Book 2 Chapter 11

2535 Words

{Deacon’s P.O.V.} “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!?!” Amber screamed after we got back to Allie’s hotel room. “I wish I was,” Allie replied. “Baby, are you sure?” Dorian asked “REALLY!? YOU’RE GOING TO ASK ME THAT AFTER TWO YEARS TOGETHER!?” “Okay, I’m sorry,” Dorian said and hugged her. I’m glad I never get yelled at by her. She may be small, but Allie is the furthest thing from a pushover. “I cannot believe Heather would follow us!” Amber explained. “Hold up, how could Shorty sense her, but you couldn’t bro?” Lucian asked me. “Yeah, if she’s your mate, shouldn’t you have sensed her too?” Apollo asked. “Not necessarily,” Ronnie said. We all looked at him. “As of right now, Deacon doesn’t want a mate, and he already said that he has not accepted Heather. It is possible that his lac

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