Chapter Nine– The Omega Princess

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Chapter Nine– The Omega Princess Teo walked back to his office, after releasing Gabriela from the pack, he let out a sigh of regret, wondering what he could do to stop the rumours that were circulating his pack. Picking up the telephone he dials Alpha Franco at the council. “Hola Teo, como estas?” Franco asks. “Hola. Bueno gracias. Pero un poco estresado.” Teo sighed out. Franco had a discernment gift, so it was pointless trying to hide anything from the elder wolf, so he would know he was stressed out before he even told him he was. “Just to officially let you know, Gabriela Elouise has been granted her movement papers and released from The Montseny Forest pack. She is making her way to Madrid now,” Teo informed his mentor. “Si, I know it is difficult, but we will get to the bottom of who killed Alix, and your name will be cleared.” Franco tried to reassure him. “But in the meantime, I have pack members who view me with suspicion, I know Gabriela will be followed by other people, probably sooner rather than later,” Teo growled out in frustration. “I had a lead yesterday, someone was overheard at the shifter bar in no-man’s land here, stating he knew for certain how, who, and why Alpha Alix was killed. The wolf was from L’Adou pack, but when I approached Alpha Pol to gain permission to speak with him, I was told if I set foot on their land it would be an act of war, unless I have the council’s agreement. Is there any way you can push through the permission order please? I have a feeling I need to find this wolf sooner rather than later,” Teo asked. “I will try, it could take a few weeks to process, however, why not go to the bar yourself, see if you can find the wolf on neutral ground?” Franco stated. Teo let out another sigh. “Honestly, my wolf is restless for his mate, whoever she is. The temptation to take a woman for some relief would be too great,” Teo sighed out, again feeling it was pointless to lie to his mentor. “I understand, your commitment to the bond is something to be very proud of. But this is your future, could you not take someone with you who you trust, who would help keep you in check, and maybe have a word with your wolf telling him to reject any woman who is not your mate,” Franco advised. “I could, but Carlos is still going through the major changes going from Beta to Alpha, so if a woman puts hands on me inappropriately, and he has my permission to stop anything from happening, I am unsure if I would be able to control his anger issues at this point.” Teo again sighed feeling despondent. His wolf was prone to violent outbursts, much like a teenage Alpha wolf before his human counterpart gained full control, because of the extra surge of Alpha hormones and testosterone that were flooding his system. “I understand, you have a lot of changes to go through. I will ask for the paperwork to be pushed through, but if you could find someone you trust to go with you to the shifter club, that would be the quickest way to find the wolf. I will leave the decision up to you, I am sure you will make the right choice.” Franco encouraged Teo. “Thank you, I will think about it. Other news, my Beta has finally found his twin, she is studying at the university here. I have yet to meet her, but she is an omega, and Jonathon is, as you might expect, delighted.” Teo smiled, it was one bit of good news for his beta, and thus he felt like it was good news for him as well. “That is great. What do you know about her?” Franco asked. “Not a lot, but Jonathon has asked that she stay at the pack house on a weekend. I have agreed, it will give me a chance to get to know her.” Teo smiled. “It is good news, but remember she is a foreign wolf, so tread carefully, just in case. Make sure you find out everything you need to know and keep us in the loop,” Franco advised. “Of course. Well, I will let you go, if you don’t mind pushing the paperwork through for L’Adou pack that would be a great help, and I promise to think about what you have said about visiting the shifter club,” Teo said before saying his goodbyes and hanging up the phone. Teo sighed. Franco was correct; it would be much quicker to seek out the wolf at the shifter club, maybe if he goes with Jonathon, Amalia, Juan and Jonathon’s twin on Saturday night, it will help keep him and his wolf under control, although Juan is probably going to be as useful as a chocolate fireguard when women flock towards them. There was safety in numbers, however, having so many arrive at the club could also be perceived as a threat, and that would put those who attend on high alert, which may counteract the advantage they would have. He decided not to make the decision till closer to the end of the week, plus he needed a discerning wolf with them, to ascertain if what the shifter had to say was indeed truthful. Much needed to be considered. Phoenix packed up her laptop, note pad and pen when the first of her lectures was finally over. She was waiting for Jonathon to do the same when a man approached her. By his scent she knew he was human. “Hey, I am Simon, I heard your accent, you are from Scotland. I am from North Yorkshire.” The man of around 21 stated to her, holding out his hand to shake hers. “Hi Simon, I am Phoenix, this is my twin brother Jonathon. It is nice to meet a fellow brit.” Phoenix smiled. “Yes, I agree, it is very nice to meet you.” Simon looked her up and down, lust filling his eyes as he licked his lips. Phoenix looked at him in horror, she had never been the object of anyone’s desires before, and this man’s attempts at looking at her like she was his catch for the day was creeping her out slightly. Granted he was not bad looking, some of the other human girls were fluttering their eyes at him and giggling when he spoke with them. But this man was not her mate, being unaccustomed to the human dating scene it was just weird to Phoenix. She wondered how humans did this, day in and day out, without the pull of a mate bond to let them know the other person was the one for them. “So… we are having a wet t-shirt competition tonight at the uni bar, you have all the right assets, fancy coming with me.” Simon smiled, whilst staring at her boobs. Phoenix felt her twin stiffen beside her, she hoped he did not growl and put the fear of God into the man. “Thank you for the compliment, but I prefer to hang out with people who view my brain as my main asset,” Phoenix quipped back, then turned to her brother, begging him to leave with her now and get away from Simon with her eyes. “What, think you are better than everyone here, I only asked you because I felt sorry for you. You are not all that nice girl,” Simon stated, obviously offended that she was not interested in him. Jonathon felt anger rising up inside him, how dare this person speak and lust after his twin sister like this. Then to be downright nasty when she rejected his unwanted advances made his blood boil in his veins. “Be very careful, Simon,” Jonathon said, suppressing the growl of Rabbi coming out in his tone. “Put him on the floor, one titty punch will put him through the back wall. How dare he speak to our sister like that,” Rabbi growled inside him. “Come on brother, lets just go,” Phoenix stated, wishing she could mind link with him, to tell him to calm his wolf down as he looked like he was about to shift. “Rabbi is really angry, our twin is a strong wolf Phoenix,” Ava proudly told her. “What, you can communicate with him?” Phoenix asked. “Of course, he is our twin, you can as well, if you try,” Ava informed her. Concentrating hard on Jonathon, Phoenix attempted to open up a mind link, she felt the blockade lift, it was not as loud and clear as a pack member, but still it was there. “Jonathon, Rabbi, calm down, let’s just go. He is not worth our time,” Phoenix told Jonathon. Hearing the link, Jonathon snapped his head round to Phoenix, then nodded, as they walked out of the auditorium. “How did you do that?” Jonathon asked. “Same as with a pack member, it takes a little more concentration though, but yeah, Ava told me I could, so I tried when you looked like you were about to shift.” Phoenix laughed at her brother. “I nearly did, it was bad enough him chatting you up, without him being a d**k afterwards.” Johnathon growled out at the memory. “Yeah, well, men like him are not worth it. He probably has a tiny p***s, so has to come up with shite like that to gain attention.” Phoenix grinned at her brother. Jonathon threw his head back bellowing with laughter. “I like that,” He spluttered at her, holding his sides from laughing so hard. “Like what?” Amalia asked as she approached the pair of them. “Phoenix got chatted up by a rude human man, he got nasty when she refused him, and Phoenix said it is probably because he had a tiny penis.” Jonathon grinned at his mate. Amalia laughed, then looked at her mate with love in her eyes. “Something I don’t have to worry about.” She winked at him. “Really Amalia, to much information.” Phoenix laughed rolling her eyes. “But it is the truth.” Amalia giggled shrugging her shoulders. “Don’t you know it mate,” Jonathon growled with lust in his mate’s ear. “Okay, I am going to leave you two love birds to it and head home. I will see you tomorrow.” Phoenix laughed, giving them both a wave of her hand, and walked down the steps towards the university courtyard and made her way back to her apartment. As she entered the building, the scents of sandalwood and musk, along with Hyacinth and Lillie’s greeted her, and she excitedly ran up the stairs to her apartment, knowing instantly who those scents belonged to. Opening her door, she threw herself into the outstretched arms of her Daddy, King Zander as he laughed and held his eldest daughter to his chest. “We thought we would come visit, maybe go for a meal together, or even meet your twin brother.” Chloe the Queen said excitedly. “I would love that, but Johnathon has gone back to his pack. Maybe a little more notice next time.” Phoenix grinned at her parents. “That is a shame, what about if you come home for a few hours, Asher wants to know that he is still your favourite brother.” Zander the King grinned down at her. “He never was.” Phoenix lied and laughed. “Go on then, I have really missed home. But no uncle Robin’s home brew, because I drank half a bottle last night, and still feel a little bit unwell.” Phoenix laughed. “Okay, just a few hours, you can go visit Ted as well, Andrew has him staying at the hospital,” Zander offered. “Why is he at the hospital?” Phoenix asked filled with concern. “Andrew suspects he has heart disease; he is an elderly man, Phoenix. I know he is younger than your old saggy and rotten father. But 92 for a human is very old,” Chloe half joked as Zander pulled her by her waist growling in her ear that he would show her just how saggy and rotten he was when he got her home. “Okay, I will go visit him. Can Ethan not help, or you Mam?” Phoenix asked. “We offered, but Ted said it was the natural way of things for a human, so he would play out his end days as the LORD saw fit.” Chloe shrugged sadly. “It is that bad?” Phoenix asked, tears pricking her eyes. “Yes, Andrew doesn’t give him long. I know it is sad, given we live so long, and he is a young age in comparison to our life span. But seriously, Ted is peaceful about it all, he said the only sure part of life is death, and he cannot wait to meet Jesus. We are more worried about Liane.” Zander sighed. Phoenix nodded, she had been excited to go home for a couple of hours, but now all she felt was heartbroken, that this might be the last time she would see the Vicar.
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