Chapter 5

1927 Words
            {Allie’s P.O.V.}             After what felt like a lifetime, we arrived at Dorian’s home.             “Holy s**t!” Sin and I exclaimed at once. His property was huge, and it was in the middle of the desert hidden behind the mountains. Sin and I were in awe. The home was beautiful, was basically a giant mansion, but spread across the land were smaller one-story and two-story houses. It was basically a small town in and of itself. Even though it was surrounded by desert, it was beautiful. The cars all pull around the front of the home where there were people waiting. Sin and I assumed they were all werewolves.             “Are you ready, Allie?” Dorian asked me.             “Ready for what?” I asked             “To meet my parents,” I looked at him like he was joking, but he was all too serious.             “I don’t have a choice, do I?” I asked. He shook his no. “What are they going to say once they realize that I'm human?             “Nothing,” I lifted an eyebrow at his answer. “My parents both are strong believers in the mate bond, regardless of who it is with,”             “Are you sure?”             “Positive,” he gave me a sly smile. Damn, this guy was good.             “So, is your dad the Alpha?” Sin asked him. Dorian looked back at her and then at the guys. Then a very awkward silence fell in the car.             “What?” Sin and I asked together breaking the silence.             “Babe,” Mikey said to Sin. “Dorian is the Alpha,”             “WHAT!?” She and I both shout             “You could have mentioned that sooner!!” I yelled at Dorian punching him in the arm as hard as I could. I threw my hands up at him when he realized how pissed I was.             “Is there anything else you guys want to tell us!?” Sin shouted from behind us speaking to no one in particular. Sin and I were both waiting for them to say something.             “I’m his number 2,” Brandon said from the driver seat             “I’m his number 3,” Mikey admitted from the back seat.             “WHAT?!?!” Sin and I lost our patience. She jumped on Mikey and started to strangle him while I straddled Dorian and shook his head from his hair. Brandon reached from over the driver seat trying to pull me off of Dorian, but I reached behind me and grabbed her hair too. The guys had no idea what hit them. I may not know about werewolves, but I knew how wolf packs in the wild worked.             “Enough!!” Dorian shouted with a growl in his voice. I jumped back from him.             “Did you just growl at me?” I shot him an evil glare. He fixed his shirt and I could see Sin from my peripheral and she was huffing and puffing. She was just as pissed as I was.             “Brandon, what's your actual title?” I asked with the most attitude I can muster up.             “Beta,” he replied             “What about you Mikey?” Sin asked him             “Gamma,” he replied.             “And you’re the Alpha. What the hell does that make me?” I asked Dorian shooting daggers out of my eyes.             “You would be the Luna, and help me run this pack,” he said to me with the most serious face ever. All I could do was stare at him. I had nothing to say. To say I was in shock would have been an understatement.             “Help…Hel…Help you run the pack!?! Did you forget that I’m human!?!”             “Stop screaming!”             “SHUT UP DORIAN! I’M NOT DONE!” I screamed even louder. “This day has been so f****d up!! For both of us!!” I said while pointing to Sin and myself. “We are out of a job, we don’t have money, we don’t have a car, we don’t have a home, and my psychotic ex is trying to kill me!!” By that point, I sat back on the seat and the waterworks started. I hid my face in my knees and grabbed my hair at the roots. I was so angry.             “Allie,” I heard Sin’s voice. I just screamed at the top of my lungs and bawled. I was shaking and stomping my feet in the car.             “Someone just kill me, please! Just put me out of f*****g misery already! I want to go to my parents! This is not a life! Why didn’t I just die in the accident with them!?” I couldn’t control myself. I hated my life more than anything at that moment.             “Allie! Allie!” Dorian grabbed me and put me on his lap and cradled me. He wrapped his arms around my entire body to keep me from hitting him.             “Please, Dorian just kill me!” I begged while crying.             “Everybody out! Tell everyone to go inside and wait,” Dorian said to the others.             “Come on,” Mikey said to Sin pulling her out of the car             “But Allie,” she protested             “She'll be fine, she needs him,” Mikey said and closed the door. Brandon turned the car back on so the A/C could flow in the car while everyone left us alone.               {Dorian’s P.O.V.}             No one had ever spoken to me the way she did. She had zero regard for the fact that I held an Alpha title and screamed shut up to my face. I was pissed, but then I looked into her eyes the entire time she yelled and screamed but not once did she show anger. All I saw was fear, hurt, and sadness. Her listing off what made their day so f****d up felt like a dozen arrows in my heart. Allie was in so much pain, and I could feel it.             She finally stopped screaming and broke down crying. I wanted to let her cry it out, but then she begged for her life to end and that she wanted to be with her parents. Asking why she didn’t die in the accident as a child, I couldn’t leave her alone. I grabbed her and held her. She fought me and continued to scream and cry.             “Please, Dorian just kill me!” Hearing her beg me to end her life was killing me inside. She really wanted me to kill her. She didn’t want to live anymore. She didn’t want to be with me at that moment, or at any moment. She was so broken and the only thing I could was to hold her and let her cry it out.             “Everybody out! Tell everyone to go inside and wait,” I said to the others.             “Come on,” Mikey said to Sin pulling her out of the car             “But Allie,” she protested             “She will be fine, she needs him,” Mikey said and closed the door. Brandon turned the car back on so the A/C could flow in the car while everyone left us alone.             “Allie, stop asking me to kill you. I’m not going to do that,”             “I want to die, Dorian, please”             “No, you don’t,” I said to her. At that moment maybe she did. “I swore to keep you safe, even if it's from yourself,” she continued to cry. After a few minutes, she finally stopped fighting and relaxed and her breathing calmed down. When I lifted my head to look down at her, I realized she gone limp in my arms.             “Allie?” No response “Allie!” Nothing even I when shook her. “f**k!” I mind linked the guys.             Brandon take care of the car! Mikey, call the hospital and tell Dr. Quinn I’m on the way.             What happened? They both ask.             Allie blacked out!             I ran through the packhouse with Allie in my arms straight to the hospital.             “Alpha, over here!” I see Dr. Quinn as she waves me down, “Put her on the bed and step back please,” I laid her down gently and then a bunch of nurses came rushing in and started to hook her up to machines and check her vitals. “Alpha, I need you to step out of the room please, I will update you as soon as I can,” she said while pushing me out of the room and closing the door.             I ran my fingers through my hair and sat on the bench across the hall. A few minutes later Mikey and Brandon came running.             “How is she?” Brandon asked.             “I have no clue, they just kicked me out,” I told him. “How's Sin?” I asked Mikey             “She's freaked out and cried herself to sleep too. I think seeing Allie flip in the car made her realize just how f****d up this day really has been for them,” I nodded at Mikey’s response.             “This might not be the best time for this right now, but I really hope she sticks around and becomes the Luna. No one has ever gotten away with telling you to shut up. Let alone scream it in your face the way she did. That tiny human has sass and I f*****g love it,” Brandon said.             “I know right. She has the I don’t take s**t from anyone attitude and it is awesome. I honestly think she would make a great Luna,” Mikey chimed in.             “Can you believe they tried to kill us in the car?” Brandon said             “That was f*****g scary man,” Mikey said while laughing.             “The Luna got me and Dorian at the same time!” Thinking back on how feisty the girls were in the car just made us roll over and laugh. Me, the Alpha, and my two highest-ranking members of the pack were scared of these two tiny humans. Brandon was right, Allie would make an amazing Luna. I just hoped she would be willing to.             “Alpha?”             “Dr. Quinn, how is she?” we all jumped up             “She is resting peacefully now. Her vitals are stable,” we let out a sigh of relief.             “What happened to her?” Mikey asked             “Her blood pressure and heart rate were through the roof. For a human, it was quite dangerous actually. Perhaps one of you would like to fill me in on what's going on here?”             We all proceeded to tell her everything that happened throughout the day. Once we were done, even the doctor was overwhelmed.             “Well, I’m not surprised she blacked out now. Gamma, I’m more surprised that your mate is not down here with her,”             “She's passed out asleep in my bed,” he responded.             “When she wakes up, please bring her by so I can at least check her vitals. Her stress levels may not be as high as the Luna’s, but she could be holding it in which can be dangerous,”             “I will doctor,”             “May we see the Luna?” Brandon asked             “Of course, just try to keep the laughing to a minimum,” she smiled and walked away.             The three of us went in. I pulled up a chair and sat next to Allie’s bed taking her tiny human hand in mine. Brandon and Mikey sat on the small sofa in the corner.             “Dude, I cannot stop picturing them beating us up like that,” Mikey started to laugh again             “Mikey!” Brandon tried to contain his laughter             “Sin was trying to strangle me. Her hands were so small they didn’t fit around my neck,”             “Allie grabbed me and Dorian by the hair. Like full on grabbed my hair man. I’m honestly surprised she didn’t pull any out,” Brandon chuckled while rubbing his head. I just smiled while they tried to contain their laughter.             I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles             “Stay with me Allie, I promise I will spend the rest of my life loving you, cherishing you, and protecting you,” I whispered to her. “And I promise to get rid of Devin once and for all,”  
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