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CHARLOTTE "Shut the hell up," Rose yelled. "Stop spouting nonsense." As she spoke, she threw herself into Bill's arms and broke down in tears. Seeing the way Bill held and comforted Rose broke my heart and made tears roll down my cheeks. Bill's mother charged at me to slap me but I took a step back. "Rose has always been loved by us all," she cried. "We all wanted her so how could she run away from her own wedding? A nobody like you dared to attack Rose while pretending to be her friend? You were always beneath her and jealous too. It's written all over you." "Leave her to me," one of Rose's brothers said. "I'll teach her a lesson." He took off his belt and approached me with the intention of whipping me. However, Rose ran to him and held his hand, "Let's not use violence, Bash. All this time Charlotte held me hostage, she could have killed me but she did not. So, just let it be. I only want the truth to be exposed." I ran to Bill and held his hands. He was the only one who mattered to me. Even if no one else believed me, as long as he did, I would be okay. "I promise you that I'm innocent, Bill. Please believe me." I cried. Bill stared at me and shook his head. This scene infuriated his mother so much that she snatched the belt from Bash and charged toward me to whip me. When Bill noticed this, however, he turned with me and ended up being whipped on his back. Everyone gasped in surprise, including me while the belt fell from his mom's hand as she stared at him in regret. Without a word, Bill held my hand and dragged me back into his room. Once inside, he shut the door and pushed me toward the bed, "Sign the divorce papers. Since you care so much about money, you will not be getting a penny from this divorce." I shook my head, "I don't care about money, Bill. I've been married to you for three years, shouldn't you know me better?" "Shut up," Bill replied. "If I were a poor man, would you have wanted me? We both know that you plotted your way into my life because of my wealth. The fact that you pretended for three years means nothing to me." "And what if Rose is lying?" I asked wiping my tears. "She has no reason to lie but you do," he replied. "And if you find out someday that I never did any of what she is accusing me of, what would you do? Would you feel remorseful then?" He balled his fists in anger, "You are testing my patience, Charlotte. If I want to, I can let everyone outside hurt you to their heart's content. I can also hand you over to the police to pay for your crimes. I am letting you walk away without a scratch because we had a peaceful marriage. Don't make me change my mind." "I love you, Bill. I love you so much," Tears began rolling down my cheeks again. "I was never a bad wife to you. Do you think I am capable of doing something so evil?" "I don't know you," Bill replied. "To me, you are someone who stole the love of my life from me and put her through so much pain. It doesn't matter how good of a wife you were. It was all an act because you wanted to live in affluence. This is the thing about nobodys from the gutters, they are always desperate and can do anything to climb up the social ladder." "But Bill...." "Not another word," he gritted. "I hate you, Charlotte. I hate you for all the pain I suffered because of you. The love of my life is back and seeing you only makes me disgusted. I'm forcing myself not to puke here." "Is hate all you feel for me after everything?" I sniffled. "Sign the damn papers and get lost," he yelled, having lost his patience. Without another word, I picked up the document and pen on the bed. My hands shivered as I signed the divorce papers. Afterward, he took the document from me and opened the door so I could get out. When I had first married him, I had spent my nights upstairs in my bedroom. However, he had asked me to feel free to sleep in his room downstairs after our second anniversary. Ever since then, his bedroom became where I spent my nights. He got me so many gifts but now, I didn't want to take any of them. I just wanted to leave. Rose was waiting just outside the door and the moment she realized the document had been signed by me, she smiled and took hold of my hand. "I'll take Charlotte upstairs and help her pack her things, for old-time sake." I didn't want to go with her but I wanted to ask her why she just ruined my marriage. So, I quietly let her drag me upstairs while everyone else waited down. We continued going up but when we got to the room, she dragged me to the balcony before letting go of my hand. We both stared at each other with a smirk on her face while I said, "I don't understand. Weren't you in love with Sam? You eloped with him, saying you could not live without him. So, what happened to him?" "That's none of your business," She replied. "You stabbed me in the back so you deserve what is happening right now." "What did I do wrong?" I asked. "You didn't want him and you made that perfectly clear to me." She chuckled, "Didn't mean you could marry him. That was both greedy and selfish of you." I scoffed, "Selfish? I have always loved Bill, even before he decided to marry you. But I buried my feelings as a secret in my heart when I realized he was going to marry my friend. I begged you not to leave him stranded at the altar, but you left him still. You did not think about his feelings but abandoned him and fled with someone else yet you call me selfish? I didn't even expect that he would marry me. On that day, I just couldn't bear to see the man I love get humiliated, that's why I went there disguised as the bride. He chose to marry me afterward and I've been his wife since then. Why did you come back and cook up all these lies?" Rose smiled, "Wrong question, Char. You should be asking yourself, 'Why did I push Rose off the railing?" I furrowed my brows in confusion, "What?" Before I could say, Jack Robinson, Rose held the railing and jumped over it. My eyes widened in shock and I reached out my hand to stop her but I wasn't fast enough. I quickly looked down and saw that she had been caught by someone and he was holding her in his arms. He seemed to be one of her brothers but his head was lowered so I couldn't tell who it really was. Nevertheless, I heaved a sigh of relief and turned to leave. I didn't understand what Rose was trying to do as I was no longer Bill's wife. It was better for me to leave. Rose would be exposed sooner or later. I began to walk away when I heard a shrill cry. It sounded like Rose's voice and it surprised me. I rushed back to the railing and looked down. To my surprise, Rose was lying on the ground, in a pool of blood as though she was dead and she was alone. I stared at the scene in shock and everyone began to run out of the house. While the others tried to revive Rose, Anna looked up and pointed at me as she said in a loud voice, "Charlotte pushed her." Bill was the first to look up and when he gazed at me, I closed my eyes, realizing I had fallen into Rose's trap.
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