Chapter Four

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Ava’s POV A few minutes after I arrived, the music suddenly stopped and the chatter quieted down. I stretched my neck to see Alpha Jackson walking into the hall. But, he wasn’t alone. Beside him was King Sebastian Reynolds in his glory. Without saying a word, everyone fell on their faces to welcome him. The level of aura he exudes is just unbelievable and even for someone like me who didn’t even have a wolf, I still felt every bit of it. This man is truly a force to be reckoned with. I see Alpha Jackson scanning the hall as though he was looking for something… someone to be precise. It is then it dawns on me that our mate bond hasn’t been fully severed and he could probably smell me from a hundred meters. I immediately lower my head, hiding from Alpha Jackson as they both make their way to the front… but, not before accessing King Sebastian’s heavenly features. His white hair was let down, flowing down to his neck and it covered a part of his left eye. With grey eyes that had a cold look in them as they accessed the hall. How can one person have all of these features? After a few seconds, I raise my head, expecting them to have settled down but I am immediately met with King Sebastian’s grey eyes staring deep into my soul. His eyes widen strangely, grabbing the attention of Alpha Jackson who traces his eyes and also lands on me. Thankfully, my face is covered so none of the men can see or recognize me. Sensing the danger that would come if King Sebastian walks up to me, I slowly back away and attempt running away when King Sebastian uses his speed to grab me. It was so quick that I didn’t see him coming. All I felt was his touch which immediately brought butterflies to my belly. “Running away from me, Little wolf?” He smirked at me, causing me to shiver as jolts of electricity ripples my body from his touch. I catch Alpha Jackson staring at me along with the others who were eager to know who the masked lady was and how she had managed to grab the King’s attention. “Excuse me, my king. I must go.” I say and attempt running once again before I am caught by Alpha Jackson but I am too late as King Sebastian stops me once more and before I can protest, he peels my mask off my face. “Ava?” Alpha Jackson growls, his face red with anger while the others from the pack stare at me with disdain. I am so screwed. “What the f**k are you doing here? Didn’t you understand everything I said?” Alpha Jackson whispered, grabbing my arm harshly as he tried dragging me out of the hall but King Sebastian’s voice stopped him in his tracks. “Let her be.” He said and Alpha Jackson turned to him, frustration plastered on his face. * * Sebastian’s POV If I had known that coming to the night howl pack would make me meet my mate then I would have come here earlier. I had barely gotten to my sit when I smelt her. “Our mate is here.” My lycan announced with excitement. My hands itched to take off her mask as I wanted to see what my mate looked like. When she tried running off, I could barely help myself as I immediately ran to her and tore the mask from her face. Behind the mask was the most beautiful girl I have laid my eyes on. Her hair cascaded down her back in black waves and her porcelain skin glowed. Ava.. her name is Ava. “King Sebastian. I apologize on her behalf. She is nothing but a lowly omega in our pack. She isn’t meant to be here. I’ll send her back right this instant.” Alpha Jackson said with a bow as he turned to grab Ava who had a frightened look on her face. As I saw him hold her in such degrading manner, it made me boil with anger. Just what has she been going through in this pack? “An omega? She looks nothing like an omega to me.” I reply and he immediately looks tongue tied, turning around to see if there was anyone to bail him out. My trusted Beta, Simon walks up to me and pulls me to the side. “You should stop now, My lord. We do not want to cause a scene. If you want, I’ll bring her to you after the party.” He suggests and I nod, turning my face to her. She looked terribly scared and I wondered if it was because of my presence or out of fear for her Alpha. “Keep an eye on her, Simon. You must make sure nothing happens to her before I speak with her.” I order without telling him my main reason for wanting to protect her. “Yes, my lord.” He replies and walks to where she is before whispering to her. I don’t know what he says to her but he successfully convinces her as she nods and follows him out of the hall. The rest of the party goes by smoothly as everyone immediately continued with their affairs after Ava was out of the room. I keep checking my watch, waiting for the party to be over. Two hours later, I finally excuse myself and leave but I am followed by Alpha Jackson and some of his pack members. Simon leads me to a room where I see her sitting on a chair. As soon as she takes notice of my presence, she immediately stands to her feet and bows in respect. “Please. Be comfortable, Ava.” I said, loving how easily her name rolled off my tongue. She said nothing but raised her head, completely avoiding eye contact with me. “If you tell me what the problem is, my king. I’m sure we can take care of it for you.” Alpha Jackson spoke up, sounding as though he was hiding something but I was too engrossed in my mate to care about him. All I could was stare at her and how that black dress accentuated her curves and made her porcelain skin pop. “Ava..” I murmured as I walked close to her, bending down toinhale her scent. “Are you scared, Ava?” I ask and she immediately shakes her head in denial. She was lying. “Raise your head then.” I command and she hesitates for a few seconds before raising her head slowly as she is unable to disobey me. I felt my Lycan whimper in pain as I stared into her brown orbs. He could feel how broken she was and it made my heart ache. Someone had been mistreating my mate! I want nothing more than to rip the throat of whoever had been making my little wolf sad. “Why are you scared, Ava? Talk to me.” I command and I see her eyes move to Alpha Jackson and they shake in fear. I feel my Lycan growl in annoyance. She was scared of Alpha Jackson. Why? “I am not scared, My king.” She clears her throat and forces herself to speak. “Sebastian. My name is Sebastian. You do not have to call me that.” I tell her with a warm smile and I see her loosen up as a small smile tugs at her lip. I was happy that she was getting comfortable with me. I didn’t want to scare her as she was weak and small. “What do you think about me, Ava?” I ask and she bits her lips innocently before replying. “I cannot say, My ki- Sebastian. I have only just met you but I must say, you are really tall and your hair is really pretty.” She says, referring to my white hair. I let out a loud chuckle, her words soothing my soul. “Any other thing? How do I smell, Ava?” I ask and her expression changes to a confused one but when she sees that I was being serious, it changes to a sad one and tears brim at her eyes. “It’s… you smell…” She stuttered, unable to form proper words. “Its okay, Ava. I didn’t expect you to know anyways as you do not have a wolf.” I say and her eyes widens in shock and I see fear flashing in her orbs. “King Sebastian.. how did you?” Alpha Jackson asks with a loud voice and the other werewolves present begin to send hateful glares at my Ava. “I have known from the very moment I saw her. How can I not know when she is my mate.” I say aloud and Ava’s head snaps as loud gasps fill the room.
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