Chapter Nineteen

1355 Words
Marco's POV "Katerina? Pj?" I knocked on her door for the seventeenth time but still no answer, Tiago was growing impatient with me each time my knocks went unanswered. "I don't have time for this!" He glared, her brother moved back as did I and he barged in there in anger but neither of them were in the silent room. "What? Where are they?" Her brother panicked, Tiago narrowed his eyes as he scanned the room but we all knew they weren't there. I could hardly smell them which means they left awhile ago, they'll be hard to track so if he asks me to track them- "Marco, follow their scents," he demanded, I accidentally let out an annoyed growl and he gave me a death stare. My eyes widened and I did as told, leading them after their scents which were very faint, it was already giving me a headache for focusing so hard. When we stepped outside all sign of them was gone, no scent or anything. How am I supposed to tell him that without getting reamed out? "If their scents are out here I know exactly where they went!" Her brother saved my ass, taking the lead as we followed. If it weren't for him, Tiago would've killed me- it's bad enough he's already on edge. When their house came into view I ran by him, seeing the broken glass and stopping. Pj's scent was all over this! The others caught up with me and Tiago was the first in the house, he was restless and it made me strangely happy. He does care for her, more than he'd like to admit, but I hate the circumstances it took for him to express it. I really hope nothing happened to them but this is starting to look bad. I walked in, stepping on the broken glass and hearing it crunch beneath my shoe. I inhaled but caught a scent of rogue- my body went alert and I rushed to the strongest point, which was her room. The door was shut and I busted it open, spotting clothes spread out on the floor while some were folded over the edge of a tote and when I got closer I crouched down to analyze the scene. There were so many scents in this room, it's hard to pinpoint who or what was in here. Red liquid on the floor caught my eye, I reached out and dipped my finger in it- blood. The thickness told me how recently it was drawn, it was dried over on the top but still wet if touched. I'd say about ten or twenty minutes old. "Where is she?" Tiago approached me from behind, his voice was raising with anger but his footsteps stopped when he reached a certain point, "who's blood is that?" "I don't know, but judging by the layout of the room it's Katerina's," I stated, standing up and wiping the blood on my pants while her brother walked in, "she was getting clothes which explains why there are clothes in this tote, someone came in and she had a struggle causing the clothes to fly out of her hands- they landed around the area she was attacked and she lost, explaining the blood. Her kidnappers then left through that window where the blood trails to before disappearing outside. As for Pj, I'm not sure what happened to him..." "Who took her?" He snapped, standing up to me and giving me the evil eye like I was the one who hurt her. "There's too many scents, Alpha, I can't track them," I frowned, her brother was staring at the blood with a devastated face, "but it was the white wolves, it had to be." Tiago squatted down and picked up a shirt, frowning at it before tossing it on the tote and turning to me in frustration, "find them! Now!" I yelped at his tone and attempted mind-link, 'Pj? Are you there?' Tiago and her brother were searching her room when my vision cleared, they were hoping to find a hint or something but I knew there was nothing in here- my sense of smell would've told me. 'Marco?' His voice rang through my head and I grew alert, 'what happened? Tell me where you are.' Yet nobody answered, I was left with nothing but a frown. He's alive and well which I'm grateful for but my worry for my Luna grew by the second- where are they? "I got through to Pj for a brief moment," I informed my Alpha, he looked at me then unexpectedly put me in a choke hold within the matter of seconds. It took me and her brother by surprise, we weren't anticipating him to get so worked up over her. "I told you to find them!" He shouted, shoving me away and I cleared my throat to ease the dry feeling it formed- with or without his wolf, he is very strong and just as scary. I bowed at him, hardly glancing at her brother and following the blood trail out the window. Where am I supposed to start? I have no leads. All scent of them vanished when I left that room and Pj didn't tell me anything, they could be anywhere and I don't have the foggiest idea. Instead of just standing in that spot I decided to follow my wolf instincts and turn left toward the end of the street- closer to the city where there are more people. If a wolf wanted to go hidden, they'd go where no other creature would... a human infested town. I walked down a few sidewalks and past many humans, some girls winked and some guys glared- then there were others who didn't pay me mind. Humans, I'll never understand their problem... why so much hate? Then I collided with someone, I grew tense as the person stumbled greatly and I hardly moved- it was a man. "Watch where you're going, needle d**k," he snapped, my eyebrows furrowed as I contained a snarl but when he looked up at me it clicked. The man was Aaron, he was the one who spent the majority of his time with my Luna because he loved her. I knew him but he never knew me so I shouldn't be too suspicious- I'll cut straight to the point, "have you seen Katerina?" He looked frightened for a moment but he glared, "who's asking?" I rolled my eyes, trying to think of a lie, "her brother-in-law," the words slipped off my tongue and I almost facepalmed, he's not going to believe- "She's married already?" He exclaimed, I let out a low growl involuntarily because my patience for this dude was wearing thin. Unfortunately, he heard because he stared at me with wide eyes before running off into the direction in which he came. I chased after him in case he was leading me to her, every time he turned to see if I was after him I would hide- I had to be sneaky for this to work! He's my only lead and my wolf is going crazy right now, that guy has to know something! He ran into a house and I followed him all the way up to it but I never entered- for all I know he could've just went home and had no part! He doesn't know about wolves... maybe I'm just going insane. As I was about to walk away, screaming emitted from the house but it was faint. If I was human I never would've heard it, only that I did and that scream was definitely Katerina's. Yelling was heard and more screams came, it became a clustered mess of noise and my body was itching to attack. They are down there. 'Warriors, meet me in the woods behind a blue house in the east- it's the only blue house in the town. Don't come out until you see me, stay ready incase I need back up,' after sending that out to the pack I closed off connection and searched for a way inside to go unnoticed.
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