Chapter 16 Explaining to the Boss

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Unknown POV I'm standing here in a huge office with all wood paneling and black everywhere, decorating this room making it even darker than it looks on the outside going in. Every chair is black leather but I don't think we are welcome enough to be able to even have a seat on the leather couches and chairs. The room is crammed with big meat heads who probably don't have a smart thought in their protein shake filled heads, they just follow instructions like dumb sheep. I'm standing at the center of the room with my best men..uncomfortable as ever in this whole situation because you could cut the anger and tension in the air with a knife. We are being yelled at and threatened by this fat old mafia boss. He is past his prime by a long time but thinks since he has money that he can control everyone. I'm sure most of these men would turn on him in one second flat if he didn't have the money to pay them, just because of the way he treats every single one of them. He is even lucky I'm tolerating his treatment of me and my men because we both know I could kill him in a second but so could he with us right now. He knows this, that's why there are so many guards crammed into this big office making it way smaller than what it really is. He has to get double the men of mine to make sure I don't kill him. I bet I still could..given the chance. But as of right now today is not that day. We will see how this conversation goes to decide if it's going to stay that way. "Your back again but with no Kat?! AGAIN?! How many times do you think I'm going to deal with your insolence? The only reason I have dealt with it for this long is because you're the best at what you do.. supposedly." Here he goes again yelling about this stupid girl. I don't know why he can't just get over her. She is hot but hot doesn't make a mistake ok for him to make, and to keep going for so long? The guy is just making himself look worse and worse the more obsessed with this girl he gets. I decide to retort anyways no matter how stupid I think he is, he is still paying me...for now. "Yes we are back again with no girl. She is gone again just like all the other times.. you should just stop. We have been doing this for years and no luck In getting her. It is just a waste of money and time at this point..." I say stating the obvious but before I can even finish my statement his biggest guy next to me has a gun to my head. So I of course shut up because no way in hell am I going to get killed by this asshole. Or start a all around murder scene because I have my hand on my weapon and I know my guys do too..If anything I'm going to kill him one of these days. "Now who said you would decide or have any say in what I do with my money and time. You're lucky I haven't killed you yet and you should be grateful that I still tolerate your bullshit and financially support it. Unless you think I should just get my guys to kill you and your men right now and hire someone else to find her?" he spitefully says to me from across the room looking so arrogant still sitting in his big comfy chair, with body guards all around because he can't take care if himself anymore.. He wouldn't say that to my face and we both know it.. what a p***y. Everyone in this whole room knows I could take him, man on man, but no this b***h has to have everyone do his dirty work for him not because he doesn't want to but because he can't. "No one YOU could hire would find her and capture her. We can find her over and over again thats not the biggest problem, it's capturing her..but capturing her is a totally different situation. She has gotten better defensively and has beat down or fooled my men one way or another. She almost crashed her bike making such a sharp turn to ditch me in the chase, that she scraped the skin off her leg and kept going and still kicked another one of my men's asses with that hurt leg!.. if she doesn't want to get caught she won't. She even has a guy helping her which you never told us about! We were told she was alone but her boyfriend kicked my guys ass when he wasn't looking and helped her get away when she was in his clutches!" I yell back making sure he knows who he is dealing with. "A boyfriend?.. No she can't have a boyfriend she has been alone for years now! Who is this guy? Do you have any leads on him or her or where they would go?!" The stupid old man asks me frantically as if his life depends on it or something. Which we all know it doesn't. She was just some hot b***h he was given in exchange for this gambling drunks debt.. I don't know why he accepted that as a fair trade for $200,000 when he has spend at least that much just trying to find her. This whole situation is stupid and I can't even baffle why he is still trying to get her. I'm completely annoyed at this point before I decide to snap back at this stupid excuse for a boss. "No! Because she is good at what she does! That's what I'm saying! I have my guys trying to figure out who this guy is and we will go from there." I say rolling my eyes at him because I'm really starting to lose my little bit of patience I have left. "Good! Figure out who this guy is and if you bring me both of them I will double my price. But only if you bring them both alive. I'm going to take care of all the harming here, for her insolence. Are you sure he was helping her? And that they were together?" he questions me as if he cares about her or something when we both know he is just an old pervert that just wants a tight hot peice of ass to have at his disposal. I just don't know why her why not the dozens of other girls we have brought in that look just like her if that's what he is looking for. What the f*#k ever I guess as long as he keeps paying me then maybe I'll consider not throwing him to the FBI wolves. They have been after him for years and are trying to convince me and my men to help them find him and get him in a trap.. but they don't pay even remotely as well as him, hence why I'm here dealing with this idiots rantings and obsessions. But man if he keeps this s**t up I might consider a down grade just to get rid of his ungrateful lazy fat ass. Who does this guy think he is? Of course I know what I'm talking about I don't know why he would even question me at this point. "My guy said that Kat's boytoy beat him up and said he called her baby as he was punching and kicking my guy.. then telling Kat she needed to run for it so they can't get her. So he obviously knows enough about her situation to go to her place and help her when my guy had her in his grip literally." I say still rolling my eyes at him as I continue with informing him about what I do know. "But we are trying to figure out what he was driving at the moment to link it to him.. We got a color and type of car but not a year or license plates.. my guys chased after them in the car as they drove off...My guys barely figured out they were there before it was too late. They only figured it out after killing this old man who was trying to protect Kat, withholding information and trying to give them time to get away I guess. They killed him and heard her screaming from behind the garage that he was trying to keep them out of. They saw her from afar fighting the guy she was with, trying to get back to them to help the old man we were assuming.. but before she could get out of her boytoys hold he threw her over his shoulder and put her into the car we are trying to find, making their escape. So they obviously have some type of relationship going on if he is sticking his neck out on the line for her... This makes things complicated though because that's a second person to fight and capture after we already have had a hard time with just her but maybe this can work in our favor. We can maybe get her because of capturing him if she does care about him. If she does care about him and he is her boyfriend or whatever then maybe we can manipulate her to come with us before we torture him and we won't have to fight her. But that's to be determined. We don't even know where they are at right now, let alone if they have any type of relationship we can use to our advantage." I explain everything I know as he nods at us then asks, "what if they don't have some type of relationship?" he asks with so much hope in his voice. "Thats unlikely with how comfortable they were with each other and the fact that he is helping her run from you which means he knows about you and still sticking his neck on the line.. but hypothetically if she doesn't like him ENOUGH at least... once we capture him she could ditch him and leave again to not be seen for a while. Once again starting our search all over." I answer his inquiry as he nods more at me thinking about everything I have said before responding. "Ok get back out there and keep me updated about everything. Like I said you get both of them to me, it's double the money. Keep that in mind." I nod not saying anything else as he stands up taking his leave with his body guards around him. Mafia Boss POV This has taken way too long to try to get her to me in my presence. They are taking too much time to get her to me that now I'm starting to look like a soft i***t to all of them. I saw the way Julien looked at me telling me to just stop this. He thinks he is so smart and knows everything about everything. He is so arrogant because he is good at his job.. That's the only way anyone tolerates his s**t is because he walks the walk and talks the talk. No one can say otherwise that's why I have to make sure I'm fully staffed evertime he is around. As a bounty hunter he has a certain standard to the way he works and if he is pushed too far he will attack. You can't poke the bear and expect nothing to happen unless you're me and have lots of money to shut him up. That's the only language a bounty hunter knows is money. Money will always talk for me until the day I die. I know I shouldn't have agreed to that deal with that drunk, I don't need Julien telling me that.. but she is a goddess and I can't get her out of my head. When the stupid old man offered her to me I thought that was the stupidest thing ever until he showed her to me with her gorgeous face and stunning different colored eyes, along with her perfectly fit body even then..A rare beauty as he said to me upselling her.Then when he told me she was still pure along with the fight and determination she had made me want her tenfold. For a teen she looked perfect with all her amazing features but man the photos they have brought me of her from all the times they have found her over the years makes me want her even more. She is developing into a stunning woman and she kicks everyone's ass she comes into contact with. She is so strong and independent that's it's so enticing almost invigorating. I could use a woman like that by my side to run everything with me. But I know the only way to get her to me is by forcing her then maybe I can convince her to stay with me eventually. That situation gets more complicated if she has some stupid boyfriend helping her. she won't come to me if she has someone else.. so I will have to get rid of him one way or another. Maybe if I torture him in front of her she will learn to listen and stay in line before it's too late. But she is a wild stallion that's use to running wild so that will be hard to tame her but not impossible. I need Kat because she has the determination that none of the other girls they have brought me have. I need to figure out a way to make her stay with me without completely breaking her. I need her strength and determination at my side, not used against me. The girls they have brought me don't even remotely have the strength my girl Kat has and that's why I can't even pretend they are her because they just crumble instantly and I know my Kat wouldn't do that. Not having any remote fight in their system annoys the hell out of me. I need the challenge and resistance to make this worth it. I remember her determination as she ran out of the room and fooling my men as she took off without regard for anyone but herself and I admired that. I hear all the stories of how she has kicked all of the professional fighters I hired,asses as well. I can't even describe how proud I am about how much better she is at taking care of herself, but it's been too long of this charade so we need to end this and soon before all my men start to really question what I am doing and why. If they figure out I want her for myself to make mine. that's a weakness and they could use it against me if they decide to revolt against me which has always been a possibility because these men only follow the money. Julian's POV We wait until the stupid mafia boss, Luis leaves with his dozens of meat head guards around him 'protecting him'. Once they are all gone we can take our leave the same way we came in with more guards trailing behind us making sure we all leave. we get out of the mansion our meeting was just in and to our escalades that have drivers I them waiting on us. We climb in and sit down to head back to our headquarters to try to figure out who this guy is making things more complicated.. But now we can't even kill him or torture him to get her to come with us because he wants him alive and unharmed.. dammit what a dumbass, throwing away a golden ticket opportunity to get her to us quickly. But of course he has to make s**t complicated like usual. "Man that guy is so f*#king annoying I wish I could be the one to kill that motherf*#ker." my top guy, Kyle says sitting next to me. I smirk at him nodding, "Oh no Kyle if anyone is going to kill that b***h Luis, it will be me but not after I get all the money we can from him. We got to get that girl and her boytoy to him unharmed you hear me? I heard how you were planning on taking advantage of your close situation with her the last time before her boytoy showed up and beat your ass. None of that bullshit. If Luis finds out about anything like that before we get paid we could get killed for it. None of that bullshit Kyle I don't care how hot she is. Your my best guy and I normally let you have what you want but you can't have that." I say sternly to him with so much authority he just stares at me. "I was just bringing her hot ass down a peg, she was hurt and still beat that stupid jackass you sent with me, down so easily. I finally got her in my grip until that asshole came in. I just wanted to finish what I started because her and I have alot of history since I have been chasing her and fighting her since day one. Of course I want to get my d**k wet too but not until after I beat her ass down because she won't go without a fight and you know it." Kyle says with so much spite in his voice.. if I didn't know any better I would think he has a thing for her. "Hmmm so this has nothing to do with your obvious attraction to her then? I think you like the fact that she gives you a run for your money everytime you fight her. How many girls have you had that can put you in your place like that?" I ask staring at him because I think I have this situation pin pointed. I can obviously see what they are attracted to, I'm not blind and a girl that can go punch to punch with me is a hot idea, that I never really thought about before this b***h's file came across my desk. But I think he lets her get into his head and that's why he hasn't been able to get her because she uses this to her advantage to get away. "Whatever man. Who cares if I think she is hot and it's sexy as f*#k fighting with her as long as I can fight her then have fun afterwards I'll be great. I deserve that prize out of everyone and you know it. How many bones of mine has she broke? How many times have I been the one out chasing her for years now? You can't take this prize away from me Julien. You do pay me but I'm getting my own prize if I can." he demands from me as if it's his prize to take.. he might even really feel that way but if Luis finds out he will kill us all before I have a chance to kill him. "Man I understand I really do, but if Luis finds out before we get paid and before we are out of his clutches of the contract he can kill us before we kill him." I say warning him of what this mistake could cause all of us. "He won't find out ever than. I'll kill that old man before he even has a chance to kill us and then we can steal every last bit of money from him afterwards. But I'm getting what I have worked years for and no one will stop me." he says with so much spite and anger that I don't know what to say anymore. I might have to partner up with him to make sure he doesn't get carried away with her again.
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