Chapter Sixteen

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I narrowed my eyes at the siblings and they swam away from me laughing. If that's how they want to play it, then fine! They can't out-swim me, this is in my blood! Diving under, I reached them in no time and tackled them both into the water- we splashed and screamed throughout the room and many others joined us. Soon enough everyone in the room joined, except my brother, everyone splashing and throwing each other around. It was so fun, I've almost forgotten these were dogs! I guess every creature isn't so different after all. Honestly, I liked it here... It felt like the home I lost years ago. But our fun was cut short when Marco and Tiago walked in, everyone froze in their spots- I was on some random guys shoulders trying to push Ziena off Pj and three other girls off the dudes they were on, the five of us against each other. "What is going on in here?" Tiago demanded, his voice boomed through the room and Marco stood firm by his side, no expression. Teachers pet! "It was her idea!" One of the girls said, pointing at me with fear and for the first time since I got here he looked at me. His eyes scanned my body then landed on the man I was sitting on, I couldn't tell what he was thinking but an idea popped in my head. I smirked at the crowd around me, they had all eyes on me but the only one who knew what I was planning was Pj- he had the same grin as usual. "I don't see why it's any of your concern, Alpha," I replied, tilting my head back slightly to give my body a better image. People gasped at my courage to disrespect him, even Marco's blank expression morphed into a look of surprise but he made sure it wasn't visible to him. Tiago narrowed his eyes at me, "you're in my house, everything that happens here is my concern." I shrugged, twirling the man's hair with my fingers and made sure Tiago saw as my hair purposely fell around my face in a sexy manner. "Sorry, I don't listen to demands," I said smugly, his lip twitched up for a second and he didn't say anything, "now if you excuse us, quit being rude and let the kids have fun. You're more feared than loved, balance it out or you're going to have problems." I turned my back to him and I heard as they left the room, I glanced over and Marco gave me a nod in approval just before they disappeared through the doorway. Then my eyes landed on my brother and he was shaking his head at me with a glare, he knew exactly what I was doing. The guy squeezed my thighs again to keep me still and the game continued, the shoving and laughter picked up again while people were voting the winner. I was the first to fall off because of my pretend human strength, I hit the water with a big splash and the girls remaining in the game went straight for their next victim. I slicked my hair out of my face and laughed, the guy that held me up turned with a warm smile and we scanned each other's features. "You're brave," he said, his smile never moved, "standing up to the Alpha like that, I mean. Who even are you? I'm not sure I've seen you before." I fixed my bikini strap out of discomfort, "oh, uhm... I'm not from around here, my brother and I are here temporarily because the white wolves are after me." He looked shocked, "the white wolves? They don't go after wolves or humans, they only go after other creatures- they pick one of every species and take them, those wolves force crossbreeding to create a whole different species. They're a disgrace to werewolf kind. If they're after you, what are you?" A lump formed in my throat, I can't believe I partially exposed myself... "How about we get some food?" Pj interrupted, wrapping his arm around my head in a headlock and Ziena was smiling next to him. The dude looked down at the water in discomfort now that Pj was next to us- probably because he's third in command and you can still sense good power. Don't know how that boy intimidates people but I guess the wolves are the part that gets intimidated, not the human side. Must explain why it doesn't bother me standing up to them and all. Without an answer, Pj signaled for me to follow as him and Ziena left the pool. The guy looked as if he had more to say but he didn't, instead he watched me leave the pool after the two lovebirds. As soon as we exited the room, Joey popped up behind us, "why didn't you tell me you guys were leaving? Jeez!" "Please tell me you aren't going to follow me the whole time we're here," I complained, my annoyance coming out without a filter and I'm not sure why. It took everyone by surprise because they looked at me weirdly, my brother just went off. "Shut up, Kate! You're the reason we're even here, dumb w***e!" He hissed, turning around and walking off. That's when I felt bad... "Somebody needs to get laid," Pj whispered loudly to Ziena, I glared at them. "How about you stop talking about me like I'm not right behind you!" I complained again, they looked at me. Pj shared a look with Ziena, "we were talking about your brother..." I felt my body heat up with embarrassment, "oh," was all I managed to squeak out and they laughed. "You're probably just hungry," they said, then the rest of our walk to the kitchen, I'm assuming, was silent. Aside from their mumbles that slightly bothered me. We walked in the huge kitchen but the two in front of me stopped- I rammed into their backs with a loud oomph. "Is there a stoplight in the middle of the kitchen?" I grumbled, rubbing my nose. "No," Pj mumbled, neither of them moving and I cursed under my breath. "Then why are you hitting your brakes like there is!" I yelled with annoyance, pushing through them but stopping when I seen who was in front of us. I get why they stopped now... Tiago was in here with Marco. "Well we can always go dumpster diving," I suggested, turning to leave but Pj stopped me and I shot him a look. He tried to speak to me with strictly expressions but he looked like he was having a seizure. "Can I speak to Katerina? Alone?" Tiago asked, I wanted to curl up and eat a bullet when Pj pushed me into him- when I say into him, I mean into him with full force and everything. I didn't bounce away as I hoped, hitting straight into his rough muscles and remained there in shock as the others walked out with stupid smiles that I wanted to punch off their stupid faces! He moved back, creating distance between us and I felt my heart clench but I ignored it. His clothes now had a wet outline of me and I couldn't help but laugh out loud, that earned me a strange look. He then looked where my eyes were focused and his face didn't light up, I had to stop myself before it got any more awkward. "I need to talk about boundaries," he stated, that caught my attention, "you can't be touching every male in your line of sight." I don't honestly know if I'm offended or happy about him telling me this. He's implying that I'm a slut but that also means he feels something, even if it's microscopic! My face must've lit up because he shot me down immediately. "I don't like you, it's because you need to show respect for their mates. You also need to learn some respect for me, I'm allowing you to stay here in secret and you're taking advantage of that," he stated, clearly annoyed then mumbling the next part to himself, "I don't need another Claire." That comment shot me in the chest, it hurt very much but I played it off exactly how he would- that man didn't even realize I heard him. I folded my arms, smirking as he gave me a confused stare, "I wouldn't want your leftovers anyway and it's not like I need to be here, I'm doing it for the safety of me and my brother. Don't demand anything from me, you won't get it!" He glared at me, usually he'd growl but his wolf wasn't there and it kind of made me regret being mean to him, "you have some nerve, Katerina." "Got to show my dominance somehow," I winked, that made his expression contort from angry to plain. "Stop doing that," he said, looking bothered and I furrowed my eyebrows, not knowing what he meant so he signaled to my body, "you stand like a man when you're confident, stop that." My eyes widened and I looked down- he was right, I looked so dumb! Immediately, I fixed myself and blushed but he just stared at me. "Stop trying to impress me, I know what you're doing. Being something you're not is the least attractive thing a girl can do," he stated, calm and serious like he was trying to give me advice on how to win him back. I sighed, leaning against the wall and remembering what my brother said: you're not honest, that's all it is, I promise you. He's right... I'm trying so hard to get him to want me that I'm not seeing what it's doing to me, I'm losing myself the more I focus on getting into a relationship. I get carried away with what he thinks of me that I'm turning into someone I'm not, this has to end! No more lies! "Cut to the chase, Tiago, what do you want?" I rolled my eyes, no longer caring about getting him to catch feelings for me. I can't continue to care about his feelings when I'm losing sight of mine. "Either you straighten up or you leave," he said, his eyes set on my face and nowhere else, "I'm not putting up with you acting like that, you'll make everyone fall out of line and I have enough on my hands." I looked at the wet patch in his shirt and breathed to calm myself down so I didn't snap at him, I knew he didn't deserve any of this- he's gone through so much and I'm probably not helping by constantly being annoying. I have strange feelings for him, I can't deny it, but accepting the fact he doesn't is hard to grasp. It's always been my childhood dream to find a boyfriend, someone to love and care for me. I grew up without it so I guess my desire for it is stronger now because of that. "You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be treating you like this," I mumbled, hating all the words coming out of my mouth- I hate apologizing but I'm going to be honest with him like I should've from the start, "I've been an ass, I get that and I apologize. You're dealing with a lot right now and it's stressing you out, I can tell. Yet you're still allowing me to stay here, I have been taking advantage of you. The things you've done for me- things that you still do- I'm never grateful for. Will you let me make it right? And before you accuse me, the answer is no, I'm not trying to convince you to get with me. I just don't want you to hate me anymore, how are we supposed to live together temporarily if you hate me? I want to show you I'm not all that bad, I don't want you to regret letting me live." He seemed slightly impressed at my apology, it was quiet for what felt like an hour as he just stared into my eyes. Then he gave me an answer, "sounds like a reasonable suggestion... I'll accept only because I need a break, this is an excuse that I can't back out on once I agree." I smirked, waving him over, "great! Let's go, I know exactly what to do!" He eyed me up and down, "no clothes?" I stopped, looking down and surely enough I was still in my bikini- I forgot! Looking back up at him I gave an awkward smile, "I'll change, you better stay right here." He raised a brow at my command, I ran off before he could shoot me down and went to where I remembered Ziena's room was. Walking in, I spotted her and Pj throwing s**t at each other and flopping all over the place- I cleared my throat to stop that before it got serious. They popped their heads in my direction and Pj landed on the floor, glaring at me while Ziena laughed. "Did you need something, Luna?" She asked, that word continues to make me uncomfortable but I didn't want to tell her that. "You wouldn't mind if I borrowed casual clothes, right? I'm taking Tiago out-" "You're taking Tiago out where?" Pj screamed, I flinched at how loud he was while Ziena went in her closet. "Maybe if you'd let me finish you would know!" I frowned, rubbing my ear from the throbbing and he mumbled a 'sorry' as Ziena came out the closet and handed me clothes. I felt so bad for asking her for clothes but all my clothes are at my house. "Thank you," I smiled, she returned it and gave a nod in acknowledgment. "Hopefully a day off with you will cheer him up, he's been meaner and nobody knows why- also, the bra and panties are too big for me so if they fit you, keep them. And here are some shoes, we seem to have the same size feet," she stated, handing everything to me, I glanced at Pj not knowing what to say and he gave me that 'please don't look at me' face. "Yeah," I said gently, turning away and finding a bathroom to change. When I found one I entered and closed the door, locking it as I stripped the damp bikini off my body and threw on the clothes she gave me. They were distressed jean shorts with a plain black cami top, surprisingly her bra fit but she did mention it being a cup size too big for her. She also gave me a matching thong, whoever bought that for her must've made her happy! I threw on the socks and shoes she handed me and started scrunching my hair with my fingers, the damp, black, strands went wavy and it made me feel amazing! Since when don't I feel amazing though? Coming back to reality, I stopped checking myself out and ran to the kitchen- spotting Tiago leaning against the counter on his phone and I was pleasantly shocked to see he listened to me. While he was distracted I snatched the phone out of his hands and looked at the game, it was drop the number but I didn't get to look long because he ripped the phone away from me and put it back in his pocket. "Took you long enough, I was second guessing my choice," he grumbled, I slapped his hard chest and scowled. "Very funny! Are we going or not?" I said, he rolled his eyes at me and we walked out of the house together- a lot of people watched which made me rush. When we made it outside he was already staring at me, I formed a line with my lips and stared right back until it became weird, "what the hell do you keep looking at? You waiting for an autograph?" He quirked a brow, "absolutely not, I'm waiting for you to decide what we're doing. You created this plan, remember?" Oh, that's right! "I knew that," I pursed my lips, he clearly regretted this idea- his face said it all and I had to act fast before he changes his mind, "but we are going to town!" He watched me run off the deck and he followed, I had to slow down because he was in no rush. Werewolves hate clusters of people and towns are exactly that, so I see why he's in no rush. As we walked, I struck conversation, "so... how are you?" The question made him shoot me a side eye, "don't ask me that," he responded, his sentence made me fall silent. After that, our walk there was quiet and awkward while the entire time I tried to think of something to say. He hates me! It's so hard not to mess this up... Soon enough we made it into town and I led the way, we were going to my house! He's never been there and I planned on showing him things that should surely change his mind about who I am. He never questioned where we were going so when we arrived he was confused, we entered and he was waiting for me to elaborate. "This is my house," I stated, he looked at his surroundings but never said a word, "follow me." We walked to my room and he seemed tense, probably all the scents in here. He had to of recognized his men in here yet he still didn't say anything. "Here," I said, handing him one of my pictures where I was hugging his dads beta, I was probably around twelve or thirteen. I rarely look at the picture because of what my parents did but he needed to know I was never evil. He looked at the picture, clenching his jaw but I explained it before it pissed him off, "my point is I had no part in that, you can't blame me for what my parents did. You can't hate me when I've done nothing wrong, I'd never hurt or kill a wolf unless it was self defense." He put the picture on my dresser and and gave me an annoyed look, "I didn't agree to hangout with you today to bring up the past." "I know, but it had to be cleared up, that's all I wanted to say about that because I know how much it bothers you. Now, what I really wanted to do with you is get ice cream and play some basketball!" He smirked, eyeing me as if I was making a joke, "you? Basketball? I never took you as a comedian." "I wouldn't be talking if I were you, I'm sure I could beat you any day!" I challenged, he eyed me closely with a raised brow and an unimpressed look. "Prove it."
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