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THREE YEARS LATER CHARLOTTE I stared at the cake I had just baked and designed with a smile on my face. It was my third wedding anniversary and I was hoping to make it special. Ever since I got married to Bill, I had put in the most effort to make our marriage work but I understood my husband. I wasn't the one he loved from the start and he had merely settled for me. However, I was determined to win his heart. My first wedding anniversary had been nothing to write home about since Bill did not return home until the next day. I had spent the night staring at the cake I baked and eventually blew out the candles myself. Yet, I never gave up. I remained a good wife to Bill despite all the obstacles I faced. My efforts had paid off during our second anniversary. Bill had returned home and although he refused to have a taste of my cake, he had invited me to drink with him and afterward, we shared a passionate night. It was my first time to be touched by a man and it felt magical. I fell even more hopelessly in love with Bill and believed that our relationship would improve after that night. It did improve but not in the way I hoped. Bill told me that what happened was a mistake because he drank alcohol, however, I had felt his love for me that night. Unfortunately, I did not get pregnant like I hoped and Bill never touched me again, but he began to spend more time at home. He always ate my meals and spoke kindly to me. Once, he even took me out to a business dinner and introduced me to his clients as his wife. When I felt really touched was the day he stood up to his mom and two siblings who always picked on me. Many times, I endured their maltreatment and insults because I did not want to upset Bill who always turned a blind eye. I had thought they would never stop treating me like trash but they did and that was because Bill warned them and kicked them out of his house the last time they tried it. Remembering how far we had come made me excited but I was also nervous. My doctor had told me that I was in my fertile period, so I was desperately hoping that Bill would make love to me again. If I was able to get pregnant and give him a child, the bridge between us would be closed and we would be inseparable forever. What more could I ask for? I was wearing a black gown because it was Bill's favorite color. My black hair cascaded down my back and I had light makeup on my face. I had placed two bottles of wine beside the cake; the same wine Bill drank during our second marriage anniversary. I had even lighted scented candles and made our spacious bedroom very beautiful. The ambiance was romantic and enticing, and the cake I had baked was very delicious. I was optimistic that Bill would not reject my cake tonight. The clock ticked by as I waited but there was no sign of him. It was strange because, for a long time, he had not stayed out so late. I wanted to call him but was afraid of ruining the surprise I had prepared. In the end, I decided to wait some more. At about eleven in the night, I heard noises outside and heaved a sigh of relief as I knew he had finally returned. I had sent away all the domestic staff for the day because I wanted us to have absolute privacy. I walked closer and stood by the door, listening for more sounds. As I heard footsteps approaching, my heart began to race. I adjusted my dress and my hair and looked at my reflection in the mirror before going back to sit down. The moment the door was pushed open, I got up. Bill stood by the door, dropped his bag on the floor, and looked around as though I wasn't there. The more I stared at the face of the man I was completely smitten with, the more my heart thumped loudly. "Welcome back and happy third anniversary," I rasped before walking over to help him take off his jacket, which was a norm. However, the moment my hand touched him, he pushed me away and sent me staggering backward. I struck my back against the table and the force of the impact sent the cake and the wine bottles all to the ground. In no time, the room was a mess. I stared at the spilled bottles of wine and the cake I had baked with so much love on the floor. "Why?" I asked him. Rather than answer me, Bill walked over to the four scented candles and destroyed them all with his hands. I kept staring at him in surprise as he walked back to the door, picked up his bag, and took out a piece of document along with a pen. He threw them at me and said, "Sign the papers right now." Without knowing what it was, I quickly picked up the document to prevent it from getting wet. I also picked up the pen before walking over to the switch. I turned on the bright lights which I had turned off earlier because I had scented candles. Now that the candles had been destroyed, the room was almost dark. I gasped in surprise when I looked at the document and saw the word 'Divorce' boldly written at the top. "Divorce? Have I done something wrong?" I asked him. "If I have, I am very sorry. I promise not to do it again. Please, don't divorce me, Bill. You are my world and I love you so much." He scoffed, gripped my neck, and pushed me toward the bed as he yelled, "Enough, Charlotte. I've had enough of your lies. Haven't you fooled me enough? Just for the sake of my wealth, you made so many evil plans and ended up as my wife, did you think the truth would stay hidden forever?" I got up from the bed and my face fell in shock, "Evil plans?" I could not understand what he meant. My mind went back to that fateful day, three years ago when I had become Bill's wife. When he had opened the veil and seen my face, I had told him I had no other choice. He immediately covered the veil, held my hand, and took me out of the church hall. We went into another room and he pushed me once we were inside. "How dare you and where is my Rose?" He had asked. "I'm sorry," I had replied. "I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me. She asked me to show you a video." I pulled up my gown, took out my phone from my pocket, and played the video Rose had forwarded to me. As he watched the video, Bill's hands shook and his eyes turned red. "Please forgive me," Rose had said in the video. "I should have spoken up sooner but I feared my brothers' wrath. However, I have only now realized that my love for Sam is stronger than my fear. I am running away with him because he is the one I love. If you are watching this video, it means I have already left with him. I wish you all the best. Goodbye." Seeing how hurt he felt, I said, "I pretended to be your bride because I could not bear to see you get humiliated, knowing that all the high-profile people in the city would be present." He stared at me with gritted teeth and handed the phone back to me. He paced up and down briefly and finally asked, "Are you also in love with someone?" I shook my head, "No, I am not." "Okay," he said. Afterward, he turned and began to walk away. When he got to the door, he turned back and asked me, "What are you waiting for? Aren't you my wife now? Let's go complete the formalities." Just like that, I became his wife. For me, it was a dream come true and I was beyond happy. But now, Bill was accusing me of becoming his wife through evil plans and it did not make sense to me. Seeing the shock on my face, he chuckled, "Are you surprised that I found out? Would you still feign ignorance when the evidence is in front of you?" I shook my head again, "No, Bill. Whatever it is, you're mistaken. I haven't done anything evil." "Come inside," Bill suddenly said in a loud voice. I was about to ask who he was speaking to when a familiar figure walked into the room. I gasped, "Rose?" Rose folded her arms and emitted so much hatred as she said, "Yes, Charlotte. It's me, Rose, and I'm back to take what rightfully belongs to me."
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