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CHARLOTTE "Please don't do this, Bill will be devastated." I pleaded with Rose for the umpteenth time to stop what she was about to do but her mind was made up. Grabbing me by my shoulders, she said, "I'm sorry, Char, but you need to understand that this is my only chance to be happy. I never wanted to get married to Bill but my family insisted on this wedding. I want to be with my true love and this is the only way." "Running away with Sam is what you consider the best option?" I tried to reason with her, "Think about Bill's family and yours. This wedding has been the talk of the town and all the important people in this city will be present. Bill loves you, so much, don't humiliate him like this." However, she wouldn't reason with me "Look at me, Char, you are my friend and should take my side. Just show Bill the video I made and he would understand that I'm just following my heart. Goodbye, my friend. I hope we meet again, someday." With these words, she left through the back door disguised as a man in other to evade recognition. I sighed. How was I going to tell the man I secretly loved with all my heart that his fiancée who was my best friend had eloped with another man? I could already imagine the headlines: 'The most sought-after Billionaire in the city left hanging at the alter'. and it made me shudder. I was supposed to be the maid of honor. The only reason I had gotten close to Rose at the beginning was because Rose's family and Bill's were close. I had hoped that I would get the chance to be noticed by Bill, however, he fell for Rose instead. I had to keep my feelings a secret and be happy for Rose and when she asked me to be her maid of honor, I agreed without hesitation because I knew that Bill did not love me. Now that things had turned out unexpectedly, I was confused. I could not get another Rose for Bill and I didn't want him to be humiliated either. "It's almost time, honey," Rose's mother's voice sounded from outside the locked room. For a moment, I contemplated telling the woman the truth but as I stared at the wedding dress Rose had dumped on the bed, an idea crossed my mind. I was in Rose's family manor and in her bedroom. My makeup had already been done and I was in my bridesmaid outfit. I quickly doffed my gown and picked up the wedding dress Rose had taken off. It was a simple, white dress and since I almost had the same stature as Rose, the dress looked good on me. My heart raced and my fingers shivered because I knew that getting caught before the wedding happened would put me in trouble and set Bill up for humiliation. As I hid my phone in my pocket and covered my face with the veil, I desperately hoped that Rose's mom would not try to look at my face. "Oh my goodness!" Rose's mom exclaimed the moment I opened the door. "You look like a goddess! Let me see your beautiful face." I immediately cleared my throat and tried to speak like Rose before she could touch the veil, "No, Mom. You'll see me once my husband unveils me in church." "What happened to your voice?" Her mom asked and peeped into the room. "And where's your maid of honor?" "I got too excited and spoke too much until my voice got affected. Don't worry, mom. It's temporary," I replied. "Char had a family emergency and ran back home, she'll meet us in church. Let's leave now, I don't want to keep my groom waiting." I heaved a sigh of relief when Rose's mother bought my words and led me out of the house. We both got into a luxurious Maybach and headed for the church. All through the ride I kept fidgeting with my fingers. This was the first time in my life that I felt afraid. When we arrived at the church, Bill was already waiting inside. Rose's three brothers were there too with all the prominent guests. Since Rose's father was late, her eldest brother walked me into the church. I mostly nodded and did not say a word to anyone, including those who complimented my look. When I sat beside Bill, he leaned closer and said, "You look so angelic, my love. I can't wait to make you my wife." I nodded and turned my face away from him. He tried to take hold of my hand but I pulled it away, leaving him wondering if something was wrong. When the priest finally asked us to stand and say our vows, I stood so the audience would not see my face the moment I was unveiled. Bill noticed I was acting strangely but he attributed it to wedding jitters and let me have my way. He had loved Rose for two years since he first set his eyes on her. Marrying her was a dream come true for him. After he said his vows, I repeated after the priest while still trying to sound like Rose. Her brothers in the audience instantly felt something was wrong as I noticed them stand up, from the corner of my eyes. The moment we exchanged rings and the priest pronounced us husband and wife, Bill lifted the veil covering my face. His eyes widened in shock when he realized that the girl under the veil was me and not the love of his life. Seeing the expression on his face changing to one of anger, I bit my lips, "I'm sorry, Bill. I had no choice."
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