Chapter Eight – The Omega Princess

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Chapter Eight – The Omega Princess Walking up the steps into the university, Phoenix let out a nervous breath. It was kind of weird to be surrounded by so many people, the majority of them human. A familiar couple of scents caught her attention and she looked around to find Jonathon, and a rather pale and dishevelled looking Amalia smiling and waving at her. “Hola,” They both shouted happily at her. “Hola,” Phoenix replied with a grin. “For sure, I will never drink again,” Amalia groaned out shaking her head in dismay. Phoenix let out a laugh, the memory of her new friend trying to lap dance her twin brother then nearly falling over flashed back into her mind. “Yeah, I say that every single time, but somehow end up having a drink the next time I have something to celebrate.” Phoenix grinned at her brother’s mate. “I do not know why you are both complaining, Teo had me doing training this morning.” Jonathon grinned at the girls. “Was he okay this morning, when you had your meeting?” Amalia asked. “Yeah, Valentina tried to get into his room last night again. She will not give up. It is getting more and more difficult for him, so he is moving her and a few warriors, along with Juan over to the student area, to watch over the new student members, full time.” Jonathon laughed. Phoenix smiled, for some reason Ava was ecstatically happy about this, probably because her sassy wolf had taken an instant dislike of the she-wolf and her magical tongue. She presumed it was because her wolf was horny herself and probably jealous of the action Valentina was getting, or at least trying to get. “So, we have ordered the Gamma suite in the pack house to be relocated to the student pack house, so Juan can stay there and oversee everything on a permanent basis, given he doesn’t have a Luna to look after yet, and I will probably kill him soon, if he keeps trying to get into your pants. Alpha Teo has agreed to you using it for the length of your stay.” Jonathon smiled down at Phoenix. “That is very kind of him. Ava is desperate to run with other wolves,” Phoenix added. “For sure, and the suit is on the same floor as ours, more girls time, but without your uncles drink.” Amalia smiled happily at Phoenix. “So would you like to come Friday afternoon, after we finish our last lecture, or would you prefer to come Saturday?” Jonathon asked. “Friday would be perfect if that is okay with you and your Alpha?” Phoenix grinned happily. “It most certainly is okay, more than okay, I cannot wait for you to meet him and the others.” Jonathon grinned. “Oh, that means for sure you will be with us when we have our full moon ball, you will be able to come on the run with us,” Amalia added. Phoenix smiled widely, she had to admit that she had been dreading the first full moon in Spain. Back home they had a bonfire night each full moon, then all went on a pack run together. She knew she would miss everyone like crazy, she had even thought of asking for Liane to come pick her up if she was still at the pack so she could join the party. But now that she was here, and had her brothers pack celebrations to go to, she felt a lot happier about the night of the full moon. “This is my lecture hall. I will see you later. I have my first lesson now. You both have a fun lunch.” Amalia grinned, as Jonathon grabbed her waist and pulled her flush to his chest kissing the life out of her. Phoenix turned away to give the mates some privacy, public displays of affection never bothered her in anyway, after all she was a wolf, surrounded by mates. Her parents, Uncle Josh and Aunty Nicki were the world’s most affectionate couples and were always canoodling together. Their wolves were even worse on pack runs, not giving two hoots about who was around as they mated. “So, there is a sandwich place that does really lovely big baguettes just down this hall if you like?” Jonathon stated, after he had finished his passionate goodbye with Amalia. “Sounds perfect,” Phoenix agreed nodding her head. They reached the small café and took a seat outside on the round silver tables. Jonathon recommended the meat special, and Phoenix took his advice. They both ordered two each, after all human portions were a lot smaller than the werewolf equivalent. Plus, the sandwich would help soak up some of the whiskey still sloshing around in her stomach. “So, I noticed you had two knitted dolls, clearly, they are you and me. I wondered what the story behind them was?” Jonathon asked. Phoenix smiled and nodded. “Yes, I have had them since a little girl. Years ago, there was an elderly wolf named Hannah, she was a truly gifted prophet. She had served the old king and queen before they lost the first great war. Anyway, before she died, she left some gifts for me, my brothers and sister, along with my two cousins in a large chest. Each gift meant something for the recipient, although there was nothing to say what each of them meant, only a note to my parents saying all would become clear at the correct time. I was given those dolls, for years I thought the male doll was my mate. I am sorry, but we may have kissed and cuddled a few times when I was a young pup.” Phoenix laughed. Jonathon chuckled, shaking his head. “Sorry, but that made me feel a bit yucky.” He grinned at her. “Yeah, me too when I realised it was you.” Phoenix laughed. “It is cool though; I have never come across a prophetic wolf before. I have heard of them, but never met one,” Jonathon mused. “My mother was gifted, then Hannah bestowed a double portion of her gift to her before she died. It is scary just how accurate Mam is with her visions.” Phoenix gave a wry smile. “You miss her, your Mam that is,” Jonathon said, tilting his head to one side, it was more of a statement than a question, because clearly his sister was struggling with leaving her home. “Yes, and my dad. I am a daddy’s girl; I have to admit.” Phoenix laughed. “What is he like?” Jonathon asked his twin, wanting to know everything about her. “Amazing. Not only is he King, and Alpha to the pack, but he also is a headmaster, and runs an academy for werewolves, and also for humans who are mates, to help them transition to pack life and make an informed choice. He is so patient, although extremely powerful, but not as powerful as Mam, given she has pure royal blood. He never gets emasculated by that, both him and Caesar, his wolf, are really proud of Mam and Sheba.” Jonathon noticed how her face lit up when she spoke of her family, and it really helped his heart to know she was so loved, it had been his main concern since finding out about her existence. “What about your grandparents, what were they like?” Phoenix asked. Jonathon noted how she referred to them as his grandparents and not her own, and he did not blame her one little bit. “Cold, they had some weird and archaic beliefs. They treated people as if they were beneath them. When we first arrived karma bit them on the bottom. At L’adou pack we were treated like scum. Don’t get me wrong, it was a lot better than the way my grandparents and their children had treated others, but they did not like being on the receiving end of it. They left and joined Montseny pack, back when Alpha Livio was running the pack, before he died, and Alpha Alix took over. Montseny have always been accepting of everyone. Although Livio did not agree with my grandparents, he did treat them respectfully, and accepted me, making sure I got a full education in the tolerance of others. I am very glad he did. I was rarely cuddled as a pup, if I hurt myself, I was told to suck it up and not show emotion, as for me to cry was a disgrace to my family and my wolf. That is how I met Teo though.” Jonathon laughed. Phoenix smiled, it was clear to her that he loved his Alpha, more than just as his leader but also as a brother, and that made her happy, as it resembled the relationship the leadership had at her own pack. “I had fallen out of a tree, I went through a craze of climbing trees, wishing I was a werecat rather than werewolf.” Jonathon laughed. “You are kidding, me too, when I was about 6 or 7.” Phoenix laughed. “Same age, wow! I still say it is a shame werecats are not real.” Jonathon laughed. “Well, not that we know of, I found out that Kitsune are real. We visited Japan years ago, and yeah, werefoxes or Kitsune are a thing. However, they attach themselves to humans, but rather than be sly, they actually protect the human they watch over,” Phoenix continued. “Wow, I did not know that!” Jonathon said shocked. “You must tell Amalia about it, she is obsessed with mythology, and trying to work out if there are more species in the world other than us and humans,” Jonathon continued. “I will, anyway you were telling me about Teo.” Phoenix smiled, wondering why her heart picked up a beat or two when she mentioned his name. “Yes, so I fell out of a tree, scraped my knees, my grandmother spanked my behind for showing her up, and I was hiding out in the forest so I could cry by myself. Teo found me, and told me that the strongest warrior cries, it is not a weakness to show emotion. We became best friends from that moment on.” Jonathon smiled. “He is right, tears are important. My mothers have brought people back from the dead.” Phoenix sighed again missing her family. “NO! You’re kidding!” Jonathon stared in disbelief. “Nope, two Alphas from Ronsay pack, they were killed on the battlefield of the Freedom War. My mother cried over the pair of them, and they came back to life. They said it was like being hit by lightening repeatedly, and really hurt, but yes, they are still alive today to tell the tale. My youngest brother Hamish is named after one of them.” Phoenix smiled, nodding her head to her brother. “WOW,” Jonathon said in shock. “There is so much that we still don’t know. Amalia is right, surely there is a lot more to learn,” Phoenix added. “Teo will be so interested in all these stories, he loves to learn about how other packs operate, and how the different gifts work. We have a couple of discerning wolves, and until this morning one Healer but she has joined a pack in Madrid, other than that we knew Prophets existed but have not come across one. Healers are few and far between, obviously wisdom is gifted to Alphas when they take over, but honestly, you are so lucky to have all these experiences,” Jonathon gushed. “Oh, we are due to our lecture in five minutes,” Phoenix said, looking at her watch. “s**t, lets go. Really Phoenix, I cannot wait for you to meet Teo, I am sure you will like him,” Jonathon added as they got up from the table and made their way to the first of their lectures. Phoenix nodded, yes, for some strange reason, she could not wait to meet Alpha Teo herself.
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