Book 2 Chapter 13

3556 Words

{Heather’s P.O.V.} When I woke up the morning of the second day, I went for a walk on the beach because it was still pretty early. I figured that everyone would still be sleeping, but when I was on my walk, the smell of fresh peaches hit me. That meant Deacon was somewhere nearby. I followed the smell. It was so inviting and made my mouth water and my core drip. I figured I could use this opportunity to meet him. I continued to follow his scent, and it started to get stronger and stronger, when I finally saw him, I felt my heart shatter. He was with Allie and they were wrestling in the sand, “Come on Deacon! Don’t let Shorty beat you!” I heard a voice. I looked over and saw Dorian and Deacon’s brothers watching. Why was Dorian letting another man put his hands on Allie that way? He had

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