Chapter 20 The Plan

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Julian's POV I barely got any sleep last night we have been searching for over a week now for Kat and her boy toy and I'm exhausted. I decided to finally take a break and get some sleep. After only being asleep for a short period of time, my phone is going off again echoing in the quiet room. waking me up completely. "This better be f*#king good Kyle I swear to God!" I yell into the phone because I'm f*#king grumpy as f*#k now! I wait for a moment and nothing.. getting impatient because I don't have the time for this s**t, "What is it Kyle?!" I yell again. "Sir we think we found the guy." is all he says to me making me roll my eyes and let out a huff and groan. "F*#k!!!.... Ugh fine! I'll be back there in 15!" I yell hanging up the call, slamming the phone onto the bed I'm still currently laying on. I get out of bed still groaning as I go to my nightstand in the hotel room pulling out a 5hour energy and chugging it. I turn going into the bathroom and get into the shower to help wake me up because I need all the help I can get. Once I get out drying myself off, I get dressed in my normal black button up shirt with my dark blue jeans. I throw my shoes on and jacket leaving my hotel room and getting into my car. I drive to Kat's old apartment. No one has known about Kat leaving so there is a small chance she wants to come back and since she already paid the rent for that month we are using her place trying to find anything on her. I get to the apartment and knocking on the door. The door gets opened for me as I walk in the room to the center, there is a table where all the computers are set up. "Alright this better be good.. tell me what you guys got Kyle." I demand as I stand there impatiently tapping my foot with my arms crossed with authority. Kyle steps up next to me not looking at me but just starts explaining to me, "Ok so we have dug up everything we can on Kat and of course like usual she has no loose ends except for the fact that every week she would donate her check to the hospital. I went there and flirted with the front desk girl to see if she knows anything, come to find out she is an open book. She said Kat has been going there to donate every week for at least 6 months now. I asked her if she had noticed her acting weird or anything to help us find her. I also told her Kat was missing and we were private investigators. She told me she didn't see her enough to know that but that her boyfriend might know. She said his name is Otto and he is a physical therapist at the hospital. She directed me to his office. I broke in when she left me there and there was blood everywhere inside. I think that's where Kat went when she ran from you and hurt her leg in the process. The bottom part of her pants that was ripped off was there on the floor. By the looks of the first aid kit and alcohol out it looks like he fixed her up, now we know how she got fixed up. But also by the looks of the office, it appears he left in a hurry so I'm assuming that's when she left to go to her place that same day, where her and I met up and then he showed up behind us because he probably left after her and quickly by the looks of it. I was of course able to get his name and information going because he is not trained in hiding it like Kat is. We know his name obviously and his job but I found his apartment and his license plate number for us to try to locate. The apartment didn't have anything of significance that I can tell.. The safe he had was empty and he took some clothes but that's it nothing else. The only thing I can find on his background check was the usual, schools, old jobs, and apartments, nothing of significance again. He use to be apart of some rich family but he left them and they don't claim him as their own anymore. So he is practically a lone wolf at this point which won't be hard to take out. The only family he had that claimed him was his grandmother and she died about a year ago leaving her whole inheritance to him along with...2 Vacation homes. I would put money on the fact that they ran to a vacation home first but we don't know which one.. they are both about equal distance away from us, just opposite ways. But we searched for activity on his cards and none but we did see one transaction the day they ran and he pulled a bunch of cash out of his inheritance fund. It's not by either Vacation home but it's closer to this one than any of them. I just vote we send people to both and check it out and see if anyone is staying in one or not." I humm and nod now pacing back and forth as I process all the information given to me. "Ok let's send a guy to each property to just check them out and we will go from there. Good job guys let's finish this once and for all. Get out there now and figure out which place they are at then we will plan a suprise attack." I say instructing them as they get some stuff together. Kyle picks 2 guys to send out giving them instructions, "Ok don't let them know your there we just need to figure out which place they are at and then we will go from there. If they find out your there, they will run and I will kill you myself. So just go there to see if they are there check out the property for any recent use or not and then call us first, then come right back." They both nod and run out the door and out of the building.. They take off in opposite directions on motorcycles. "Someone go get me some food I'm starving!" I demand and one of the guys takes off out of the room quickly.. because he knows who I am and what I can do so he won't mess with me or even make me ask twice. I flop down on the couch waiting for my food and to hear back. This is going to be a long day. Kyle's POV It's been a long day of waiting to hear back from the guys we sent to the two different properties in hopes to find Kat there. I sent our boss back to his room for more sleep so he didn't kill any of our extra guys right now, as I await the calls. It should be anytime within the next hour or so because each property was about 8 hours or so away and it's been a little over 8 hours. So here I am just waiting anxiously. I hear my phone ring and I quickly pick up the call. "What do you have for me?" is all I say to him. He responds instantly, "it doesn't look like anyone has been here to the east property in a while. I don't see anything around here making it look like they even stopped through. It's got to be the other place." he says to me and I respond, "Ya that's probably what it means but I'll wait and confirm before we make any moves. Good job get yourself some food on me and make your way back so we can plan this attack, we will need you." I say back to him as I hear his reply, "yes sir thank you " as he hangs up. We don't actually need him by any means, but I like staying on my guys good sides just in case.You never know when loyalty of the team will be key in a situation. I sit and wait for the next call. It's been about 10 minutes until I get another call. "What do you have for me?" I ask impatiently since we probably already know the answer, I just want to confirm it. "There is a guy and girl here I'll send you pictures but I think it is her." he responds before there is a pause and then I hear my phone beep. I open up the message showing pictures and what I see makes me so livid beyond belief. The first picture is from the kitchen window and that douchbag Otto is holding her close to him with her in just a sweater looking sexy as f*#k, It looks as if they are dancing, by the looks of their stance they are in. The next picture is her spinning with a huge smile on her face.. The next looks like he might be singing to her while he is cooking. What the f*#k! I scoff to myself at that douchebag being Mr.F*#ing Perfect to her, real men aren't like that and treating their ladies like that whether she wants to believe his lies or not.. But what pisses me off the most about all these pictures is how happy she looks in his arms, I want her and I don't want anyone else to have her this is bullshit. I wasn't even planning on giving her to that stupid old man..I was planning on killing him and taking her and his money. Every picture I have ever seen of her from before she was always alone and sad looking but always determined and I loved that determined look on her face. It's the same look she gives me when she is fighting me.. But with these pictures she actually looks happy, and I hate that it's that douchbag making her happy. It could have been me eventually.. maybe..I'm not really the relationship type but she is the only girl who has struck my interests at all.. I would maybe give it a shot for her. The next couple pictures are them dancing around the whole kitchen until I see the last picture and it's that Otto guy dipping her while kissing her. She couldn't look happier. I clear my throat trying to regain my tough composure before I say, "yes that's her good job get yourself some food on me and head to a hotel and wait for us to get there out of sight." I say to him hanging up instantly after my comment. I look again at the pictures again almost sulking as I stare at them, before I call the boss to wake him up and get yelled at by him again.. here we go. I call and the phone rings once...twice.. until I hear him pick up, "What did you find out?" That's weird not getting yelled at when it comes to his sleep. Normally that's the one time he always yells at whoever. "Yes we have located them and he confirmed it by sending pictures.. I'll send them to you just head over whenever and we will get started on the plan to our suprise attack." I said as I hear him humm and I hang up the call sending him the same pictures I was just sent. Julian's POV I take a look at the pictures that were sent by my number one guy Kyle. He always gets the job done right that's why he has stayed my number one guy. But this case after all these years has taken a toll and I can tell he likes that Kat girl. I don't blame him she is a great catch but she is not ours she is someone else's and he is starting to cross lines and break rules and push boundaries when it comes to her. He even gives me the feeling that he won't give her up to that guy.. I'm honestly preparing myself for him to try to kill Luis for her because he doesn't look like he wants to give her up no matter how much money they will pay us. But it's ok I have a back up plan I have been taking care of by myself on the side to make sure everything goes the way I want it to. Which means me getting paid and surviving. I hope my guys survive but I'm not here for them I can get more of them afterwards if anything does happen. Just trying to be as prepared as I can for myself. I decide to call Luis to inform him about what we do know about Kat and our plans thus far. I call hearing the phone ring once and that's all before he picks up. "You better have some good news if your calling me right now." Is all I hear from him as I roll my eyes and respond." Yes of course I do.. we found them because the guy didn't cover all his tracks like Kat we just confirmed their location with pictures which I will send you after our phone call. But we are getting ready to put together our plan of attack since they still have no idea we are on to them. But we are going to suprise attack and hopefully get the guy first and use him to make her stay and not fight us too much but we both know she will fight us, because she always does.. just hopefully not too much.. and by the looks of the pictures I don't think she will run and ditch this guy when we get there which is good." "Yes! Now that's the kind of news I like to get and remember bring them both to me alive and I will pay double!" He yells with so much excitement in his voice. "Of course we will do our best but we never know 100% sure because we know for a fact he will fight for her because of the first encounter with us and she will fight too like she always does. But I will do everything in my power to make sure we get both of them to you alive." I say with some reassurance in my voice. "Good you better! Now send me those pictures and get the plan going so I can finally have her after all this time." he says hanging up the phone call on me making my eyes roll. I forward him the pictures I was sent of Kat and that guy.. I can't remember his name..! That's it Otto. I sit up in my bed and get dressed and ready to go to plan out this whole attack with my guys so we can finally be done with this stupid paid order. Luis' POV I can't tear this smile from my face because I think I will finally get my girl. Which I have been waiting so long for and getting tired of waiting. I hear my phone ding over and over again so I open up the message from Julian and it's 5 pictures of Kat and that peice of s**t boytoy of hers. She is dancing with him from the looks of the pictures and she is in almost nothing dancing with him looking happier than ever. It makes me so happy to see that genuine smile of hers but I hate the fact that he is the one who makes her smile like that. I want to make her happy like that but it's ok I'll use him to my advantage and make sure she will listen to me and obey my every command like she should already be doing. It will be a tough process but I know I can do this. I continue to look at the pictures of her and just trying to avoid him in every picture. I just stare at her looking so stunning and happy. That is until I get to the last picture where he is dipping her and kissing her at the same time. I just want to kiss her like that and I can't wait to have her all to myself, to do what I want,when I want, I can't wait. I look down under my desk still hearing and feeling this captive suck on me but she is doing an awful job so I slap the girl in the face. She looks just like Kat but doesn't act like her at all so I just pretend it's her to myself so I can actually get off. "Hurry it up suck harder and faster.. use your hands have you never sucked a d**k before! s**t! your taking too long!" I yell at her as she continues to cry and suck my d**k but that's doesn't help she is just making it worse. So I slap her again yelling at her, "get the f*#k out of here! You're useless!" She continues to cry as she gets up and runs out the door to my office. I groan running my hands through my hair in frustration I'm so tired of not having Kat here I can't wait for them to get their plan underway. I need her here with me and now. "Sir shall I send in another girl?" my guard asks from the door after seeing the other girl running away crying. "Yes! thanks!" I say waiting impatiently for him to come back with another of the Kat look alikes that we didn't kill. She slowly walks into the room as I scoot out from my desk with my d**k still out. I yell at her because she is taking too long to get over here, "Hurry the f*#k up! Get over here and suck me off before I kill you." She walks over quicker than before getting down and starting, as I stare at Kat's pictures of her looking so happy. I imagine it's her doing this to me and then after not too long I grab her head holding it in place as I shove myself deeper into her throat until I spray into the back of her throat. She chokes a little but I don't care, I feel a little better now. I send her away as I put myself away and continue to stare at the pictures they sent me. Julian's POV I arrive at the apartment knocking as they opened the door for me without hesitation because I get pissed when I have to wait for anything like that. I walk in towards the main area where all the computers are set up. Kyle has the view from above the property already set up so we can get a plan going on how to get her. But I notice he looks pissed I wonder what happened to make him this mad. I have been around him for years and can almost always tell when he is pissed whether he is trying to hide it or not. I just decide to watch him and maybe I can figure it out on my own without asking him about it. He points at the map showing where we should hide some of guys. We are taking all of the guys with us to make sure we get them. She is not getting away this time if we can help it. Even if she runs we have guys set outside waiting for her as well. I will be inside with the main crew making sure they don't get out of hand so we can get both of them and get paid for them. Whether Kyle wants to keep Kat, she is not for him and I'll do everything I can to make sure she is safe so I can get paid. Money is the only language bounty hunters know. Not even loyalty.. I would stab Kyle in the back to make sure I get paid because he is only thinking of himself and what he wants right now and us getting paid for Kat would benefit us all not just him. Kyle puts the pictures of the two of the targets on the screen and that's when I really see his anger coming out. It might not be as obvious to anyone else but I have worked with him for years and know him all too well mostly because I'm good at reading people that's why I'm do good at this job.. I look around Kyle and it's the picture of that Otto guy holding Kat and she looks so happy in his hold. I think Kyle is actually jealous of that Otto guy. He must actually have some type of feelings for Kat, I thought he just wanted to have his way with her and that's it, but with his jealously showing through I think he actually wants more with her suprisingly enough. Kyle sounds spiteful as he explains to the guys about Otto and what to do with him to restrain him as we get Kat. It's key that we get him first so we can use him as bait for Kat. Kyle makes sure to warn everyone how he is the one to get Kat and no one else unless he asks for help. Once the plan has come together, we start to pack up all of our stuff as we get everything ready to go and ready for this raid. I make sure my guns are loaded and safety is on. I hook them up to my person in their holders and grab my lucky knife making sure it's secure as well. I grab extra bullets because you never know if we will need these or not. We will be trying hard to not use these but we have them in case we do need them. After everything is good to go we eat and get some rest to make sure we are ready for the long day to come tomorrow. We leave early and I mean early to catch them off guard.
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