Chapter Four

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Chapter Four – The Omega Princess. Phoenix takes a deep breath to steady her fractured nerves as she looks at her twin brother, hoping he is okay with who she is. “I was, as you know, abandoned by our parents, and left to rot with the other mistreated and half-starved omegas. Drake, one of the Ullswater Omegas, had been to the Pack Games at the Crescent Moon pack and had witnessed first-hand how different life could be. He and a few other omegas made their plans to escape. He tells me, that he chose to take me and a couple of other omega pups with him, as he knew our lives would be short-lived if we remained in that place. Apparently, we lived in a forest on the border between England and Scotland, until the weather turned so bad, we would all surely die. Desperate, he contacted the Crescent Moon Alpha, Zander Colton, asking for help and supplies. He knew Zander was mated to Chloe, the hidden princess of the defeated Royal family, and already there was the talk of war. Zander came immediately, bringing us all into his pack. Zander’s mate, Chloe, had recently lost a child because of being trapped in a pure silver bear trap. Her wolf had forced a heat so that Zander could find her and also to cleanse her body from the silver poisoning. Of course, he did find her, and the heat resulted in a pregnancy, but the pup could not survive the silver in her blood, and so she miscarried. Apparently, as soon as Chloe saw me, we bonded. Apparently, I was obsessed with her long purple hair, and both her and Zander loved me. They adopted me. Treated me as their own pup, loved me so unconditionally.” Phoenix smiled at the memory of her upbringing. “Wait, are you saying you are the Omega Princess?” Jonathon asked, his eyes wide with shock. Phoenix slowly nodded her head at him. “Wow, we heard tails that the King and Queen had taken an omega pup as their own child, but never did it cross my mind it could be you,” Jonathon breathed out. “My parents are amazing people Jonathon, down to earth. In fact, as my twin, no doubt Mam will partially adopt you as well and your mate. Everyone calls them by their names, they insist on it, unless you are an enemy or have pissed them off in some way. But they are kind, caring, and honestly are so removed from what you would expect a king and queen to be like,” Phoenix tells him, hoping he understands they are not the people who his grandparents had made them out to be. Jonathon nods his head still in shock, his twin is The Princess Royal of the UK werewolves, he could hardly digest the information Phoenix was telling him. Taking a breath, he looked at her. “So, do I bow or something?” he asked, he was not being facetious but wanted to know what the correct protocol was. “God no, and we will fall out if you do!” Phoenix laughed. “Is it true that they attend a church every Sunday?” Jonathan asked, quite why that information was the first thing he thought of, was a mystery to him, but still the question was asked before his brain had time to engage. “Yes, Vicar Ted, he helped shield the pups and those unable to fight in the war, he is a really cool guy, getting older now, but he accepts everyone, his belief is God created the earth and everything in it, so is accepting of werewolves.” Phoenix smiled at Jonathon, but a small prick of anxiousness about the vicar swept over her, as she remembered her mother telling her that Liane was staying at the pack as Ted was not well enough to travel at the moment. “You know, I have heard really good things about how the King and Queen operate. I am glad they found you, did the other pack wolves accept you?” Jonathon asked, hoping his twin sister had not suffered in anyway. “Yes, they do, like I say, our pack, and those of our closest friends are fully inclusive. I am Zander and Chloe’s daughter, no matter what the circumstances of my birth were, or my low rank.” Phoenix smiled. “Good, I am glad.” Jonathon let out a sigh of relief. “One thing though Jonathon, please keep my identity a secret. I came here because although I am much loved at home, and I love them equally, I wanted to find myself, I have always felt something was missing from my life. Now I have met you, that makes sense. But I want to blend in, to be treated as everyone else, just like I am at home. But here they may pull out the red carpet and do all that bells-and-whistles s**t. I want people to like me because of who I am, not what I am.” Phoenix pleaded with her twin. “Yes, of course I will keep it a secret, from everyone but my mate. You can trust Amalia she will not say a word.” Jonathon reassured Phoenix. “s**t, I am still in shock, today has been quite the revelation.” Jonathon continued shaking his head with a soft smile on his lips. “Anyway, talking of Amalia, she said to remind you of the Moonlight Night tonight, and to beg that you come with us. You will get to meet other werewolves who had just joined the university, along with others like me that have returned to study at postgraduate level, to help them with their positions within their packs. Normally my Alpha Teo would come, but he is busy at the moment, trying to find out what happened with his predecessor.” Jonathon sighed, looking off into space. “You know, my Mam could help with that. She has a massive prophetic gifting,” Phoenix offered. “No. But thank you. Our council, well, they are not like the one that ruled in England, but still, they view Royal werewolves with suspicion. Although they would never treat you or any omega unfairly, I doubt they would take kindly to the Queen of Britain’s werewolves interfering in the matter, no matter how well intentioned. Plus, Teo is very respectful of them. Don’t get me wrong, he would never have a problem with you, but outside influence from a foreign royal family would be frowned upon by the Spanish werewolf council, and he would not disrespect them in that way,” Jonathon explained. Phoenix nodded her head, she understood, that the politics of the situation would require her brother’s Alpha to be careful when dealing with her family, plus she really did not want anyone other than Jonathon and Amalia to know who she was anyway. Jonathon’s phone pinged in his pocket, and he took it out, reading the message. “It is my mate, she is hanging around wondering if she can come up and meet you, officially that is.” Jonathon grinned at his phone. “Yes, I met her today, and instantly liked her.” Phoenix smiled nodding her head. “Can I tell her to come here then?” Jonathon asked. “Yes, I would like that very much indeed.” Phoenix laughed. Jonathon dropped a message to his mate, then turned his attention back to Phoenix. “So then, if my knowledge of the UK royals is correct you have two other brothers and a sister at home.” He smiled at her. “Yes, Asher, he is younger than me by two years, he is very kind, but also mischievous, just like mam. Hell, he got us into some scrapes as pups, and teenagers.” Phoenix laughed thinking about her brother. “Rebecca, she is my sister, again totally mischievous like Mam, she is not just my sister but my best friend as well. Hamish, he is the baby of the family, still just 17, waiting for his mate, and is more like dad. Very intelligent, and hard working.” Phoenix explained the dynamics of her siblings to her twin. “How will they feel about me being in your life now?” Jonathon asked. “They will be happy for me, but honestly, will probably prank you, or some s**t or other, then feed you Uncle Robin’s werewolf-proof moonshine, and get you drunk as a skunk.” Phoenix laughed. “They sound like good people.” Jonathon smiled. “Yes, they are, the best people.” Phoenix grinned happily. A soft knock at the door disturbed them, and Phoenix walked to open it, seeing a smiling Amalia looking at her. “Come in,” she beckoned her twin’s mate in with a welcoming smile. “Si, I am so happy my mate has found you,” Amalia gushed over Phoenix, instantly grabbing her for a massive hug. Phoenix giggled slightly, she really did like this wolf, she was friendly, and seemed down to earth. “So please tell me we are going out tonight?” Amalia excitedly asked. “Yes, I would love to,” Phoenix agreed. Jonathon chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his mate, holding her close to his chest. “Before you have a girl’s bonding session, I have something to tell you, that is highly confidential, nobody can know, not even our alpha,” he told Amalia. “Oh, sounds, how do you say? Intriguing,” Amalia said, taking a seat and crossing her legs underneath her. Jonathon told Amalia about Phoenix, in Spanish. Watching, Phoenix tried to gage Amalia’s reaction, as she sat nodding her head, then speaking very quickly, as Jonathon answered her. “Sorry, it is easier for me to explain in Spanish, believe it or not. I have been here so long, that it is more natural for me than English now,” Jonathon explained to Phoenix. “Your secret is safe with me. Unless my Alpha asks me directly if you are a royal wolf, which he won’t, but if he does, then I have to tell him. I hope you understand.” Amalia said with a smile. “Of course, I would however ask, if it came to that, that you would allow me to meet your Alpha and explain the situation myself,” Phoenix answered, totally understanding the situation Amalia and Jonathon would be in if their Alpha ever asked about her. “For sure, that would be arranged, but he is never going to ask, so I do not worry about this.” Amalia smiled. “Now, would you like to meet us at the greeting point for the night out, or would you like to come with us to our packhouse and get ready there?” Amalia asked. “Oh, I think I will get ready here if that is okay with you. Or if you like you could get ready here with me, have a girls dress-up time.” Phoenix grinned at her brother’s mate. She had loved dressing up for pack parties with Rebecca, Hannah, and Stella back home, and it felt good to have someone to do that with here in Spain. “Oh yes, that would be great. Jonathon, could you get my dress for tonight, and make-up and bring them here please?” Amalia asked blinking her long eyelashes up at him. “Yes, of course. I will check in on Teo whilst I am back at the pack. I will see you in a few hours.” Jonathon smiled. Phoenix stood to let him out of the apartment, and he engulfed her in a bear hug. “I am so happy to have finally found you, so, so happy Phoenix. I finally feel like the missing piece of my life is in place.” Jonathon smiled. “Me too, Jonathon, well one of the missing pieces, the last piece I think will be my mate when I find him.” Phoenix laughed. “Oh, he better be worthy of you, else he will have me to deal with if he is not,” Jonathon stated, and Phoenix did not doubt his words one bit. After letting Jonathon out of the apartment, Phoenix turned to Amalia. “So, tell me everything about you and Jonathon, and I will make us some pre-night-out drinks. I have a bottle of my uncle’s werewolf-proof whiskey, but proceed with caution, because it is lethal.” Phoenix laughed, grabbing the bottle and pouring two glasses, then sat as Amalia giggled, and began to tell her all about her twin brother.
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