Book 2 Chapter 12

3948 Words

{Allie’s P.O.V.} *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* “Ah! What the f**k?” I shot up from my sleep. “Oh f**k, that’s loud,” Dorian grunted turning off his alarm clock. “Babe, why did you make it so loud?” I asked him grabbing my chest from the near heart attack I just had. “I didn’t mean to. I must have changed the setting on accident,” he said while gently removing his arm from under me. I turned over and stretched, and as soon as I did, Dorian laid over on top of me and started to kiss my neck. “Too early mister,” I said while. “It’s never too early to worship this sexy body, my beautiful wife,” “As much I would love to play nookie with you, my handsome husband, we need to get dressed for training,” I tell him as he starts to suckle my breast. “Dorian, no, oh god…mmmm…” Dorian chuckled as my su

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