Chapter Twenty-One

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"Let's go home," I smiled, he released me and ran out the door as I followed. He led me all the way back and was smiling the whole way, clearly happy and excited. We goofed around and joked about the situation the entire walk until we made it through the front door where Marco and Joey were waiting. "Are you okay? You could've died out there!" Joey scolded and Marco added on, "what were you thinking? Pj can't keep anyone safe! You should've told someone! You shouldn't have gone to the human hospital, that's risky!" Both of their scolds ripped away Pj's smile and it made me upset to see him being degraded, "shut up, you two! He was trying his best!" "Try telling Tiago that, he's been livid ever since we found the blood on your floor. He's freaking about this!" Marco snapped at me, looking over at Pj who looked so betrayed like a disappointed kid. "You promised you wouldn't tell!" Pj exclaimed, "he's going to kill me!" "Maybe if you two would've just stayed here where it's safe I wouldn't of had to tell! He's our Alpha, he needs to know these things, especially if it involves the Luna!" Marco raised his voice back, Pj looked on the verge of tears alongside pure anger until the man himself stepped between them- coming out of nowhere. "Enough!" He glared between the two, focusing his attention on me next and he looked so relieved after seeing I was in one piece. It was silent as he approached me, his expression was unreadable and the others watched us. He reached for me, placing his hand on my jaw and looking into my eyes intensely like he had something to say. The relief was evident on his features and the longer he stared into my eyes gave me butterflies, tingles appeared slowly but something broke. When the tingles were strong enough to notice they just vanished, he pulled his hand away and his gaze wasn't the same, it was now cold, "you should've told someone, they're right. What you did was reckless and stupid! Don't ever do something so idiotic again, either of you. You're both children! I can't worry about you two when I have things to do." I frowned, watching him turn his attention to Pj, "as for you! You should know better than to leave without telling someone, you can't protect anyone if you can't protect yourself! Next time tell me or Marco. You can't trust anyone, they could've killed her and you just let them take her away! I'm disappointed in you, your rank should be taken away! I should make you an omega!" Tiago was livid, glaring at him and walking off while we stood there speechless. I don't know much about wolves but I do know that omegas are the lowest rank there is, they're the scum of the pack. "Do something child friendly until we deal with the problem permanently, alright?" Marco growled, turning away and leaving us. "She could've died," Joey said gently unlike the other two, "they're just angry at what happened, I know wolves take Luna's seriously and they're just shaken up from the close call. Don't take it personal, I know you were just trying to do something nice." He patted Pj on the back then walked away, leaving us alone and we shared a look, he was so sad, "I wish they had faith in me, I wish they saw that I am capable of protecting others!" I squeezed his hand but let go, "I'll have a word with him," I stated, walking in the direction they went and barging into his office without a care in the world. He was sitting alone in his chair, looking up at me with a straight face as I marched over and sat in the chair next to his desk, "you need to be nicer to your men! Pj was only trying to help." He rolled his eyes, "it doesn't matter what he was attempting to do, the only thing that matters is what ended up happening. He put you in danger, you could've been killed, Katerina! That was reckless, you two leaving without a word," he put his pen down, narrowing his eyes at me. His words had a caring message but he made it sound like an insult. "Well I'm fine! He stayed by my side through the majority of it, he did everything he could to protect me! At least he cares enough about me to be there, where the hell were you? You couldn't care less about me," I argued, he clenched his jaw. "I was doing my job! And if that was his best, I'd say he's pretty s**t then because you were injured! That white wolf shot you, if Marco didn't lock them up temporarily you'd be dead!" He spat, I slammed my fist on his desk and stood up to emphasize my words. "I'm perfectly fine! I wasn't killed so I don't get why you're still freaking out! I'm an adult and so is Pj, we can do whatever we want!" I hissed, he stood up and our faces were close as we started raising our voices. "You aren't leaving this house until they're dead!" He said icily, both of us sharing a glare. "Why the f**k do you even care?" I shouted, our harsh looks stabbing each other. "I don't want to see those idiots make another one of you! Having two of you freaks alive is bad enough!" He snapped back, our conversation falling silent and my expression fell from the harsh jab. I didn't know what to think or say but hearing him admit how he felt gave me this strange feeling, even his face went from angry to blank when he analyzed my expression with a tightened jaw. I watched as he froze in his spot like he just realized what was said. My voice wasn't able to create a reply so I just frowned deeply, nodding as I swallowed the tears I wanted to choke on. Turning away, I hurriedly left the room before he seen how badly those words have affected me. I made my way back to Pj but he was just around the corner, telling me he listened to our conversation. He frowned at me, I fell into his arms for a hug and he returned it, "he's just stressed out, Luna, I'm sure he didn't actually mean it." Instead of replying, I stayed silent as we hugged so I could avoid bursting into tears on him. He got the message because he didn't say anything else, I wasn't sure how long we hugged but it was split forcefully. I was torn off Pj and he was shoved back, I looked over and saw Tiago which was no shock to me. "I told you to stay off, it's a little thing called respect for their mates. I don't want you touching up on my men," he said, his tone just as cruel as before, "you two aren't allowed alone together. Pj, go find someone else to harass. Katerina, go find something else to do that doesn't require physical touching. Thanks to you, I have to deal with this white wolf situation because you're a damn snake." With that, he walked away and I was even more angry at him. Pj looked down in sadness, "he's jealous that it's not him you're on... but I can't disobey." I nodded in understanding, the both of us walked separate ways and I went to my room. Locking the door behind me, I turned my lights off and it was pitch-black but I'm nocturnal so it didn't phase me much. This is what I needed- to be left alone with my own thoughts and time to figure this whole situation out. I've had enough wolves for today. I sunk into my bed, closing my eyes and keeping my breaths calm to make my body relaxed. I was very quickly falling asleep until a warm, wet, hand placed over my mouth and my eyes shot open. It was Garrett, his face was right in front of me and I smelt, even tasted, the blood over his hand that covered my mouth. Sheer panic shot through my body and I tried to cry out for help but it was muffled. No, this can't be happening! Marco locked them up! He's not here! I've fallen asleep, this is merely a dream! "Since Richie wasn't able to, I have to take matters into my own hands," he said lowly, I struggled against him as high-pitch yells muffled into nothingness, "as long as you have an offspring, it'll complete my plan. It'll be the best." I shook my head, clawing at his arm but he wasn't releasing me. Even with my good eyesight in the dark it was hard for me to see where exactly he was because of the fearful tears that blurred my vision. He moved his hand and shoved an object in my mouth before I could make a noise, no matter how hard I tried, I tasted nothing but metallic and no noise was able to escape past the object. I wasn't sure what it was but as I went to take it out, my hands were tied together and my arm was cuffed to the bed frame above my head. More fear shot through my body when my reality kicked in and I finally saw this wasn't a dream, I was bound to the bed with tied hands- I wanted to fight back against him but it was like my body was unable to move. With all my strength, I still was frozen as his hands touched my body up and down. Silent tears ran down my face, leaving wet lines from my eyes to my hair. His hands touched my breasts and I tried to scream out but there was no sound- not even a squeak. It was terrifying, frustrating even, knowing I was helpless. "Kate? Are you sleeping?" A voice asked through the door, knocking right after and the man froze on me. His hands remained covering my breasts and I tried to call out to Marco, who was on the other side of the door, yet all he received was silence. I tried to scream as loud as possible and still nothing, his footsteps disappeared in the distance and I cried harder finally able to move my body. I moved to get his hands away but it hardly worked, his filthy hands squeezed me harder and grazed my waistline before touching the skin of my stomach. I sucked in but he continued to slide his hand underneath my top and move my bra up, I struggled some more but froze when his hands grasped my bare body. His face leaned to mine, he kissed my cheek where my tears were but he didn't seem to care. His hands moved down to my pants and he was eager to rip them off, first my shorts then he completely tore my underwear off so I was bare. I pressed my head against the pillow so I didn't have to watch his movements, clenching my eyes shut as I waited for my misery. Just when I thought he changed his mind, he thrusted against my pelvis and I sobbed from the pain as his heavy exhale made my tears pour out faster. He leaned more on top of me and put his face near mine then whispering, "you were a virgin, weren't you?" I didn't move, staring up at the ceiling as my tears stopped and I felt so blank. He took my innocence away from me, the very thing I've been saving has been taken. My virginity stays intact if I mate in serpent form because it's not intercourse, now it's gone both ways- forever. He started moving in and out of me, each time was more painful than the next and his low moans in my ear only made this even more torturous. He gripped my breast and I hoped for the end, his lips pressed against my neck and his other hand gripped my high inner thigh to move it. He went even deeper and my pain was silenced by the gag. Finally, he stopped with himself still inside me. It was so relieving that he stopped but my heart dropped when he spoke in a hushed tone, "if this doesn't impregnate you, I'll be back until it does." He removed himself from me and I was relieved of the pain entirely, he moved off me before caressing my face, "our child will be very beautiful," he mumbled, I exhaled heavily because I started to hyperventilate, "now if I take this out, are you going to be a good girl?" I nodded, unable to react with anger or sadness and he untied me before taking the object out of my mouth and I desperately breathed in the air around me. I looked over but he was gone too soon and I shakily stumbled to my lights, turning them on I looked at myself in the mirror and almost broke down. My legs were shaken and blood droplets ran down my leg, inches away from my v****a was a red, bloody, blotch where he had grabbed me. I stripped down to my bare skin, analyzing the bloody trails on my body. There were marks on my breasts, stomach, and face but it just looked like I came out of a hard fight and nothing more. Why was he bleeding? I put on the previous clothes and snuck out of my room in hopes I make it the bathroom to shower. I turned to walk in the bathroom but Marco's voice stopped me. "Katerina? I thought you were sl-" he went silent, I turned to face him and his horrified expression morphed into more horror as he frantically scanned me for obvious injuries. You're not going to find it, Marco. "What happened to you? Are you hurt?" He asked, grabbing my arms and searching me all over. Mentally. I was too afraid to speak of it, it made me feel like trash and I know he'd see me as a disgust. I can't tell anyone, nobody can know what had happened to me. "It's my period," I spoke for the first time since it happened, my voice was very sore and my answer didn't convince him. "Then why are you crying? Why do you have blood on your face? On your arms?" He asked, I could tell he was genuinely concerned for me but the truth wasn't something I was ready to speak about. If the words left my mouth, it'd make it more of a reality and I'm not ready to accept what he did to me. "My cramps hurt so bad and it makes me cry sometimes," I forced a smile- it was nearly impossible, "and don't tell but sometimes the blood gets on your hands and you just happen to paint yourself. It's gross." He looked completely unbothered, "oh, well I'll bring you some pajamas if that helps after you clean up?" I nodded, "please," he gave me a small smile and went to my room, I rushed in the bathroom and seconds later he knocked. I opened the door and he handed me clothes, "if you need anything else I'll be there, just yell, okay?" Nodding, I closed the door and held back more tears. I tried. You weren't there. Placing my clothes on the counter, I took off the clothes and just threw them away. I stepped in the shower when the water was hot and let the soap wash away the reminder, his dirty touch washed down the drain and I scrubbed myself continuously. I allowed the water to pound against me, relaxing myself all over again after washing before I got out and dried off. I got dressed and dried my hair before putting the towel in the hamper, looking at myself in the mirror and frowning. I was the same, nothing changed except the view I had on myself. I am a dirty, disgraceful, used w***e. Removing my eyes off the mirror, I took a breath then left the bathroom and walking back to my room. I looked inside and clenched my jaw, there was no way I could sleep in there again. My eyes drifted to the door next to mine- Tiago's. It's either him or here... I knocked on his door and waited, I was physically and mentally drained so if he denied me I wasn't going to protest. He opened the door looking as good as ever while I knew I looked as bad as I felt, no words left his mouth so I decided to take that as a 'what do you want.' "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked hoarsely, he caught that immediately and furrowed his eyebrows. It seems he had calmed down from earlier events... "What happened?" He questioned, picking up on my negative mood instantly and frowning at my watery eyes, "you don't look okay." How could you not hear? I needed you. "Please let me in, I just don't want to be alone tonight, I'm sorry about earlier- just, I need you," I clenched my jaw but my eyes watered more regardless so I looked away from his face. He can't see me like this, it'll only add to his insults later on. I was expecting another argument, some yelling even, but nothing like that came close. "Hey," he said, stepping out and lifting my face to look at his. He had to of seen my tears because this was the softest he's been with me, "I won't push it, you can if that's what you really want and if that's what will keep you comfortable." I nodded and wrapped my arms around him in appreciation- also because I really needed it right about now. He seemed surprised and unsure but he returned the hug reluctantly, I didn't care that he was shirtless at the moment. My mind was fogged with what Garret did to me, it was only harder for me to hold back tears but I managed when we let go. He let me inside then closed the door behind me, "I can take the couch," he added but it wasn't enough so I grabbed his arm in panic. "No! Please, stay with me," I begged, my heart started racing and he didn't reply for a moment while he analyzed my worried face. I can't lay alone, not right after, what if he came back? "Okay," he replied- eyeing me suspiciously, we moved to the bed after he agreed then we each took our sides and covered up. I seen him lay on his back and use his arms as a headrest while he watched the movie playing on the TV. He ignored my presence and I ignored his, turning on my side opposite from him and trying to sleep. It felt like ten minutes passed and I still wasn't able, every time I closed my eyes I felt the pain and seen his face all over. I glanced over my shoulder at Tiago, he was still watching TV looking as handsome as ever. I grew desperate and flipped around, staring at his face down to his body. I then slowly scooted closer to him, catching his attention instantly as he watched me lay in his personal space. "I'm sorry for burdening you," I mumbled, "this is awkward considering we just got out of an argument, I know, but thank you for still helping me. I wouldn't be able to sleep if it weren't for you," I whispered the last sentence, he turned to his side to give me his undivided attention. He softly pushed my chin up to look at him, moving his hand to wipe away a tear I didn't notice fall down my cheek. "As mad as I get with you, there's no denying how unique you are and I hate that I like that about you. I want you to know I still care about your well-being, Katerina, I can hate you as much as I want but still want you to be okay," he replied, holding the side of my face, "I guess I never lost those feelings for you when my wolf left, I only wished I did. I hate that I didn't." "Can you hate me later?" I whispered, a frown formed on my face, "I need you now..." "I hate the holy hell out of you right now but I won't leave you like this, I hate that I won't let you suffer," he stated, I got lost in his eyes and saw the mess he was struggling with. "Can you pretend you don't hate me? Just for tonight, please?" I asked, my tone came out upset and he didn't answer, "help me..." He thought for a minute then returned to laying on his back, wrapping his arm around my body and pulling me in to make me feel better. I placed my head on his chest where I felt safe and comfortable, my mind shut down quickly from its previous restless state and fatigue took over. As I dozed off he never said a word more but right before sleep completely took over I felt his thumb gently start rubbing back and forth on my side, that's all it took to relax me completely. Then I was out.

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