Chapter Five – The Omega Princess

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Chapter Five – The Omega Princess  The trees of the Montseny forest passed by in a blur as Alpha Teo ran back towards his pack house. Today had been totally messed up from start to finish. Having recently taken over the pack, he had the usual duties to perform, but what was making his job so much harder were the rumours surrounding both him and his beta best friend Jonathon about the suspicious death of the previous Alpha. He had word about a lead of someone who had been overheard stating they new exactly who had killed Alpha Alix, the wolf in question was from the L’Adou Font Pack. He was desperate for news, to clear his name, although he had the backing of the council there were some, even in his own pack who thought the alleged murder of Alpha Alix lay at his door. But the day had been a total waste of time, as when he had arrived Alpha Pol had refused him entry, stating, if he attempted to enter his pack lands without an invitation or under order from the council, he would view it as an act of war. L'Adou Pack and Montseny Pack had been rivals for years, and no amount of olive branches Teo offered would change the fact, Alpha Pol still hated his pack and everyone in it, despite the last battle between the two packs was over two hundred years ago. That was the downside to the extended life span of werewolves, past conflicts could and would affect the equilibrium between packs for hundreds of years, especially if the Alpha of one had been in the position at the time of the unrest. Alpha Pol had ruled over the pack for 222 years, yet still looked like a man in his early thirties, and so the change of guard at the L’Adou would not happen anytime soon, and so the tense rivalry between them and Montseny would continue for some time to come. Arriving at the packhouse, Teo’s wolf Carlos gave control back to him, as he shifted back to his human form. Finding a pair of cut off shorts in the small hole in the bottom of the tree that the pack uses to hide clothes, Teo pulls them on, and strides over the clearing past the wooden lodges that the families of the pack live in towards the large wooden pack house. “Alpha, how did it go?” Juan, his gamma, asked him as he walked into the pack house, heading straight for his soundproof office. “Not good, the old fool would not even let me on his pack grounds,” Teo growled out in annoyance. Juan nodded, shaking his head in frustration. “So … what has been happening whilst I was away?” Teo asked, running his hand through his shoulder-length black hair. “Not a lot, a couple of the younger teenage pups had a little bit of a spat.” Juan laughed shaking his head. “Let me guess; Johan and Diego.” Teo chuckled. The two teenage pups were constantly at odds, the latest battle was for the attention of a young female wolf, Camilla, both believing that one day she would be their mate. But at 14 years old, the boys were really just having a normal hormonal reaction to the girl who had once played mud pies with them. “Gabriela also asked permission to attend medical school in Madrid, she has found a pack in the capital who are happy for her to stay with them, the details are on your desk. We knew that was coming, so just needs your stamp of approval,” Juan added, picking off some imaginary fluff off his pristine white shirt. Juan was the total opposite of Teo, always in suit trousers, and white, open-necked shirts, his black hair short, and clean shaven. He looked the consummate professional, but out of the three leaders of the pack, he was by far the most childish. Teo was more a man of the forest, his black hair hanging to his shoulders, his olive skin covered in tattoos, his face always had scruff, but mostly was a long beard. Teo hated wearing suits, preferring to dress casually, and when he could get away with it, just in his shorts. He was a good three-inches taller than Juan as well, standing at 6ft 6 inches. He had been 6ft 3 before being elevated to the Alpha position. When his wolf had a sudden growth spurt, his broad muscley chest made many of the single females drool with lust over him. It would be easy to take advantage of his effect on them, with his rugged good looks, and powerful situation, but he was a traditionalist, believing in the sanctity of the mate bond. He wanted to wait for his mate, and he could only hope that when he met her, she had waited for him. That said, he was not completely immune to the female wolves who would throw themselves at him, sometimes it was very difficult to avoid getting himself into danger. A knock on the office door, accompanied by the flowery scent of Valentina a warrior wolf, was just such a problem. She was a good-looking she-wolf, older than him at his 23 years of age, but was a very beautiful and seductive woman, and had set her sights on the Alpha, hoping to weaken his resolve and get him in her bed. Thankfully his best friend Jonathon had met his mate, Amalia and he had told Teo it was definitely worth the wait. Jonathon had once succumbed to temptation when they were still teenagers at school, and he told Teo repeatedly how much he regrated doing that to himself and his mate, and the experience was nothing compared to the real thing with his mate. “Alpha,” Valentina’s voice rang out. Juan rolled his eyes, knowing the woman had been hanging around all day to try and see the Alpha for one reason or another. All of them made up as an excuse to try it on with him. Again, she was a woman on a mission. “Oh, and yeah, she has been missing you.” Juan laughed. Teo sighed out a frustrated breath, he had no time for her bullshit. He could do with his beta Jonathon being here to help keep her in check, but he had given him permission to head to the university and assist Amalia in letting visiting wolves to the university know they had a safe place to stay within their pack. Something Teo had set up, and if he was truly honest with himself, it was mostly in a bid to try and find his mate. There was only so many cold showers a man could take after all. “What is it, Valentina? I am very busy,” Teo growled at the she-wolf. “Oh Alpha, you work so hard and need a break, relax, come into the hot tub, I can massage you if you like.” Valentina battered her long eyelashes at him. “Valentina, cut your s**t. Do you need me for anything important, or are you here to offer yourself up to me as a piece of meat again?” Teo growled. Valentina bowed her head in submission to the Alpha tone in Teo’s voice. “I am sorry to disturb you, Alpha,” She quickly said, then turned on her heel and left the room. “She is persistent; I will give her that. You are missing out on a right treat. Apparently one of the guards had her a few weeks ago, and she does this amazing trick with her tongue when giving head.” Juan laughed. “Not helping,” Teo growled at his Gamma. “Hey, I would happily take one for the team, after all, I am not so bothered about waiting for a mate like you are. I am young, free, and single, and more than happy to mingle. But alas, the lovely Valentina and her magical tongue only has eyes for the Alpha.” Juan sighed out as if disappointed. “One day you will regret that,” Jonathon’s voice sounded as he walked into the Alpha’s office. “Yeah, yeah, so you keep preaching.” Juan shrugged. “You are back early.” Teo looked at the clock on the wall. “Yeah, I am heading back to Barcelona as soon as I am finished here, I have to pick up Amalia’s dress and make up.” Jonathon smiled. Teo looked at his beta, the smile on his face could light up the sky on the darkest night. “Has she not come with you?” Juan asked. Johnathon shook his head, unable to keep the grin off his face. “What is going on?” Teo looked at his best friend, tilting his head to one side. “So, I have news.” Jonathon grinned. Juan rolled his eyes at him. “Yeah, we gathered that,” he quipped back at him. “Not even you can piss me off today.” Jonathon grinned at him. “Well, judging by the look on your face, I reckon you have found a second mate, and Amalia cannot wait to get down and dirty and have a good old threesome.” Juan laughed. Jonathon let out a low growl, although Teo, Juan, and he had been friends for years, there were some lines you did not cross. His mate was top of that list, but to say about a threesome which would include his twin sister, made his blood boil. He launched forward, grabbing hold of Juan. “Jonathon, let go of Juan’s neck. Juan, apologise to Jonathon right now,” Teo ordered, rolling his eyes. Jonathon let go of Juans neck and sat back down in front of Teo. “Thought you said I couldn’t piss you off today,” Juan quipped. “Juan, I am waiting for you to say sorry to Jonathon, and if you cannot behave yourself you can leave.” Teo sighed. As much as he loves his gamma and friend, he always crossed the line when it came to s**t like this, and Teo often felt like he was dealing with the teenagers of the pack. But he was, at the bottom of him, a great Gamma, and loyal to a fault, something he needed right now with all the rumours and allegations going around. “Sorry Jonathon, I was only joking.” Juan shrugged his apology. “Okay, so what is your big news?” Teo asked. “I found my twin sister.” Jonathon grinned like the cat who had pinched the cream. “You’re kidding me! How? Where? And most importantly, is she hot?” Juan asked. Jonathon let out another warning growl, as Teo joined him, unsure why he felt suddenly very protective over his best friend’s twin sister who he hadn’t met before. “Geeze, I was only joking; you guys need to take a chill pill.” Juan shrugged. “So how did you meet her?” Teo asked. “She has joined the Uni and will be studying the same as me: Economics and Law. She is from England, and our wolves instantly recognised each other. I wanted to ask if she could come stay at the pack house when she needs pack time and to let her wolf out rather than the guesthouse and grounds we have?” Jonathon asked. “Of course, she can, no need to ask. She can come here anytime she likes, she is your sister, this is your home, so therefore, her home as well, whilst she is here.” Teo smiled at his beta. Teo was truly happy for Jonathon, he had confided with him many times his need to find his twin sister after finding out about her existence from his grandmother. “So … what does she look like?” Juan asked. Immediately Jonathon gave him another warning growl. Holding his hands up in defence, Juan smiled. “I was only asking, just so we recognise her.” Juan defended himself. Jonathon loved his friend, but sometimes he could cheerfully throttle the pack gamma. “She is around 5’6, long hair, same colour as mine, her eyes are the same shape and light green colour of mine, only slightly bigger with longer dark eyelashes, she is a much prettier version of me.” Jonathon smiled with pride thinking about Phoenix. “Oh, good grief, she looks like you, and here was I going to offer to come on the night out tonight with you.” Juan laughed. “OUT!” Teo shouted at his gamma, pointing at the door. Juan shrugged, then with a backwards wave left the office. “Seriously Teo, you are going to leave the protection of your mate to him when you find her.” Jonathon shook his head. Teo growled slightly as that thought made him unduly nervous. Juan was a ladies’ man after all. “I cannot wait for the day he finds his mate and has to go on bended knee and grovel at her feet, begging forgiveness for his indiscretions.” Jonathon laughed “So … are you busy tonight? Could you come meet her?” Jonathon excitedly asked. Teo smiled at his beta, then shook his head. “As much as I would love to, I had to go off and see Alpha Pol today to follow up on a lead, of course it was a wasted trip, so now I have to play catch-up on everything else tonight. Do me a favour though.” Teo sighed. Jonathon nodded his head, waiting patiently for Teo to tell him the favour he wanted. “Take Valentina with you, because she is getting more-and-more inventive in ways to track me down and try to have her way with me.” Teo sighed. “Yeah, I will ask a few of the wolves to come, you never know, maybe Valentina will find her mate, and then you can rest easy.” Jonathon asked. “I can only hope, or that I find my own mate … I really need to find my own mate,” Teo said with a sad sigh. “I am sure she will pop up when you least expect it, keep the faith Alpha, she is out there somewhere.” Jonathon smiled, then headed out of the office, ready to get Amalia’s things and get back to his mate and twin sister.
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