Chapter Twenty

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Katerina's POV Garret forced me to shift, tearing each of my scales out until my whole body transformed. It was unbearable, feeling the eyes of Pj and other locked up creatures rip into me. Pj wasn't locked up but he was restrained, trying to stop this. "Stop it," he yelled after I let out a horrid scream, "stop doing this- hurt me! Don't hurt her anymore!" The twisted man stopped for a moment, "poor puppy, crying for his Luna. Too bad nobody is coming-" "Garret!" Aaron interrupted, running down the stairs of the basement with panic, "his beta, Marco, found out!" Hope filled my features but was quickly let down when Garret kicked me, grabbing my hair and forcing me into a side room- closing and locking the glass door. I hit the door trying to break it, the two went upstairs as I struggled to be free. Pj was staring at me with sympathy and sadness from the other side of the room, chained in his place. My bangs were interrupted when this creepy man grabbed my thigh, pulling me away from the door and I shrieked- Pj could see everything yet couldn't do anything... "You don't understand how long it's been since I've touched someone..." he said lowly, sliding his hand up my thigh and gripping my shorts tightly, "I have to do this." I kneed him in the face, moving to the door and trying harder to escape. Judging by the way Pj was yanking on the chains, he saw what the man was doing- the door might not block sound either so he could've heard him. "Kate! Stay away from him, Marco's coming," Pj yelled, his voice broke through the door clearly and the man's dirty hands touched my mouth to muffle me. He pulled me back and ripped my shirt off, I almost cried from embarrassment but giving up wasn't an option. As long as the bra and undies stay on I'll be fine, Pj has seen me in a bikini so that helped calm my nerves. Although I haven't had the chance to change out of my thong and bra from yesterday... that's why I wanted to get clothes! "Don't touch me!" I hissed, kicking my heel in his face and covering my breasts but he hardly winced. "I can't control myself," he mumbled, "the urge, it's insane. They give us this drug and we are all forced to impregnate females- this room is where it happens. You can't stop this, I have to." He touched the strap of my bra and I pulled away, "I can get help for you too if you just listen to me," I begged, "someone is coming for me and my friend out there, let me help you too!" "You won't be saved, nobody is saved," he snapped, "if we don't do this we will be murdered so how about you listen to me! Don't you want to live? I have to do this whether you agree or not! They choose everyone specifically, so it has to be done. I've seen what you were when you came down those stairs, it's why they brought you here and it's why I have to give you a child." I shook my head, he pushed my face onto the cold ground and started undoing my bra. As he did that I heard rattling from the other room, the sound of the chains moving around roughly but I couldn't move. "Stop! Don't! You disgusting pig!" Pj's voice was frantic, he was in horror watching this man strip me down. Eventually he pulled my bra off and I made sure to cover myself when he turned me over, one wrong movement and everyone saw. Next he went for my shorts, I wasn't able to fight back as easy with one hand. He pulled the shorts off and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. This was really happening... The moment he touched the waistband of my underwear the glass door shattered, Pj's wolf tackled him with a vicious growl- he looked surprised, "a werewolf? You shouldn't be here, werewolves aren't apart of this!" I was paralyzed for a moment, watching the two begin fighting until a hand touched my bare shoulder and I gasped. I looked up and saw Marco, his eyes remained on my face- never looking down at my bare body once. "We don't have long," he said, helping me up and I hugged him tightly as I trembled. At this point, I couldn't care less that my bare breasts were touching his chest, if I didn't hug him I would've cried and it's not like he could see me, "uh..." I recovered myself and moved back, his face was slightly red and he took his shirt off to give me. I grabbed it and put it on, finally letting my breasts go freely even though they were visibly poking through the cotton. He reached out for my hand and I took it, the both of us running out as Pj ran after us and we escaped the house. I saw a bunch of wolves in the woods as we neared it but I trusted Marco. "We are going back home," he said, I went to reject his statement but he seemed to read my mind, "your brother and Tiago grabbed your tote, we know what you were doing." I didn't reply, letting him hold my hand to take me to safety as Pj got excited and walked ahead of us. Things were turning up until I heard a bang and liquid soaked the shirt on my body, the shock I was in made it numb and I looked at the wound then back up at the wolves ahead of me. They weren't leaving the bushes due to exposure to humans and Marco ran at the people behind me while Pj rushed below me so I wouldn't hit the ground, all the wolves in the woods were itching to come out but it would grow suspicious if they did. It was risky for Pj to be out let alone every one of them but he looked like a wolf-dog. I fell on him and he whined, sniffing the blood and the pain slowly hit me because my shock was wearing off. He slid beneath me further to carry me into the woods, as soon as he stepped into the bushes all the wolves surrounded me with concern. None of them knew me but they saw Pj and Marco were urgent to help me so they came to me like I was important. They may have been concerned and all but their concern was not saving me from this pain, the bullet was laced with chlorine and it's lodged in my gut. I can feel it when I tense and it hurts horribly, my body can't handle the lethal chemical flowing through my veins. "Hey! Oh my god! Tyler!" I heard a girl scream, everyone's eyes shot up and spotted a girl on the sidewalk looking directly at us. This must look bad... A man was in his car then jumped out, they ran toward us and the wolves retreated- except for Pj who laid down next to me and was snarling as they approached. The couple didn't stop and I saw that Marco and the two idiots were gone, did they flee the scene? Where are they? When they reached the edge of the woods they stopped, watching Pj snarl and growl at them while I lay on him bleeding, "stop... I trust them," I breathed, he looked at me and relaxed his features which turned him from a killer to a giant teddy bear. The girl came closer and took my hand, "the ambulance was called, they're on their way but you have to hang tight." I nodded, glancing at the man who was staring at Pj in confusion before asking the question that's been itching at him for a minute, "he's so... human." Pj's ears went straight up in alert, dead staring the guy like an Egyptian dog and he shuddered at his piercing eyes. I shot him a glare and he whined, sneezing all over me as revenge but I couldn't get angry because of how weak I was feeling. Then he perked his head up again, standing up next to me and staring at the road- howling. After a minute, sirens rang through the air and Pj watched closely as they pulled into view then stopped in the driveway. Werewolves have never seen these human inventions because they aren't always out, especially in this town. The guy ran out and brought the paramedics to the border of the woods with a stretcher, Pj started growling when they grabbed me and placed me on it- his hair stood up all down his spine and I knew he would attack if they took me out of his sight. They picked up the stretcher and started walking away but Pj trotted after us, the couple staying back in fear of him snapping. They put me into the ambulance and Pj was snarling worse than ever, the two paramedics finally looked at him and looked panicked, "is that a dog? He looks so wolf-like!" "Yes! It's my wolf-dog," I lied, laughing weakly and they looked at me while Pj and I locked eye contact, "stay..." He calmed instantly, giving me puppy dog eyes and the confusion was clear as he sniffed the air inside the vehicle as it flooded out. "It's okay pal, she'll come back to you," one of the medics said, going to pet him but he growled and they retracted their hand quickly. "He's not fond of new people," I stated weakly, making up a lie every time he gets angry, the medics laughed slightly and shut the doors- closing Pj from my view before one hoped in the drivers seat as the other came back with me and we drove off. I faintly heard Pj crying with howls as we left, it broke my heart and took my mind off the pain for a brief second before the medic asked me questions. "How did you receive this wound?" She asked, lifting up the shirt then exposing the thong and still gushing bullet hole. My entire stomach was covered in blood and half my thighs, the underwear was no longer blue but now purple. "There was this man, he got angry and shot me," I answered, she pressed around it with her glove covered fingers and I winced from the pain. "Just as I feared," she started, "it's in deep." I looked at her with a frown, my vision began doubling and I was becoming woozy. After she pressed around the area my consciousness started to fade. Lifting my hands up and looking at them, I seen four different pairs covered in dried blood before blacking out. •••••• I opened my eyes, squinting at the light and scanning the room. It was empty and the door was shut, people were walking past and I heard faint talking along with steady beeping. "What the hell," I mumbled, sitting up quickly and seeing I was in a hospital gown. My eyebrows furrowed and I lifted it up to see my wound was patched up. My body was cleaned and I took the bandage off, the area was already healed and I felt fine. They must've already got it out while I was sleeping, so why am I still here? A knock came upon my door and a doctor walked in, "you're awake, how're you feeling?" I stared at her weirdly, "confused, can I go home?" She looked perplexed, "no, you can't just leave. You just got out of surgery and I need to check how you're taking it," she chuckled lightly, walking in further and writing something down on a clipboard. Frowning, I stared out the window and she noticed my sadness, "you can be discharged after the checkup, depending on how you're doing. A man is here for you in the lobby so I'll be sure to let him know." My eyes shot to her, "did you get his name?" "Pj," she replied then walked over to me, lifting my gown and pulling the bandage off completely but looking surprised when there was nothing but a scar, "what? How is that possible? You were the patient that was shot, right?" I was at loss for words, she decided not to say anymore about it because she cleared her throat and backed off- writing more on the clipboard, "considering the wound is no longer fresh and you're doing perfectly fine, you're free to go. I'll give you the clothes the kind gentleman brought to you." With that, she left the room and I was getting antsy until she returned moments later. She handed me the clothes and smiled, "once you change you're free to go, take it easy out there." She left the room again and I jumped up, changing into the clothes and laughing to myself at his choice of clothes. He brought a red tank top that said 'f**k off' on the chest, black shorts, a random pair of underwear, a bra, and white sneakers. I threw away the underwear I had on, leaving the gown on the bed and running out the door- following signs to the lobby as people looked at me strangely. I rushed into the lobby and many people sitting looked up at my sudden appearance, Pj being one of them and he had such a focused look on his face- he seemed so stressed until he saw me standing across the room. He brightened instantly, I smiled at him and we rushed to each other. We met halfway and I hugged him tightly, he lifted me up and spun me as everyone in view watched. "I was so worried," he frowned, "Marco took care of the guys and he was pissed when he found out I let the humans take you," he whispered, "he wanted to come but I told him to tell Tiago you're fine so he doesn't kill me. I had no idea where you were but that couple told me, I used my puppy eyes of course! Girls love them." I shook my head with a smile, he smiled back and hugged me once again, "I'm so glad you're alive! I wouldn't be able to live without my best friend!"
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