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Ava’s POV “I have known from the very moment I saw her.How can I not know when she is my mate?” I hear King Sebastian say and I groan silently. Not this again. Are they trying to play a trick on me or something? How can I be mated to another when I have only just gotten rejected by my supposed mate? The mate bond hasn’t even been severed properly so, how is this happening? They have got to be kidding me! “I’m afraid you are mistaken, King Sebastian. You cannot be mated to Ava. It’s impossible.” Alpha Jackson immediately spoke up, smiling awkwardly as he stared at me with a strange look. King Sebastian shook his head in disagreement, his eyes not leaving mine. I was forced to look away from him to avoid getting entranced by his charming eyes. “I am certain, Jackson. Where are her parents? I’d like to speak with them.” I heard him say and Alpha Jackson had an uneasy look on his face, as though he was fighting with himself. Surely, he wasn’t jealous….right? Ruffling his hair out of frustration, Alpha Jackson eventually left the room to call my parents as he couldn’t disobey the king. It was now just I and King Sebastian in the room and to say that I felt uncomfortable would be an understatement. Even though I wasn’t looking at him, I could feel his eyes glued to me. No longer being able to hold my thoughts any further, I spoke up. “Forgive me, Sebastian but, I must agree with Alpha Jackson. You cannot be mated to me.” I say, holding my breath as I dared to challenge the word of the king. An amused look appears on his face, his perfects lips curling in a smile. “Why do you say so, little wolf?” He asks, folding his arms, which causes his biceps to pop, hugging his suit tightly. Clearing my throat one more time, I force eyes away from his heavenly features. “Because I…I.” I try to say but the fear of what Alpha Jackson would do if he finds out that I told the king about her bond shuts me up. “Speak, Ava.” He says softly, refraining from using his authority on me. There was something about this man that warmed my heart and brought butterflies to my belly. He was known to be ruthless and dangerous but not once did I ever see that side of him these past minutes. If anything, he had been calm and patient with me. Was he only pretending? She was about giving him a reply when the door opened to reveal Alpha Sebastian. Behind him was her parents and Elsie….Elsie? What was that two-faced witch doing here? Father’s eyes landed on me, full of rage. He probably thought I had caused him trouble and was preparing to give me a beating the moment he had a chance. Beside him was mother who was also glaring at me but, there was a rather soft look on her face. Hurt, maybe? “Greetings, Ava’s parents.” King Sebastian started and my eyes caught Elsie staringlustfully at him as he spoke. Wasn’t she in love with Alpha Sebastian? “King Sebastian.” Father acknowledged as him and mother bowed in respect to the Lycan king. All I wanted to do was run away from this place but before I could process my thoughts, King Sebastian blurted out the one thing I hoped he wouldn’t say. “I want your daughter, Ava. She is my mate.” He says and my parents gasp loudly while a horrified expression creeps unto Elsie’s face. “My King, that cannot be.” My father speaks up and my chest tightens as I anticipate his next words. “She was mated to Alpha Jackson and got rejected a few days ago. She cannot already have a mate. It isn’t done.” Father said with his head bowed. In the presence of the king, he was nothing so, he had to bridle his words. King Sebastian turns to me and stares so deeply into my soul that I am forced to pull my eyes away. “That explains her sad demeanor.” He whispers but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. I was a bit relieved that father told him about the mate bond. Alpha Jackson holds nothing against me and King Sebastian will definitely stop with his jokes. No one wants to be mated to a rejected werewolf who was infact wolfless. Right? “Good then. You said he has rejected her. This means that she doesn’t have a mate so, I can claim her as mine then.” He smiles and walks up to me. He is about touching me when I flinch and shift my head away from his touch. A look of hurt flashes across his face but, he covers it with a smile. “I’m sorry, King Sebastian but, I do not want to be your mate. I am not worthy of you and the mate bond between I and Alpha Jackson hasn’t been completely severed. It would hurt both you and the Alpha if I accept you as my mate.” I say with the hope that he would give up and leave. I am not ready for this again. There’s no way I can be mated to the King. Even if I accept him as my mate, people will talk and, in the end, I will be deemed unworthy of being his mate and queen. I will not be capable of handling another heartbreak. I expect him to understand and drop the matter but, the next words he speaks shocks the entire room. “Reject him right now then. He already rejected you which means he doesn’t love nor need you. All that is left is for you to accept the rejection.” He grabs my arm softly like I was his priced possession and I stare at Alpha Jackson whose eyes were fixed on me as he waited for my reply. “I command you to accept Alpha Jackson’s rejection, Ava.” He glares at me with hooded eyes, his wolf taking over as all he wanted to do was claim me right there. Alpha Jackson’s POV I was burning with anger and annoyance as I heard Sebastian force Ava to reject me. What gave him the right to do that? He might be the Lycan King but, Ava was mine first! Ever since I walked into the pack house, her delicious scent was the only thing that filled my nostrils and when I saw her dressed in that tight black dress, I wanted nothing more than to rip it off and savor her body. Seeing her standing with Lycan King brought nothing but jealousy and anger to me. As Sebastian continued to speak to her, I smelt her arousal and my wolf immediately got mad. She was affected by him in my presence. How dare she?! So, without thinking, I step in and pull her away from his grasps, wrapping my arm around her waist possessively. “No! You cannot reject me, Ava.” I say and all heads turn to me, the Lycan King’s glare was so sharp that it could cut through me but, ignore it and walk to Ava. “You belonged to me first! You are mine.” I growl at her face and she shivers in fear. I am pulled by a large force and I immediately turn with anger in my eyes only to be met with Sebastian’s harsh glare. “You already rejected her! She doesn’t belong to you!” He growls, daring me to defy him. He had forgotten that he was in my territory. He might be the most feared man in the world but, it didn’t mean that he had the right to take what belongs to me. I still couldn’t understand how Ava was already mated to another when I had just rejected her a week ago. It was as though the moon goddess was trying to compensate her for the pain she went through. Whatever the case may be, I am not letting her go. All eyes were on Ava as she stood, overwhelmed with fear. I hated that she saw me as the bad guy. How could I not reject her when she was wolfless? I am an Alpha for f**k’s sake. Of course I regret rejecting her but, what choice did I have? How was King Sebastian able to accept her so quickly knowing that she doesn’t have a mate? I had already rejected her while he accepted her even with her flaws. She would obviously prefer him as her mate because unlike me, he didn’t break her heart. The thought of her choosing Sebastian over me was driving me mad. I have to do something. I cannot lose Ava to Sebastian just like that.
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