Chapter 14 Dance Lesson

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Katherine's POV After a fun afternoon of hanging out and eating pizza. I decide to finish cleaning up before hanging out a little more with Otto. I was so close to being done with the cleaning when he came in anyways so it shouldn't take long for sure. This is so different being around someone then it was before when I was just by myself. This whole situation of being on the run has been so lonely for so many years. That I never knew what it could be like or what I was missing out on. I never wanted to involve anyone else in my situation of course, but the fact that I have, has made me a million times happier. I don't know if I would feel better or worse if it wasn't Otto with me. But I'm glad I don't have to find out. He is so much fun and down to earth and we have alot in common that, this combination of having to live together without really knowing each other is almost a perfect fit for me at least. Even when I don't know about something he is so sweet because he doesn't judge me on what I do and do not know. He just tries to understand from my point of view and helps me understand where he is coming from or what he means. It's really refreshing to say the least. So it's been nice I haven't felt self conscious when being with him at all really except for the way I look.. but apparently he likes that. He just keeps telling me how beautiful I am and it's a nice confidence booster for sure. I'm so happy he got unlucky enough to get stuck with me because I'm the lucky one being stuck with him. I never realized how lonely I was until I had someone to share this burden with and now I just want to be with him all the time and no one else. "You did a great job cleaning up in here Kat. That's was nice of you to clean up. I honestly thought you would take my advice and sit back and relax though." Otto says from behind me as I laugh and shake my head. "I don't know if I know how to relax honestly. I have never really had a chance to relax you know? Except for maybe jujitsu because it helps take my stresses out on other do you relax when you want to relax?" I ask curiously because I don't do too much to relaxing because of my current situation understandably except for fighting oh and maybe singing. "Really you don't try to relax ever? Jujitsu is definitely a great way to take stress out but I don't know.. running, singing, dancing.. even hot tubs, movies anything like that. I like to do a little bit of everything." Otto responds still helping me clean up. "Well I use to draw alot when I was in school and it helped me feel better and I have only drawn a little since I have been on the run.. But that use to help sooth me for sure. I do like movies but I honestly don't like going out to the movies because it freaks me out with my current situation.. I'm not a fan of running and I do like to sing when I'm by myself because I'm a little self conscious when it comes to that. I have never been in a hot tub before and I have never danced so I'm sure I wouldn't be good at that honestly."I explain all this probabaly a little too honestly but I would rather fill our relationship with honesty so he knows he can trust me because trust is key in any relationship I would assume. "You draw that's cool do you do anything else paint or anything? What do you like to draw? I'm not too big on running either but it was the only thing that took me away from everything even if it was just for a moment. I love your singing so you should do that more often for sure and we can fix your hot tub and dancing dilemma." Otto responds so casually. "Um the last thing I drew is the one thing I will keep with me forever. It was in inspiration of my mother and in the beginning of this whole f*#ked up situation right as I turned 18.. it's my tattoo. I drew on it for days until I fell in love and went straight to the tattoo shop telling them how I wanted this exact picture on my side to hold with me forever. I have been thinking of other designs as well but nothing else yet and I can't dance I know that since I have NEVER danced before so we can skip that and go straight to the hot tubbing and singing sounds fun to me." I say as I fold a blanket still not looking Otto's way just talking loudly to him as I continue to clean. "Oh that's amazing. I saw it a little this morning as I was staring at all the lines and vines.. why roses if you don't mind me asking? you will have to design me a tattoo I want one for sure. And we are not skipping dancing your amazing at it already and we can always try the hot tub here.. thats what it's for I just have to get it set up for us." Otto says even more casually than before which makes me stop and turn around looking at him. "Sure I'll draw whatever you want me to draw. Roses were my mom's favorite but she liked all of them that's why I left it black and white because of the toxic situation and because of my porcelain skintone I knew it would pop out and hopefully last longer. But I'm not good at dancing. Didn't you hear me before? I have never danced.. and I don't know how that hot tub would feel on my leg injury but other than that sounds like a great plan." I answer again still staring at him in confusion. Otto laughs shaking his head at me as he comments back, "It does look stunning on your skin for sure perfect choice and I think your leg should be fine in the hot tub but if not we can always figure something out.. but for dancing your amazing at it without even knowing it.." he says this stepping closer to me in very close vicinity now. He continues, "Everything you do while using your Jujitsu is dance moves. But with how precise and fast paced you are I think salsa would be your cup of tea. Especially with how well you move with me watching my moves and complimenting me perfectly." "You dance? Could you teach me?" I ask a little curiously staring at him. "I do know alot of dances. It was something I had to learn growing up. I have even been to a ball a couple of times too, for fundraisers with my family. But it would be my pleasure to teach you my lady. We should start with salsa because I really do think you would like that better than anything else." Otto answers as he gets so close that there is almost no space between us. His close proximity makes my heart race and breathe hitch as I stare at him.. He puts his hands on my shoulders moving them around I think trying to get me to loosen up. His hands shoot down to my hips moving them around as I just let him do what he pleases with me because it's sexy the way he moves. "Ok there are only a couple distinct moves for salsa that you need to know and you can add everything else in as you go after. It's better that way. Now rotating your hips is key. Step putting this leg back..good.. now put that leg back where it started before.. good..and then put that leg forward than back to your starting place...good! see you already got it. Your back needs to be straight up and lined up with mine. If I move this way then you move this way.. good.. and your supposed to keep straight eye contact with me. This dance is suppose to be heated, intense, precise dance." I intently listen to him as he says all this. He has his hands leading my bodies movements and my body starts to move on it's own accord with his direction of course. Otto grabs his phone turning on some salsa music loudly as it echos through the empty house. He sets my body straight and puts my hands up in their positions as he grabs one firmly but gently then puts his hand on my hip I think to help lead me. He steps in positioning himself and he is so close to me that he makes my heart do a couple back flips. There is little to no room between us. "Ok you start stepping back and so the same motions as before..good! You have to have your hips almost as if they are locked with mine... like this." he says as he pulls my hips into his as we continue to dance back and forth doing the simple but somehow complicated dance steps. God I'm trying to concentrate but he smells so damn good and seeing him close up as his body moves against mine is just a turn on. But I'm trying to concentrate. I continue to sway my hips with his and concentrate on the moves but his strong hands on my hips squeezing slightly as he directs me with his husky deep voice just gets me so turned on. I love it so much. Get your mind straight and concentrate... I keep having to tell myself as our hips move simultaneously with his now, it's such a natural move with him. "Ok give me your hand again now that you know the main moves put them all together." He says to me as I give him my hand and I put the other on his shoulder as he wraps his other arm around to my back pulling me into him again making my breathe hitch. But I need to breathe.. just breathe.. I would hate to pass out in front of him.. that would be embaressing so let's try to not do that. I step with him and he guides me back and forth and it's almost mesmerizing how naturally we move together simultaneously. "Good see I told you.. You're amazing at it already now we just add things here and there.. to add a little spice by throwing in spins and turns in there... like this." He says as his hand that is already holding mine lifts up as it spins pulling my arm around. I take his lead, taking my hand off his shoulder and spinning then coming right back to the starting position while continuing the steps still following his lead. He does the same spin again without telling me this time I just ended up reading his body language. "Good! Man your such a fast learner... Ok now I want you to stretch out in arms length away from me but still holding onto my arm then rolling back into my hold." I think I understand so I take his lead again spinning out until I'm all the way stretched out in arms length from him. He snaps his arm that starts the roll back into his arms as I end up right back into my starting position where we were continuing through the regular steps. Oh my gosh this is almost as fun as jujitsu is with him. I'm so glad I gave it a straight shot.. best idea ever..Our bodies move so perfectly with each others that it's straight intoxicating even invigorating. If this is what dancing is like I can't wait to see what s*x would be like honestly. Never thought I would be thinking that. "Now you always have to finish with a bang and it's always a dip of sorts. I could do a regular dip but I want to try a spin dip. I'm going spin you and tip you over don't be afraid I won't let you fall just trust me ok?" He says this so softly with his deep voice into my ear that it was instantly soothing sending shivers all over my body. I nod as he smiles at me continuing our dance moves this whole time as he steps back lifting his had up, spinning me quicker than before as I start to tip and fall over but I keep spinning and trusting him. I'm falling and spinning fast, with my hand still in his hand, when I stop on the drop of a dime. I open my eyes from closing them who knows when, and I'm in Otto's strong hold as he stares down at me holding me tight. His face is only inches away as we both are panting staring with so much intensity in our gaze. He closes the little bit of space between us as he kisses me and holding me tighter. I moan almost instantly because this whole dance lesson was sexy as f*#k. I just can't seem to control my body when it comes to Otto. I can hear and feel his chest rumbling it sounds almost like a growl and with how burley he is I wouldn't be suprised. He is like a muscular burley bear and I like it a lot. He just has manly written all over him. He is the straight definition of manly. He is big and burley but holds me so gently in his strong hold. We kiss for a little while until he flips me back up finishing our dance. But man I really didn't want it to end. Otto's POV I knew it. I knew she would be amazing at dancing her body moves so perfectly with mine. When she was spinning back into my arms she looks so graceful and elegant that made her look even more beautiful. Even when she stopped on a dime back into my arms, her hair cascaded and floated around her face effortlessly making it look even more stunning. Her foot work is always intricate and very delicate. She doesn't stomp she glides. I get a fun idea because I love spinning her at this point. "Now you always have to finish with a bang and it's always a dip of sorts. I could do a regular dip but I want to try a spin dip. I'm going to spin you and tip you over don't be afraid I won't let you fall just trust me ok?" I say this to her anxiously awaiting her answer as we continue our steps still dancing. She looks shy but nods at me making me smile instantly that she trusts me enough to do this. I step back lifting my hand up above her and spinning her with my other hand as I bend down with her body as it tilts still holding her hand and keeping my arm around her body but not touching it until I want her to come to a stop. Once I want the spinning to stop, I quickly grab her body stopping her movements instantly staring down at her the whole time. She closed her eyes tight but didn't move still trusting me which makes me so happy she did. If she would have freaked out moving with her fears, she could have messed up me catching her by moving so I'm glad she went with the flow. I see her eyes slowly open locking with my gaze instantly. Those eyes will never get old for me I can tell you that much. Seeing someone with 2 different gorgeous colored eyes is shocking everytime because you are just not use to it no matter how many times you see it. I'll stare at them all day, if she would let me and if I didn't feel like I was being a creeper. We stare only for a moment before I can't help myself as I close the space between us kissing her soft lips again. I thought about them the whole time I was gone I just needed this. She kisses me back instantly as she moans into my lips. It sounds and tastes so good. I purr in my chest loving how she sounds for me and the way she feels in my arms. She is just perfect. I hope she can't tell how excited she got me in our dance when we come back up because I'm going to have to seperate from her soon or I will take her right here right now. I pick her up spinning both of us up. Once we get to the top I seperate from her breaking our kiss as I say, "See I told you, that you were an amazing dancer I thought that you would be after the first sparring we had. Best dance partner ever."I say winking down at her making her blush and say softly. "That's only because I had a wonderful teacher. You're really good at dancing you made it seem so effortless. It was fun to watch you but also to participate.. thank you. You're my first dance too.. How many firsts are you going to get?" she says giggling at me shaking her head. Without thinking I say, "Hopefully all of them." I bite my bottom lip hopefully I didn't push boundaries. It's of course what I want but I don't know if I should have said it out loud. She turns locking eyes with me again. "Hopefully." She says shyly to me walking away back towards the kitchen until she turns around and says back to me, "Thanks for the dance lesson Casanova. It was something unforgettable for sure."She turns around walking into the kitchen and I follow her like a lost puppy. Kat walks into the kitchen as I watch her hips move with each step, grabbing a bottled water opening it and taking a drink. I think she can tell I'm behind her as she turns around, making direct eye contact smiling at me. "You know.. life on the run seems so much better with you around. I was so lonely before and now I'm really not at all. I could run forever if it was just with you." She says a little shyly to me trying to keep eye contact but her face gets red the harder she tries. This comment makes my heart beat so hard to the point I can almost hear it in my ears. I walk across to her standing about a half half foot away from her, as I say back, "There is no one I would rather run away with then you. I don't know how you did this on your own before for so long, but I will make sure it never has to happen again." Those words came out so effortlessly and I felt so smooth saying that to her. Which makes me feel good. "Otto.. you really know how to stun a girl don't you? You always know what to say. I don't know how you always make me feel good and better, but you just do.. I hope me being alone, never has to happen again, just because of you and.. only you. I don't know how I got so lucky that you got stuck with me but I will always appriciate it." She says to me in her gorgeous melodic voice. My body acts as if it's in a trance once again getting closer to her than before as my hand cups her cheek and I say, "I didn't get stuck with you I chose to be here because I knew it would be worth it all." I love how nervous she gets by me being so close to her but she never objects to it either so I always want to do more but I have to resist before I ruin any of her trust. I lean down kissing her softly before I seperate and say. "Um I'll go fill up the hot tub because it takes a little to get warmed up and everything so I'll be back. If you need me I'll be right out back" Katherine's POV I watch him smile at me as he walks away down the hallway and to fill up this hot tub. Gosh he really knows how to get my heart running and flipping. Him getting so close, gets me so nervous but I love him being close it's so confusing but he makes me feel things I never thought I would feel.. ever. So I'm just enjoying it all, and whatever happens, happens. I look at everything he got for food trying to figure out what I'm going to cook us for dinner because I want to do something nice for him, to show him how much I appriciate everything he has done for me so far. He is an amazing guy and I want to show him how greatful I am for his unselfish actions.
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