Chapter 6

2861 Words
            {Allie’s P.O.V.}             So many thoughts were running through my mind and I felt exhausted. I could hear voices in my head, one was Dorian. I’ll never forget his voice; I would know it immediately. I felt myself start to open my eyes, and my vision was a bit blurry. I looked up and saw a tiled ceiling, and I could smell medical-grade alcohol and heard the most annoying beeping.             “Hey, I think she’s waking up,”             “Allie?”             “Dorian?”             “Hey, I’m here,”             “Am I in the hospital?”             “Yes, the pack hospital. You blacked out in the car,” I lingered on his words, and the memories of screaming, crying, and wanting to die came rushing back.             “Where's Sin?” I asked             “She’s with the doctor now. She’s getting her vitals checked. She’s alright,” Mikey said. I nodded my head. I thought back and realized what a b***h I was to Dorian. None of what happening was his fault, and I blew up at him.             “I’m sorry, Dorian,”             “For what beautiful?”             “For screaming at you. I know none of this is your fault, but I took my anger and frustration out on you anyways. I didn’t mean it,”             “Hey, hey, hey. You don’t need to apologize,” he said kissing the back of my hand. That actually felt nice.             “I’m also sorry for trying to kill you,” the guys burst out into laughter. I looked at them and were holding their stomachs almost dying over.             “What?”             “We’re talking about this yesterday, babe,” I just looked at Dorian             “Yesterday? It’s tomorrow?”             “Yeah, you slept the whole night. Your tiny body was too stressed from everything and you passed out,” I made an O shape with my mouth.             “Allie, we laughed because we’re actually a little scared of you and Sin for a split second. You two are feisty,” Brandon said while wiping tears from his eyes. He laughed so hard he started to cry.             “What's going on here?” Sin’s voice came from the door. “Allie, you're awake!” she ran towards me and gave me a bear hug crushing me. My god, this girl was strong.             “Sin, Allie can’t breathe,” she was trying to squeeze the life out of me.             “Oh, sorry,” she smiled and nudged me.             “Did you sleep okay?” I asked her             “I slept like a log! Mikey’s bed is so comfortable,”             “Mikey’s bed?” I looked at the two them and saw they were holding hands. “You waste no time, do you?”             “What? No! I just slept,”             “Uh-huh, sure,” I nod my head and look back at Dorian I just smirking. “What?”             “Nothing,” he kissed my hand again. I immediately blushed.             “Good afternoon!” Another very cheerful voice came from the door. “Oh, there are a lot of people in here,” she made her way over and looked at the chart in her hand and the machines. “Allie, I’m Dr. Quinn. How are you feeling?”             “I’m feeling good. I still have a small headache, but nothing ibuprofen can’t fix,” I said.             “Perfect. Well, your vitals were stable all night and the colors of your cheeks are back to normal. If you’re up for it, I can release you today, but try to take it easy,”             “I will. Thank you, doctor,” I smiled             “Alright. Let me get the ibuprofen and your release papers and you'll be well on your way,”             “Thank you,”             “Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Sin,” she bowed her head and left.              After another hour so, I was finally released. Dorian and the guys needed to have a quick meeting, and Sin wanted to go back to Mikey’s room and rest. She was never really a morning person, but since she had to see the doctor, she woke up early. I decided to roam around the packhouse as Dorian called it. Most people said their hellos and even bowed their heads. A few gave me strange looks. I guess being a human in a house full of werewolves made me stand out a lot. As I walked towards the living area, I saw a young mother struggling with her toddler and her infant,             “Do you need help?” I asked her.             “Oh, hello. No, I got this. Nothing I can’t handle,” She said with a strong country accent.             “Please let me help you,” I said with a smile             “Thank you. Can you please just untie his shoes and he'll run to the play area on his own,”             “Hi little man, let me take off your shoes so you can play. The faster we get these off, the more time you have for fun,” he smiled and nodded and stood still. As soon his shoes were off, he took off.             “Thank you so much. You’re a doll,” her country accept was throwing me off.             “Tennessee?” I asked her             “How did you guess? People always ask if I’m from Texas,” I smiled             “Your baby girl is adorable,” I said while pinching the chubby cheeks of the cutest baby I had ever seen             “Thank you, her name is Allison,”             “Hi, Allison. You and I have the same name,” this baby was giving me all the happy feels. She was drooling and smiling at me.             “Your name is Allison?”             “I like to go by Allie,” I smiled and kept playing with the cute baby             “Oh, you’re that Allie,” she said with enthusiasm. “My name is Casey, it is a pleasure,” she said.             “The pleasure is all mine,” We were talking and playing with baby Allison when we were shoved out of the way by someone. The force almost made Casey drop the baby, but I was there to prevent that from happening.             “Out of my f*****g way!” she shouted.             “Watch where you’re going you stupid cunt!” I yelled back. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. She was about 5’7, brunette, red mini skirt, black stilettos, black tube top, and flat-chested.             “What did you say to me?”             “You almost knocked her baby from her arms. There is twenty feet of empty space, you could have just walked around b***h,”             “Who are you calling a b***h!” I felt sudden sharp on my cheek and gasps from people the room fell silent. I immediately slapped her back with the back of my hand.             “Keep your filthy hands to yourself,” She turned to face me and hit me again, but this time with so much force she knocked me to ground. f*****g werewolf.             “You have no idea who you’re messing with, human!” she spat the word human in my face as an insult.             “What the f**k is going on in here!?” Dorian roared. Spectators to our b***h fight split like the Red Sea.             “Dorian, baby,” she b***h ran up to him and snaked her arms around his waist. What the f**k?             “Jessica, what the f**k are you doing?”             “Baby?” I questioned from the floor.             “Allie?” Dorian finally noticed me.             “Dorian, do you know her?” I asked while getting back to my feet.             “Allie are you okay?” he came over to me to check on me. I licked my lip realizing that she busted it with that last slap.             “Baby, come back here!” Jessica shouted.             “Stop calling me that!” he shouted at her and she jumped back at his rise in tone             “Let me see,” Dorian grabbed my chin to look at the cut on my lip.             “Jessica, did you do this?”             “The b***h hit me,”             “You hit me first!” I yelled. “And you almost made a mother drop her infant with no remorse, so yeah, I b***h slapped you,” Dorian held me close to him and then I saw it on her face. It couldn’t have been clearer. She was jealous because she knew who I was. I decided to play into it to piss her off even more. I wrapped my one arm around Dorian’s back and the other hand on top of his well-defined abs.             “Get your human hands off of him!”             Gotcha!             “No,”             “What!?”             “No. I’m his mate, your future Luna, and my hands are going to touch him anywhere and everywhere I please,” as I say this, I slowly slide my front hand under his shirt and rub his abs. I feel Dorian tense from my touch. Sorry Dorian, but I’m going to use you as a prop.             Her eyes turn jet black which only meant she was even more pissed off. I smile and look up at Dorian who is looking down at me and smiles back. His eyes were also black, but this was not anger, this was s****l. I pull my hand out from under his shirt             “Dorian,” I use my index finger and gesture him to lean to close me. While making direct eye contact with Jessica, I pull him into a deep and passionate kiss. I felt sparks all over my body and felt a small pool of wetness from between my thighs. Damn, I did this to piss her off, and now I’m getting turned on. This man knows how to kiss! I pull away to get some much-needed oxygen in my lungs. By this time, she’s shaking with rage.             “Damn,” Dorian said and kissed my neck. I smiled at Jessica. She was so angry she couldn’t move. I may not know a lot about werewolves, but I do know that no one defies an Alpha, so as long as Dorian was next to me, she couldn’t try anything.             “Casey,” I turn to her for a moment. “I would love to get to you know better and play with baby Allison if you’re up for it?” I asked her             “I would love that,” she smiled. I gave her a cheek kiss and squeezed the baby’s cheeks.             “Dorian?”             “Yes, my queen?” he was straight up eye-f*****g me.             “I think your bed is calling my name. Will you escort me?” He nodded and licked his lips. We turned and headed for the staircase when he stopped.             “Jessica!” he called her name. It was not soothing; it was mean and dominant. I guess this was the Alpha in him. Scary, yet still sexy.             “Yes, Alpha?” she bowed her head.             “If you ever lay your hands on or even threaten Allie in any way again, you will either be banished from this pack, or I’ll skin you alive. Do I make myself clear!?” Damn, that was brutal.             “Yes, Alpha,”             Dorian turned for us to walk up the stairs. I turned around to look at her and flipped her the finger. Spectators tried to contain their laugher knowing she had played right into my hands.               After three flights of stairs, we ended up in Dorian’s room. It was massive. His room was the size of our old condo. There was a California King bed with a red and orange comforter set, lounge area with a TV on the wall, and two sliding doors that led to a balcony that wrapped around the corner.             “This room is amazing,”             “Check out the closet,” I opened the double doors and found a massive closet and looked to be at least 10ft wide and 15ft deep. The hanging area wrapped around in a rectangular shape, his clothes were color coordinated and by type. T-shirts followed by polos, long sleeves, button-downs, vests, and then jackets. Below were shorts and pants organized the same way. There was shelving just for belts, cuff links, sunglasses, ties, and shoes. The closet was only half full though.             “Why is this side empty?” I asked him             “That will be your side of the closet,” My eyes bulged out of my head.             “I don’t even think I could own enough clothes to fill this side,” I still wasn’t sure if I was even going to be here that long. In my mind, I wanted Devin dead and out of my life. After that, I wanted to move on, but did I want to move on with Dorian? I had known him a day but was drawn to him. I blamed in on trauma and the fact that he was insanely good looking.             “Where is the bathroom?”             “Through those side doors,” I walk over and open the doors and the bathroom took my breath away. The shower was in the middle of the floor with a huge shower head in the middle of the ceiling. There was a small bench in the shower. The countertops were white marble and the mirror stretched all around the bathroom. The sinks were red bowls that were in the shape of a moon and the faucet heads were the shape of a wolf howling. The towels were also red and orange. Hanging on the shower door were two bathrobes. His and hers matching set.             “That robe better be new,” I said to him             “No has ever worn it. I promise,” I give a sly side-eye and walk over to the bed. I stand next to it and realize the top is just under my chest.             “Uh, I think we have a problem,”             “What’s that?”             “How am I supposed to get on this?” I turn to him pointing to the bed.             “Like this,”             “Ah!” He picks me up from under my arms and tosses me onto the bed. “Oof!” I land face first and just start laughing. Dorian laughs with me and goes into the closet. I scooch to the edge of the bed and wait for him to come back out.             “Now, do you want to explain what you were doing?”             “What do you mean?” I was pretty sure he meant the kiss, but I decided to play stupid instead.             “Why did you kiss me?”             “Because I knew that it would piss her off. And if you truly are the leader then she wouldn’t be able to do anything,” I said avoiding eye contact.           “You’re going to be a handful, aren’t you?” he asked getting really close to my face.             “Is that a problem?” I furrowed my brows at him. He threw his head back and laughed. “Dorian,”             “Yes?”             “Did you sleep with her?” He let out a deep sigh.             “I dated her for about three months about four years go. She was the last girl I was ever with before I stopped sleeping around and focused on trying to find you,” he said while standing between my legs holding my face with his hands. “I honestly couldn’t even get hard with her,” I looked at him and raised a brow.             “Really? You don’t look like someone who would have troubles down there,” I said to him             “The problem wasn't me; it was her. And every other she-wolf wannabe Luna that tried to make their way into this room,”             “How many girls have been in this bed?”             “None,”             “What? But you just said…”             “Anytime I had s*x with a woman, it was in her room. This room is sacred and would always be for my future queen, for my mate, for you,” he put his forehead to mine.             “Good, because I’m not leaving this bed as long as I’m here. It is too comfortable,”             “Allie?”             “Yes?” I adjusted myself on the bed got on my knees so I could match his height. I put my arms around his neck, and he put his hands on my hips.             “Are you really okay with staying in my room? With me? In the same bed? I mean, I would never force you into anything,”             “I’m perfectly fine with it,” I said and placed a light kiss on his soft lips. They felt like pillows. “I don’t know what it is Dorian, but I feel safe when I’m with you. Yes, I met you 24 hours ago, but from the second we met, all you have is done is try to protect me. This whole mate thing aside, I feel drawn to you, and maybe it has to do with our love for security and surveillance, or the fact that you’re the most gorgeous man ever to walk this earth” he chuckled. “…but it feels right. And until Devin is found and properly dealt with, I’m not leaving you. I trust you when you say you'll protect me,”             “And after?” he asked.             “After what?" I said moving his bangs back into this sleek man-bun             “After Devin is found and dealt with. Will you still stay by my side?” I bite my lip and think about it. Looking into his eyes, I could see that he was longing for me to say yes, but how could I? Stay and be with a werewolf? How was I supposed to live with a werewolf? Did I trust him? Yes. Did I love him? Nope. Could I love him? Possibly. Did he make me want to forget my past and jump his bones as Sin would say? f**k yes. Did I want to spend my life with him? Who knows?             “I don’t know Dorian,” the hurt in his eyes at that moment was so clear. “But I’m here right now,”             “I’ll take it,” he said and crashed his lips into mine. He just stood there with me on the bed and kissed me with all the passion in the world.               Yeah, this feels right.  
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