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CHARLOTTE They all looked at me as though I was a monster, Bill inclusive. I still could not understand how Rose had pulled it off or what she wanted to gain by setting me up but I was done letting them walk over me. I had no desire to even explain myself because no one would believe me. Bill was the only one whose opinion mattered to me and his gaze was enough to tell me that he thought I was capable of such evil. Even after three years, he did not know the first thing about me. If I wanted to get rid of Rose, I would have done it secretly. Anyone with a brain could have figured as much. Nevertheless, I went downstairs and made my way outside. Surprisingly, an ambulance had already arrived but it wasn't just that. There were more than four police cars parked outside with armed men pointing their guns at me. I smiled bitterly as I stared at everyone. Bill, whose eyes had turned red with anger walked toward me and slapped me so hard, causing me to involuntarily take a few steps backward. I held my cheek and looked at him as he yelled, "How could you be so evil? I will make sure you rot in jail for this." Not once did he ask me what happened or if I really pushed Rose, and neither did he stop to consider how I felt at that moment. The armed policemen ran toward me, cuffed my wrists, and read me my rights. As I was being pushed toward their car, Rose was put on a stretcher and rolled into the back of the ambulance. My eyes met Bill's briefly before he looked away and got into the ambulance with Rose. Everything felt like a dream; a very bad dream I wished I could wake up from, but I didn't. Rather, I found myself locked up in a police cell filled with hardened inmates. I sat in a corner, hugged my knees, and immersed myself in my thoughts as my life with Bill flashed before me. I recalled the first time I had set my eyes on him and how my heart had fluttered. I recalled our moments together and the times I secretly helped him when he faced difficulties in his company. I recalled when he was betrayed and set up by a friend, consequently leading to his getting drugged and kidnapped by armed goons. I had disguised my appearance and gone to save him. But in the end, it was all for nothing. I felt like breaking down in tears but refused to do so. A hard smack on the back of my head suddenly made me look up. All the inmates were standing before me and the one I presumed to be the leader, stood in front. She was burly and looked tough too. She was the one who smacked me and as I looked up, she grabbed my hair and pulled me up, a grin of superiority playing on her lips. My scalp stung from the pain but I bore it. I didn't want to fight back because I knew how messy it could get, especially for them. However, when the inmate pulled my hair and moved back her elbow so she could punch me, I spotted a knife blade in her fisted hand. At that moment I understood Rose's endgame; she wanted Bill back and made me her scapegoat. She knew the lies she had told him would be exposed soon, so she framed me and sent me to jail so she could have me killed. That way, Bill would never find out the truth and everyone would forget I ever existed. Well, I was done playing nice. Just as the inmate's hand got close to my face, I caught her wrist and broke it. She cried out in pain and reflexively let go of my hair, extending her other hand to punch me. I ducked and caught her second wrist, breaking it before throwing her down to the ground with a punch on her cheek. Seeing that she had become unconscious, all the other inmates charged at me at the same time. In a split second, they were all lying on the ground writhing in pain. "Answer my question, otherwise, I will gouge out your eyes," I threatened one of the inmates whose legs had been broken by me. She nodded in fright and instantly wet her pants, "Ye...ye...yes...I....will." "Were you guys ordered to kill me?" I asked, ignoring the mess she had made. She nodded and I tapped her head, "It's okay, that's all I wanted to know." I stood up and noticed at this point that three officers who had been drawn by the commotion stood outside the cell staring speechlessly at me in surprise. Needless to say, they were surprised I had taken down fifteen women who all looked bigger and stronger than me. I had a feeling they knew what had been planned for me but it didn't matter to me. I walked over to the iron bars and said to them, "I need to make a phone call. It is my right." Ten minutes later, I was escorted out of the cell and given a phone. I dialed a number I hadn't called in four years and when the call was answered, I said, "Grandpa, I was wrong. I am ready to return home."
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