him and he caught her during our run. He sprinted faster knowing what I wanted as I lagged behind ready to face my death, however, a force came from my side and saved me from the angry mammal. It was a person, arms were around my body and the both of us were tangled up laying on the grass, panting for air. I blew my hair out of my face to see my savior and was face to face with Marco. He was very close. Our noses were centimeters from touching and his body was on top of mine, one arm around my waist and the other holding his upper half up so he wasn't crushing me entirely. It was quiet, our breaths were the only noise until he smirked at me and spoke. "What did I say about staying put and waiting?" He questioned, I formed a line with my lips as a reply and we broke apart to stand up. "Shut up, that wolf is after my brother and I'm not going to wait around for him to get caught!" "Already taken care of," he shrugged off my panic, "Pj is probably attacking him right now. Your brother is fine, Pj will take him and that bloody girl back to help." I nodded but frowned, "one question, how did you manage to grab me so fast? That wolf was quick, just as fast as a werewolf so I don't see how another werewolf can be faster- all werewolves are the same speed, only the rank and strength are different..." His smirk fell and he looked off into the distance without a response. "I think we should go back-" he tried to avoid my question but I wasn't letting him get away this time. "No, Marco, I'm not joking anymore," I said, taking a few steps closer but he was growing nervous and trying horribly to play it off. "The wolf might find us-" he tried to make up an excuse but I narrowed my eyes and he went quiet. What is he so afraid of? "Marco," I stated, he finally turned his attention to me and he stared at my serious face with his uncomfortable one, "who am I to judge you- look at me, you can't get any worse than that." My attempt to calm his nerves down worked slightly because he let out a nervous chuckle, "look, I'm sorry but I can't." "You're a serpent!" I shot, he looked at me with furrowed brows and the expression he wore told me that wasn't right. That's impossible! Unless... Quickly, I grabbed his face and kissed him. It lasted hardly a second before he shoved me and moved back, staring at me with shocked disgust but I didn't care. I watched him closely but he didn't show any signs of pain which confused me- how is he immune if he's not a serpent? "What was that for?" He glared, wiping his lips and I watched him with an annoyed face at his dramatic actions. "You're immune to me, only serpents are so how are you still alive..." I trailed off, deep in my thoughts and he looked freaked out by my words. "Excuse me?" He exclaimed, "you're poisonous? And you decided to test that by kissing me and risking my life?" I nodded, "figured it wouldn't have worked if it didn't the first time, besides... there's no other way to find out." He scowled but didn't bother answering, instead he took my arm and began dragging me with him back to my house. I didn't say anything the entire way, he was already mad enough that I kissed him. When we walked through the door we saw Pj with Joey and Claire but there was a strange man tied to a chair, I went to say something about that but Marco was focused on something entirely different. "Claire?" He yelped, she saw us and frowned- she was cleaned up and changed but the wounds were still there, "why is she here?" At this point everyone was staring at me, even the stranger that was tied to my chair. "She's my friend! I took her in because your stupid Alpha banished her!" I defended, she smiled slightly but put her head down so nobody would see and the two dingbats burst out laughing. I narrowed my eyes at Marco and Pj, they stopped their laughing after a minute and shared a look but Pj explained, "you're not serious... she tried to convince the pack she was the Luna and she always threw herself on him- she's a w***e!" The room fell silent, all eyes went on Claire and the stranger sat there with a huge smile on his face like we were some sort of entertainment. "Hold on..." I paused, swallowing the anger that formed at the thought of her touching up on Tiago and I tried to speak calmly, "she got dirty with him?" Claire finally looked up to defend herself, "no, he would always turn away! He wouldn't even look at me so I'm not a w***e! You're the one trying to steal him from me!" Everyone got out of the way as I approached her, fuming at the insult, "I didn't steal anything from you, he chose me so don't you dare spin this around! He chose to stay loyal to his mate- you of all people should know what the hell that means because you are a werewolf!" She got right in my face, no signs of submitting and the tension grew the moment she stepped up. The two male wolves no longer felt comfortable because their faces contorted into concern, my brother was blank, and the stranger was still grinning at the events. "This is far enough, Claire, back down now- you know better than to challenge Alpha status-" I heard Pj start but was cut off by her. "Shut up! She's disrespecting me, I can take a human regardless if she's Luna or not. She doesn't get the strength of one until she mates," she snarled, the both of us glared at each other head on and she made the first move. She still believes I'm human, that is what I failed to mention awhile back. Her body weight shoved me down and landed on me, the action made Pj take a step forward in alert- he seemed unsure if he should end it or allow the fight to play out. Marco on the other hand remained in his spot watching her hurt me. She scratched my face, anywhere she saw skin her pedicured nails drew blood but I didn't know how to stop her without exposing myself- a major thing about serpents is we have human strength until shifted. Pj made his mind and went to stop it but Marco pulled him back while holding my brother in place, "don't, remember what Tiago told us? A true leader handles their own, she has this under control- the moon goddess picked her to be our Luna for a reason." Yeah, right! I swear he pisses me off, I can't take her on! Her hits were numb against my skin at this point, my body must've snapped because I right hooked her to the floor with nothing but human strength. She rolled off me and I lifted myself up, stomping on her hands and her nails audibly snapped underneath my feet. "Ouch," the stranger finally said, everyone looked at him and he still had a stupid smile on his face, "look at this girl, the first outside of our kind who's mated to an Alpha wolf... how does that make your pack feel? Figure I could take her off your hands..." I narrowed my eyes at the guy and moved away from Claire, "kick her outside," I demanded, the boys actually listened to me- they threw her outside and came back to stand next to me in case the man made a move. I felt so powerful and I loved it, I understand now why people can get lost in this, "who is this?" "He was the one chasing you," Pj answered, I moved closer to the guy, "Yet I wouldn't get too close- I'm not sure how sturdy those ropes are." "Don't worry, it's four against one," I reassured, the guy just wouldn't stop smiling at me and it kept my two body guards tense while I stared deep into his eyes to see if I could read him. "How would you like to be my wife? I'm a small pack man, it'll be just the two of us most of the time and we could have as much s*x as you want, make a serpent and wolf hybrid- that baby would be unstoppable..." he whispered, I grew disgusted at the thought, "at first killing you was in my best interest but after seeing you like this... my, oh, my... you are sexy!" Growling came from the side of me but I shot a look over my shoulder, Marco was pissed at him but he stopped when our eyes met and Pj was quiet. "Mmm! This is exactly what I'm talking about, you're such a top..." the excitement was evident in his voice, I looked back at him and he was biting his lip which made my eyes flicker to his junk out of curiosity- I regretted it instantly cause he watched me do it and I just knew he was going to make everyone aware, "seems I'm not the only one thinking about it, you totally want me- your eyes say everything I need to know. Let me have you," he suddenly pulled his arm from the rope and reached for my breast. My body was ripped away from the stranger before he touched me, Marco was now guarding my body from his view and my brother held me, I watched as he was hit straight in the jaw. "Why are your people on my Alpha's land? White wolves aren't welcome here!" He growled, the man laughed out and stared dead at me. "Her," was all he said.
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