Chapter Eighteen

1924 Words
I went back into my room with a frown, getting angry with myself for causing this mess. I'm done going through this! He used to care for me, I ruined his life- his pack! There's only one way I can attempt to bring his wolf back, I'm not holding back anymore... My legs rushed to his door, knocking again and he answered after thirty seconds looking slightly annoyed with me for bothering him again. "What do you want now, Katerina?" He questioned, the door was wide open and I decided it was now or never. If he hates me for the rest of his life, so be it! I tossed myself on him, his abdomen muscles touching my stomach and he caught me out of instinct- his arm muscles wrapped around my back and he looked severely confused. He probably thought I fell with the way I made it look. "You." Holding his prickly jaw with my hands, we shared intense gazes as our eyes fell deeper into the trance. I admitted what I denied myself for so long, it felt horrifying yet amazing to get that off my chest. Our faces were in close proximity, he didn't say anything as we gazed at each other- I was waiting for him to go off on me but our light breaths were the only noise as he held me close. Then there were very faint tingles forming again- the silence was strong and his eyes started to haze ever so slightly and his hands tightened on my body. I gently grazed his stubble with my thumbs, everything felt amazing, I just couldn't get enough of the tingles I've missed as they grew stronger. I moved my face closer to his, the heat from our lips mixed and just as I was about to close the slight gap a loud shriek disrupted our session and we turned our heads, the tingles fading away and a frown crossed my lips, spotting Pj covering his mouth with a joyous glint in his eyes, "THAT IS SO ADORABLE!" I felt his chest vibrate with a groan- if you listened close enough there was a growl but it went away as quick as it came, even though it was there for a moment- it's still something I haven't heard in so long and it made me melt in his warm embrace. He's just too irresistible... "Your wolf is back-" he gasped, hearing the growl with shock as Marco came up behind him and finished his cut off sentence, "his wolf was fighting his way back, you moron, he's not there. His presence doesn't have the power it should." They stood there, Tiago wasn't too thrilled with a mocking audience because he pulled me in his room and shut the door. My eyes widened, the situation feeling a lot more serious than it was with the door open. He grazed my face with his hand and looked down at me, "how do you keep doing that?" I furrowed my eyebrows, he noticed my confusion and got annoyed, "I felt it... he was there-" he stopped himself, taking his hands off my face like he finally realized what he was doing. "I didn't do anything," I frowned, he looked frustrated, "maybe it's all in your head." He turned away, a deep look of frustration on his face and I took his hand- my stomach churning at the sight of his misery and stress. "Please let me be here for you," I pleaded, he tore his hand from mine and my heart shattered so I tried to persuade him, "I'm sorry this happened to yo-" "Unless you know how he came back, I suggest you leave me alone," he snapped, not looking at me once. "But we've had fun together- don't you feel anything? I thought there was something happening with us... I don't want to be your enemy," my voice was on the verge of giving out, he was tense. "Leave, now," he demanded, I gulped and scrambled out of the room instead of pestering him. As soon as I left the room Marco and Pj were waiting for me by the doorway of my room with frowns- they heard it all. Without a word, we all piled into my room and closed the door like a girls slumber party- Marco was the brutally honest one, I was the heartbroken one, and Pj was the sympathetic one. He hugged me while I leaned into his chest, holding back tears, and Marco just kicked back on my bed with a thoughtful face. "I don't understand... he seemed so happy with me earlier," I mumbled, wiping the one tear that fell onto Pj's shirt. "Maybe his wolf came back because of that!" Marco beamed with an idea, shooting into a sitting position and we looked at him, "his wolf is a part of him- his emotions are the wolf's emotions! His wolf defines him, he heightens what he feels- that's all! What if his wolf was fighting back control when he was happy, so when you told him you had feelings his wolf fought harder because he was genuinely happy with you deep, deep, down." "So you're saying Tiago was happy with her as a person, not as a werewolf," Pj added, Marco nodded and stood up to emphasize his point with hand movements. He was getting really into this theory. "Yes! If he wants her without his wolf, that might just be all it takes to bring him back!" He explained, Pj squeezed me in excitement but I wasn't any happier. "Either way, he hates me," I said negatively, they scowled at my attitude. "Back to plan A," Marco paused, they said the second part simultaneously, "make him fall in love with you, Kate!" I nodded, "you're right... but I don't want to talk about it anymore," I paused, an evil smile forming as my hands ripped the pillow from the bed frame and whacked Pj in the face, "pillow fight!" "Do not-" Marco started, dodging my swing and bolting out the door like the lame guy he is. At least I still have Pj. As I looked at Pj he hit me as revenge, the pillow knocking me to my ass and he jumped on me- we were whacking each other and laughing. I rolled over so he'd crash and he did, I jumped up and crawled on the bed- he pounced and tackled me to the floor with a thud. It wasn't long until we climbed on the bed and turned on TV, the lights were turned off and we laid there watching a comedy. He laid on his stomach and I laid on my back, I was originally going to ask him if he was going to go to his room but I never got that chance because I fell asleep. •••••• The next morning, I choked myself awake. Literally, I woke up choking. The feeling had me jolting out of bed- hitting the floor and the grape I was apparently choking on landed on the floor in front of me. Furrowing my eyebrows, laughter was heard from my bed and I looked up. "Pj!" I wailed, "you could've killed me!" His laughter died down and he leaned over the bed to look at me innocently, "and you could've killed me! I woke up with your feet in my face, they were disgusting- I swear my lungs almost gave out! Keep your stench to yourself." I gave him a flat look, "you were in my bed! Why did you even sleep in here? That's kind of weird." He pulled me back on the bed, "too lazy to go to my room, it's not like we had s*x or anything." He has a point... besides, I see him more as a brother than anything! Wait, speaking of brother- I haven't seen or heard from Joey in awhile! "Do you know what happened to Joey?" I asked, he blinked at me like he didn't know who he was until it hit him. "Oh! Yeah, he's with Marco and Tiago, he's trying to help out around here so Tiago doesn't hate his guts as much," he said, getting up and I followed as we made our way outside of the room. "Hey, do you think I can run back to my house today? I need a shower and I'm not taking anymore of Ziena's clothes," I told him, he was against it for a moment but he sighed with a frantic nod. "You definitely need one, those feet are dangerous," he replied, chuckling to himself and I glared at him. I haven't showered in forever, my serpent smell comes through without wolves-bane and clean hygiene! "As long as I go- or Marco goes," he added, my glare eased itself and I smirked then rushed in front of him. He caught the hint and we ran out the door together, not telling a single soul of our journey. "Race you there!" I grinned, he ran past me and laughed so I sped up to catch him. He was pretty fast but that didn't surprise me, he's incredibly hyper. He ended up beating me to my house and pretended to dunk in the hoop, "score! You lose," he yelled, then running full force into my sliding glass door that he apparently didn't see. I burst out into a laugh until I got closer and saw the whole door broke- my laughter was cut short and I stared at the glass then him with wide eyes. Holy s**t! How hard did he hit that door? "Pj!" "I didn't mean to! I didn't think there was a door there," he explained, rubbing his head. "Oh, oka- wait! Why the hell did you think I just had a huge hole in the back of my house?" I questioned, his face grew red and he scratched the back of his neck. "Now there is," he smiled toothily, I tried to be mad but he was just too immature. I hardly knew Pj but he is just amazing, he's so funny and definitely knows how to have a good time- you can't be mad at him! "Come on," I laughed, he jumped up and followed me inside. "Hurry up, I'll guard the hole," he said, I rolled my eyes jokingly and ran into my room- grabbing a tote and filling it with all my clothes. As I was packing the door slammed shut which startled me, I jumped but smiled, "you are so bipo-" Someone kicked me to the floor and all the clothes in my hands scattered around me, I grunted from the impact and smashed my face- my nose bleeding instantly. My heart did flips, knowing damn well this wasn't Pj. The person was rough while they cuffed my hands behind my back, putting a gag in my mouth to hush my screams and my eyes widened when I saw Garret walking over to me from the window. "I knew you'd come back around, it was just a matter of time. You see, trying to take you in front of your mate would've been reckless considering he's an Alpha! But coming with a third command who can't even see three feet in front of him? Really? You made it too easy," he smirked, "especially with my new recruits..." I struggled against the person holding me down, hurting my neck to look over my shoulder but who I saw made my heart drop. Aaron.
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