Chapter 7

2026 Words

            {Allie’s P.O.V.}             After our make-out session, Dorian and I ended up taking a nap. I woke up because I realized I was starving. I looked over at Dorian who was sound asleep, so I snuck out of bed and made my down to find the kitchen.             “Mi amor!” Sin called out as I made my way down the stairs. “Where are we going?”             “Where did you come from?” I asked her as she linked arms with me.             “Mikey’s room on the second floor,”             “We're on the third,”             “Where are we going?”             “Kitchen. I need food in my belly now,”             “Me too,”             We followed the smell of something wonderful and eventually found our way to the kitchen. It was an assembly line of cooks. It was quite an amazing sight and th

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