Chapter 15 Hot Tubbing

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(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Katherine's POV I finally decided what I'm going to make for us tonight for dinner. So I start by prepping the veggies and meat, slicing them up before I have to start cooking everything. Otto is still outside and working on the hot tub getting it ready for us tonight and man I am excited and that's an understatement. I have never had the luxury of having one of those at my disposal and I'm excited to see how relaxing it really is. I have, of course, heard alot of stories.. but stories and experiencing for yourself are two completely different things for sure. I turn on the music, maybe a little too loud, letting it shuffle through so many genres because I love all music. Music is the only thing that has always been there for me in my time of need no matter how I was feeling at that moment. I will listen to music doing almost anything and feeling almost any way. I'm chopping up veggies and cooking up the meat now since it's just about dinner time at this point. I get all the fixings for some fajitas. I got the tortillas, rice, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream and anything else you would want. Since I have already turned on the music I have been singing along swaying side to side mixing up and stirring everything while dancing around in a fun rhythm air drumming. I swing my hips from side to side as I sing my little heart out. I put 100% into every song because I love them all.. One of my favorite Eminem songs randomly comes on and I go to town rapping, I know every word and I'm proud of it, because it's hard to talk fast like him. I will proudly rap to this no matter how vulgar the lyrics are. I love this because I really don't mind singing and dancing as long as I'm alone, I get self conscious in front of others for sure. But when I'm alone I just let the music take over my body and do what it feels like doing in the moment. I'm finally almost done as I'm singing Aretha Franklin and turn to the side grabbing plates and utensils for us out of the cabinet. Once I turn around I jump so high almost dropping the plates at the sight of Otto sitting at the kitchen counter wiggling his eyebrows at me as he is smiling from ear to ear. My face gets red instantly worse than a tomatoe at this point.. how much did he see? Did he even like what he saw? I try to remember what all I did but at this point it really doesn't matter the damage is done, can't take it back and I'm embarrssed now. My face is still in it's own shade of red as I stare at Otto still in shock. Otto finally decides to say something to break the silence, "What Kitkat? I liked everything I saw and heard.. it was great to see what you would be like when you thought no one else was around. So I definitely didn't want to interrupt." I roll my eyes as I hear his amazing laugh fill the room as I pretend being mad. Otto's POV I'm filling up the hot tub with water after putting the cleaners and everything in there cleaning it all out before I started to fill it up. I just make sure it's all good to go before it needs to sit and heat up. I hear music start playing a little loudly in the house making me smile because I know who is doing that. I'm just glad she feels comfortable enough here to be able to hang out and feel like she can be herself. I'm trying my hardest to make her feel comfortable with me in everyway.. I think it's working especially after our progress with our fun dancing lesson that I can't get out of my head. She sends my mind reeling without even knowing it. She turned me on so much, with her dancing it makes me wonder if she felt the same too. But I don't want to push it, she said she had fun and had a memorable time so that's all that matters to me. I think I can hear her singing over the top of the music and I'm starting to smell food cooking. Wait? Is she making us dinner? Since I'm done with the hot tub for now and just have to wait for it to heat up. I figure I should go in and check things out with Kat and figure out what she is doing. I open the door, walking in shutting the door behind me. I walk in sitting down at the island counter in the middle of the kitchen. I get comfortable as I start to really watch Kat. I don't think she has noticed me here yet. Which is good because I'm loving how much fun she is having on her own. It seems like it doesn't matter what song comes on, Kat knows every one of them no matter what the genre. It's kind of fascinating really. I watch her body sway and move to the different beat of each song as she sings along to every one knowing all the words. I'm in a trance at this point just watching her hips move all around like she has done this this million times. Her hands drum to the beat.. This is fun to watch and I wish she would do that all the time, I would love it. She really knows how to move her body and it's so sexy. It makes me wonder where she learned this or if she just made it up as she went along because she said I was her first dance today. Song after song comes on as she sings every word from, The Eagles, Beatles, Dua Lipa, Bazzi, Prince, Linkin Park, Fiver Finger Death Punch, Disturbed and to Eminem. I figured after knowing every song she would slip up especially with a fast paced rapper like Eminem.. But here she is rapping her sweet little heart out. She innocently raps these vulgar lyrics to herself making me chuckle. I don't know how she can make vulgar lyrics sounds so innocent and girly but she does and it makes me smile so big. What makes me chuckle to myself even more out of everything, is how she can go from rapping Eminem songs to singing Aretha Franklin. I love it though because she has soul in her singing voice. So much soul that it sends chills up my spine when I hear her sing. She grabs the plates and utensils turning around singing as she makes direct eye contact with me. Kat jumps so high, I thought she was going to drop the plates, not knowing I was in the kitchen with her. I wiggle my eye brows at her as I smirk watching her face turn to a whole new shade of red before I decide to say, "What Kitkat? I liked everything I saw and heard.. it was great to see what you would be like when you thought no one else was around. So I definitely didn't want to interrupt." I see her roll her eyes trying to fight her smile as I laugh at her. I really was enjoying the view as much as she thought I was joking by her reaction of rolling her eyes. Kat sets the table for dinner trying to ignore my smirks and giggles, I think to make her feel not as embaressed at the situation. But I won't let her forget it because I loved it and I want her to feel that comfortable with me around. "So where did you learn to dance and sing like that?" I asked her so casually in hopes she won't keep being embaressed about it. "Like what? Did it look weird? Did I sound bad? I just let the music take over my body and do whatever I please honestly. I just love music it's the only thing that gives me complete peace of mind. With my hard situation, that's what I need, is to give myself peace of mind to get through all this without going crazy." She says this so honestly as I humm nodding my head. "No it looked great very hypnotizing and enticing for sure. Along with your singing it is so melodic that I could listen to it all day. You put me into a trance for a moment. But music is such a wonderful way to get away from anything in life. I use music for every mood so I know what you mean.. Sorry for scaring you I thought you heard me come in but obviously not. But dinner smells amazing, thanks for cooking." I say back to her and at this point she is shyly smiling at me. "It's ok I didn't hear you but I had to do something nice for you for everything you have done for me lately. Cooking was the only thing I could think of at the moment." She says still smiling at me as she sets the delicious looking food on the table. "Dont feel like you have to do anything for me because you don't... Kat this looks and smells amazing though!!" I comment trying to make her feel good. It's the little things that are memorable at least for myself. So I really appriciate having a meal made for me by my beautiful lady. Amazing feeling, I could really get use to this. "Well I hope you actually like it.. I'm not use to making food for others so mostly just make what I like.. as bad as that may sound." She says sitting down next to me instead of in front of me. I like being this close to her. We dig into the delectable looking meal, grabbing as much food as we can handle.. We make small talk and joke around while eating until we are completely full. "That was amazing.. thank you so much.. is there anything you're not good at?" I ask with a huge smirk on my face making her smile and roll her eyes as she retorts, "I'm sure there is lots I'm not good at I just haven't tried it yet." She says this as a matter of fact making me smile and nod because she is not wrong. "You want to go see if the hot tub is ready?" I ask her as we both clean up the mess from dinner. I'm scrubbing the dishes and she is drying and putting them away. I was trying to just take care of it myself but she of course couldn't let me do it on my own. Which is a nice almost comforting feeling as silly as that may sound. I know she thinks she was the only one who needed to have someone to be with even if it's running away but I really needed this too. The feeling of knowing that she still wants to be by my side even if it's just doing the dishes is a nice comforting secure feeling. "Yea sure but it's probably cold outside now with it being dark.. is that still OK for hot tubbing?" She asks as she drys the plate and putting it away. "Yes! That's the perfect time to hot tub is when it's cold out. The cold and the hot together makes it so you don't get too hot in the water. The best time to do it is when it's snowing! It's starting to get cold enough for snow but I don't know if it's there just yet. So hopefully we can try it while it's snowing some other time." I say to her with so much excitement in my voice that she giggles and nods at me making me smile even bigger. We finish the dishes shortly after this as I take her hand and we walk through the hallway and out the back door to the back patio. The stars are all out because it's a beautiful clear sky tonight with some chill in the air of course. "Wow it looks like the sky is endless. It's so stunning I mean look at all those stars! With all the trees around I didn't think we would be able to see this many stars honestly." She says still holding my hand as she walks in front of me still staring straight up. "I know I have always loved this place because it makes you feel so far away from everything and that's normally what I needed when I came here in the first place." I say staring up with her taking in all the glimmering shining stars in the deep dark abyss of the night sky. We stare for a moment until I break my gaze to check the hot tub temperature.. It feels just about hot enough.. good enough for me. "I think the hot tub is good to go we can climb in whenever." I say to her smiling as she matches my smile she grabs the bottom of her shirt pulling it off over her head. She tosses her shirt over to the table that's right next to the hot tub. My eyes go so wide. I of course wanted this and won't object to this but didn't expect it. I think she notices my shocked gaze as she smiles and says back to me as she undoes her button on her pants. "I don't have a swim suit, so I figured my underwear would be good enough." She informs me as I nod without really answering. What am I suppose to tell her no she can't wear that? I don't think so.. those see through lace bra and thong is good enough for me I won't object.. ever. I just decide to join her as well taking my shirt off tossing it on the table a little to quickly. I flip my shoes and socks off pulling my pants down with just as much haste as with the shirt. I think Kat notices this because she is smirking at me as she tries to take her shoes off as well. I decide to help her because I know it hurts her to do it herself. I bend down in front of her as I pull her shoes off and slipping her socks off as well. I grab the bottom of her jeans trying to help her pull them off slowly so it doesn't hurt her healing wound. I slip her pants the rest of the way off, setting them with our other clothes on the table. I take the hot tub cover all the way off and setting it to the side. I climb in first. Turning around and extending my hand to her. She takes it without hesitation stepping up the outside steps, until she throws her leg over the edge stepping in with one leg then the next. I just hold her hand making sure she doesn't slip on her way in as I check out her gorgeous almost naked body. The lace is already almost see through leaving very little to the imagination and I'm loving it. I stare at her body for probably too long as I look up and make direct eye contact with her because she saw me gawking. She smiles at me as she slowly lowers herself into the hot tub water. I put my arms out around the top of the the hot tub as I smile at her more. We can still hear the music from inside just not as loud of course as I try to just relax laying my head back and leaving my arms out. Before I even know what's happening Kat is snuggling into my side with my arm around her shoulders. I quickly look up and she is smiling at me a little shyly. I don't object because this is just what I wanted. I push the button for the jets and they pop on instantly scaring Kat making her jump. "Don't worry baby those are the massaging jets for the hot tub.. without the jets it's just a big bath tub, so you have to have the jets!" She smiles at me and nods relaxing back next to me. "Here turn a little facing towards me, like this so the jets hit your back." I say turning her to face me a little more while still sitting beside me. Kat throws her legs over my one leg. I still have one arm around her shoulders as the other hand is now on her legs. I love how natural we are around each other. Nothing feels forced. "So since you have never been in a hot tub before I'm assuming you have never had a massage before..have you?" I ask as I gently rub her legs under the water. "No I haven't but your right this feels amazing. I don't know if I could be anymore relaxed right now." She says laying back even more. "Oh I'm a physical therapist sweetheart I know plenty of massages to help you relax your muscles and I could make you feel so much better than this hot tub ever could. I promise you that. But I'm glad this is working for you for now." I say with so much confidence to her making her smile at me and comment back, "we will have to see and I'll let you know if your as good as you say you are or not."She has a cheeky grin now plastered across her face. "Challenge accepted." is all I say winking back at her. I take the one hand that's already behind her head and grab the back of her neck massaging it firmly but gently in my grip. Her head goes back almost instantly. She closes her eyes and moans in my touch making me smile even bigger already succeeding and I only just started. I turn to the side facing her more as I turn her around so her back is facing me, and pulling her back into me. She just lets me guide her to wherever I want her. I take both of my strong hands and massage her neck and down to her shoulders. I lightly push her bra straps down the sides of her arms, exposing all of her shoulders. I continue my strong relaxing assault on her body, but every now and then I keep getting caught on her bra. I don't care but she obviously does because she stands up still looking away from me, she puts her hands behind her back and unclipping her bra. She makes her way to the edge of the hot tub bending over it exposing the top of her ass in her thong as she throws her bra closer to our clothes. Kat turns around and her beautiful breasts are out as she gets back into the water to obviously warm up. Her n*****s are rock hard as I get a little glimpse of her n****e rings. They are a rose gold colored round ring, that has an opal stone in the middle with some diamonds on each side of the opal stone. She drifts through the water back to me with her breasts half way out of the water so I can still see her n*****s. I can't help but feel like she is doing this for me as she is still staring at me. I try to not embaress myself by drooling at the sight of her. A smirk appears across her face as she gets closer to me making my breathe hitch and heart race at her close proximity in this now very sexy situation. Katherine's POV Otto kept getting caught on my bra during his massage that felt amazing. so I decided to make a very bold move, at least for myself and just take it off throwing it to the side. When I turned around from throwing the bra near our pile of clothes, Otto's turned on but shocked face was very amusing for myself. I like the effect I seem to have on him. I drift through the water back to him as I see his gaze locked on my chest. I smirk at him because of his obvious attention on me. So I decide to glide across the top of the water leaving my breasts slightly out of the water to give him a little more of a view because I like the way he looks at me. I turn around right when I get back to him, scooting my ass back into him. I can feel he is excited to see me and from being in close contact to him. He lets a deep breathe out as he starts to rub my neck, back and shoulders again. He was right he really knows how to relax my muscles in his tantalizing grip. The problem is, this massage is making me want more and I don't want to push anything. I just want everything to go with the flow with him. I'm sure he probably feels the same way. He presses into my shoulders and back with his huge strong hands, making me moan over and over again in pleasure under his touch. His hands feel so good reading my body like braille. I don't even realize how much I'm moaning at this point until Otto gets close to my ear saying, "Man, I love the sound of your moans but if it doesn't stop I don't know how much longer I can control myself before I might have to do something to really make you moan about." he says this in such a husky sexy tone that it sends a shivers down my spine. "I might have to let you." I say this out of no where, without even really thinking.. where is this unknown confidence coming from? My face goes red but luckily with it being night time and in the hot tub I don't think he can tell I'm blushing. He continues rubbing my shoulders until I feel his soft lips on my neck. This action takes my breathe away almost instantly at the chill it sent through me. I lean my head to the side giving him more access to continue this amazing assault on my neck. His hands snake around my ribs and to my breasts where he caresses and grabs gently. This makes me moan in an instant. Otto grabs my hips and turns me around quickly before he crashes his lips to mine. We kiss each other with so much hunger it is almost consuming me as the animal in me wants to take over. I don't know when it happened but I scooted onto Otto's lap at some point during our heated kiss and I'm now straddling him still kissing him so passionately. One of his hands trailed up my back and to the back of my head as the other is on my hip pulling me even more into him if that was even possible. Otto sexually bites my bottom lip making my mouth open as his tongue takes over exploring the inside of my mouth. He tastes so good as our tongues fight for dominance. His hands start to explore all over my body and I'm loving every touch his hands make. My hands start to do the same exploring all over his muscular frame as if they have a mind of their own. Otto stands up almost instantly with me in his arms as I wrap my legs around his waist holding tight so I don't fall. The water cascades down our bodies making me cold almost instantly.. He holds me so close to his body that his body heat is keeping me warm. He easily steps out of the water and down the stairs like it's nothing still holding me tight. "Should we grab our things?" I ask as he walks us past our pile of clothes. "Nope they will be fine here." He says to me with so much haste in his voice, as he opens the house door and shutting it behind us. He bolts up the stairs to our room and bouncing onto the bed with me still in his arms as I squeal I excitement. Otto starts to kiss me again continuing what we started outside. He kisses down my jawline and to my neck. I moan under his amazing touch as his hands are exploring all over once again. But this time his hand leads down my stomach and to my thong. It quickly gets under my thong rubbing over my slit making my body shiver under his touch. He puts his finger into me as he slips it slowly in and out making me moan even louder. He slips a second finger in as he pulls them out then pushes them in. He increases his pace as I throw my head back. He attacks my neck and chest; sucking, nibbling and biting. He takes my breast into his mouth sucking softly as he flicks my n****e with his tongue. This action makes my back arch in pleasure as I try to fight these unknown feelings. Otto continues fingering me still increasing his pace only slightly as I feel something I have never felt before build up inside of me. I try to fight the feeling but I can't it's getting stronger the more he touches me. I want to give into this unknown feeling but I don't know if I should. Otto leans into me as he continues his assault saying with his deep soothing voice. "Baby give into those feelings and just let go.. come on.. c*m for me baby." That's all it takes before he hits the perfect spot making me writh in pleasure underneath him as I moan so loudly letting go of my inhibitions and letting this feeling consume me. Pleasurable feelings take over my whole body, taking my breath away as the ultimate intoxicating feeling fills me up sending chills all over my body. Otto stops his amazing assault kissing me so deeply, before pulling away staring down at me, as he still hovers over me. "How are you feeling baby?" Otto asks me as I smile up at him. "That was amazing Otto.. but um.. shouldn't I take care" I ask so shyly staring up at him. He shakes his head at me. "No..that was so intoxicating to watch and give you that much pleasure that I.. um.. took care of myself, thank you though. I just wanted to make you feel so good. That was so sexy, I just didn't want to push bounderies with you but had to make you feel good." He says kissing me again taking my breathe away. I run my hand through his hair on the back of his head, and my other hand through his beard, kissing him just as deep. This man makes me feel so many amazing things I have never felt before and I never want this fantasy or dream to end ever if I can help it.
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