Chapter 19 Unforgettable

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(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Katherine's POV Otto leads me up to our room by the small of my back. Once I get up there we take the rest of our wet clothes off to get changed into something more comfortable. He puts on another pair of boxer breifs, sweat pants and a t-shirt. He kisses my cheek as he runs down the stairs to make food I'm assuming since we didn't get to eat before, so I'm starving now. I go to Otto's bag as I confiscate one of Otto's Hoodies with nothing under it except a thong because it's big enough on me that it looks like a dress. The length of the Hoodie ends up being right below my ass so I throw on a pair of my knee high socks as well. I prance down the stairs towards the kitchen as I hear Otto moving around into the kitchen making food for us. I'm almost halfway down the stairs when I look up and see Otto's gaze locked on my figure. I smile and prance the rest of of way to him, "I hope you don't mind but I borrowed your hoodie since it's so warm and smells like you." I confess to him as I hug his sweater smelling it. He shakes his head not prying his eyes from me at all as he responds, "I don't mind not at look way better than I do in it anyways so how could I object?" I smile at him as I sweetly ask, "anything I can help you out with baby?" He nods and says, " Of course! You can help me by sitting down, relaxing, and singing to me as I cook for you my love." I like that he called me his love that's so sweet.. who knew I would ever like this kind of attention, but I really do love it from him. That's how I really know I love him is because I love all the s**t that use to bug the hell out of me when other people said it to me. But it's different when it comes to him surprisingly enough. I sit down and turn on some music but putting shuffle on of course because that's the only way I like it. First song is by Khalid 'Outta my head' and of course I sing that to him as I decide to get out of my chair and dance next to him, swaying my hips and grabbing his butt as I dance around him. He grabs my arm snaking down to my hand as he spins me singing the song with me. Next song is one of my favorites for sure by Bazzi 'IFLY' I sing it so loudly as Otto holds my hand, pulling me, then spinning me into his side. Otto grabs me and dips me low bending down with me. He leans in kissing me and when he seperates he sings the lyrics to me, "I f*#king love you." Just hearing that made my heart do so many back flips.. I love hearing him say that it sounds so good coming from him. The next song comes on when we are still in the dip. I start singing it to him softly, it's the song 'It's you' by Ali Gatie. "It's you It's always you If I'm ever gonna fall in love I know it's gon' be you It's you It's always you Met a lot of people But nobody feels like you So please don't break my heart Don't tear me apart I know how it starts Trust me I've been broken before" Otto flips us back up still holding me tight to him as he whispers into my ear, "I promise I won't break your heart, I love you KitKat." He takes my breath away by that one statement. I say softly back, "I'm trusting you fully Otto and giving you my heart please don't break it because ypu won't get another chance.." I say to him. He kisses me so deeply mashing his lips to mine, as he presses me more into his body so there is no space between us. He breaks our intense kiss saying, "Trust me baby." I smile and nod as he lets me go and continues to cook. The next song starts and I sing it dancing around the room grabbing plates and setting up the table as Otto continues to cook and sing the song with me 'Hold on' by Justin Bieber. I dance to the fridge grabbing us some drinks, setting them next to our dinner settings. The next song comes on and surprises me that Otto knows all the words to 'Hawài by Maluma. I didn't even know he could speak another language so hearing him sing it is even sexier than ever. I walk up to him in shock as I watch him singing in Spanish. So I comment to him gaining his attention, "I never knew you spoke Spanish fluently, let alone sang it, that is so sexy." Otto smiles down at me as he continues singing, grabbing my body pulling it into his. He takes my hand in his while the other snakes around my back pulling me closer into him to salsa with me once again. I place my hand on his shoulder again I remember the moves this time from my last lesson so I start to move my hips with his as he continues singing in my ear, he leads me with his body all around the kitchen, as we step backwards than forwards over and over, until he spins me pulling me back into him. We continue the basic steps still and he spins me again as we continue with our dance. This is so much fun when I actually know what I'm doing this time. He spins me all the way out with one hand extended still holding me as he leans over stirring the dinner he is still cooking. Then he whips his arm, spinning me back to him as he catches me and continues to salsa with me pressed close. He is now softly singing in my ear. I don't know what he is saying, I just know words here and there, but God it's so sexy the way his tongue rolls as he sings the words.. this turns me on instantly especially with the close contact and sexy dancing on top of it all. The song ends as he spins me one last time pulling me into him as he smiles down at me saying, "See your a natural at this. Your dancing is so sexy to watch and dance with. I love the way your body moves with mine." "My dancing? No your singing and dancing was sexy as f*#k. You have a soothing voice and I love it."I retort smiling up at him as I bite my lip. "Don't bite that plump lip of yours like that or I'll have to take you upstairs and bite it myself." he says this in his deep sexy baritone of a voice. He says this as if it's some type of threat. I lean in and whisper in the sexiest voice I can muster up, "You can't threaten me with a good time Otto." As I wink up at him placing my hand gently on his chest. "Oh you keep that up Kat and I'll have to show you a great time upstairs." he purrs back in my ear and I respond instantly, "Did you ever think I want you to show me a great time... But not until after dinner because this smells absolutely amazing, then you can show me an amazing time upstairs." I say staring over his shoulder at the food he is cooking in the skillet. He laughs at me and feigns hurt, "You would choose food over my sexy body?" making me laugh so loud as I spat back, "Well that depends how good of a cook you are!..But I don't see why we can't do both. I need some food in my system but I can't deny my need for all of you as well." I didn't even think before saying that.. what is happening to me being around this guy. "God you're so sexy kat..You're lucky I'm starving too or we would be upstairs already." He purrs into my ear sending a chill down my spine. As his hand trails under the hoodie and to my ass grabbing it with more of a possessiveness pulling me into him more, making me so excited about what's to come, because that was sexy as f*#k. " Well F*#k Otto you better hurry up and feed me then." I purr again into his ear as I hear his chest rumble almost purring back. I want this so bad and there is no way I'm containing my urges anymore and I'm making sure he knows this. But of course not until after I eat something. Otto's POV Oh my f*#king God! I'm so turned on right now and I'm suppose to control myself and eat some dinner? I don't know how after that conversation with her. That's not realistic when I just want to take her right here right now. But I have been doing so well at holding myself back from my urges for her and now it sounds like she wants to have s*x with me. To say I'm nervous is an understatement because I'm pretty sure she is telling me she want to give me her virginity tonight by the hints she was throwing out there but I'm not 100% about that. I am so excited for this with her but I just want to make sure this is what she wants before I do this. I don't want her to regret anything with me ever. I take the skillet handle in my hand turning to the table and putting the chili lime tilapia on her plate then mine with the couscous and sautéed veggies on the side. "Oh Otto this really looks amazing.. My goodness are you literally good at everything? You're talented in everyway it's amazing and infuriating at the same time." She says smirking at me making me smile back at her. "Well I didn't have people cooking or doing s**t for me once I moved out so I had to learn real quick." I retort back as I sit down next to her at the table. She has already started eating and is moaning the whole time. The song 'motion' by Khalid comes on and she starts dancing with her upper body and arms swaying to the music as she is eating and it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. She takes a bite and moans as she is dancing again. I can't even eat my food because I'm so enticed by the show in front of me. "That good huh? my food deserves dance moves and moans?"I ask still smirking at her as I set my elbow on the table and put my chin on my fist, staring at her. "Of course it does! That's how you know it's really good. But you haven't even tried yours yet or you would know that it's amazing." She states as a matter of fact. This makes me laugh as I take my fork in hand and eating mine as well. By the time I finally start my dinner she is finishing hers as she stands up from the table. I continue eating as I watch her walk across the kitchen to the sink curiously. She rinses her plate but doesn't wash it. leaving it with the rest of the dirty dishes. She turns around staring at me and she walks backwards saying, "oh man Otto you're not done yet? I guess I'll just have to start without you." My eyes go wide in realization as I see her lifting my hoodie up and off of her body. She takes it off dropping it on the stairs to her sides she continues up the stairs only in a thong and knee high socks. I start shoveling the food into my mouth quickly, hoping I don't choke and die so I can be apart if this with her. Once my plate is cleaned, I leave my plate on the table, booking it up the stairs after her throwing my shirt off then quickly taking off my pants, as they of course get caught on my feet. I hop around the room peeling my socks off and turn around dropping my socks to the ground. She is laying in the middle of the bed with every inch of porcelain skin showing. I pull down my boxer breifs quickly jumping onto the bed as she giggles in anticipation. I take my phone starting music for us to help set the mood and relax the both of us as well. "Took you long enough." She mischievously grins up at me. "Sorry to make you wait my love but I got distracted by the best dinner show I have ever seen in my life. It was enticing for sure." I say down to her as she giggles in my hold. She wraps my cheeks and beard with her small, soft hands crashing my lips to hers. I moan into her lips because man she tastes so good. My hands glide all across her soft skin touching every last inch of her. My lips trails from her lips to her jawline and down to her neck. She moans softly as her hand runs through my hair. I take my kisses down her chest taking her erect n****e into my mouth. I flick it with my tongue as I suck on it making it stay hard as she moans even louder. I caress the other one so it doesn't feel left out, as I trail my other hand down and in between her thighs. Because of her excitement and loving what I'm doing my fingers just slip right in. I rub her clit as I slip my fingers in then out over and over again as her back arches off the bed in pleasure. She moans so loudly begging me, "Otto please." "Are you sure? I don't want you to regret anything with me KitKat." I say back to her with so much worry in my voice, making sure she is ready, I really don't want her to feel like she has to do anything with me. "Baby I could never regret anything with you. I love you, so I am 100% sure I want this with you." She says touching my cheek. I kiss her so passionately as I position myself right at her entrance. "Ok baby this is going to hurt and I'm sorry but just give it a second and it will start to feel better." I say softly into her ear as she nods at me repositioning her legs giving me better access. I grab her hips and push myself into her quickly, popping her cherry instantly as she whimpers in pain holding tightly onto my shoulders. She is holding it so tight she is scratching me but I don't mind because I'm sure she hurts worse right now. I hold her tighter to me as I see a stray tear run down her cheek and I kiss it off of her cheek. "Ok baby let that breathe you're holding in out.. take a deep breathe in and letting that one out as well...good." I instruct her as I start to slowly move in and out of her letting her get use to the pain as it slowly goes away. The whimpers of pain slowly turn into moaning, I'm grunting from how tight she is on me making us both moan as I increase the pace. She starts to arch her back even more in pleasure underneath me as her hands trail all over my body. I increase the pace more as her moans gets louder and louder. Goodness they sound so good as I'm getting closer to my climax. She yells my name as I shove myself deep inside of her making her hit her euphoric peak. Seeing the look of pleasure on her face was so sexy that I pull myself out, pumping my shaft to her euphoric pleasure until I spray all over her stomach. I look down and I can see her chest going up and down so quickly as she pants still staring and smiling at me. I lean down hovering over her as I kiss her gently saying, "Thank you for trusting me enough for tonight, I love you KitKat." "No thank you for helping me really experience love. That was painful but amazing and I'm so happy it was with you." She says back to me making me so happy. I'm sorry I had to hurt her but so glad it was me. I get up off of her, going to the bathroom and filling up the bathtub with hot water. She is going to be in pain and this will help her body relax after the adrenaline has worn off. I help her stand up and I see there us blood on the sheets. I pull them up quickly in hopes she won't notice it or be self conscious about it. She sees the stain on the fitted sheet and gets embaressed. "Otto I'm so sorry I'll buy new ones!" She yells at me in embaressment. "Baby this is what happens the first time and it's ok don't be embaressed. There are extra sheets in the closet it's ok." I try to make her feel better and it looks like it does for a moment. After I'm done quickly changing the sheets, I take her hand and leading her into the bathroom. I slowly get into the bathtub first then spread my legs to give her room to sit in front if me and between my legs. She takes my invitation sitting down in the bath with me. She lays her back on my chest. I lean back letting her lay down on me, relaxing into my hold. I caress her body all over helping her relax even more under my touch. Once I really feel her starting to relax I unplug the bath letting the water drain so we can get into the bed because I'm sure she is exhausted right now and needs some sleep. I pull a towel down from hanging on the hook, wrapping it around her. I hold her bridal style as she snuggles into my chest and arms, completely relaxed after our eventful night. I lay down with her in my arms. She readjusted on top of me still naked as I pull the comforter over us. I'm laying on my back at the point with her naked body halfway in top of me. Her hand is on my chest playing with my chest hair lightly which is somehow delightfully relaxing. Her eyes are closed with her head on part of my chest as well. Her legs are intertwined with mine. My arm is wrapped around her back with my hand holding her ass. Her hand stops playing with my chest hair and I hear her breathing even out. I drift off to sleep thinking about everything that happened today and I couldn't be happier. I'm pretty sure this is the best day if my life. Unforgettable.
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